danbeam added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp:2353
+  // expressions?
+  if (Line->Tokens.size() < 5)
+    return false;
mprobst wrote:
> There's a `startsSequenceInternal` on `Line` that might come in handy here?
it wasn't on `Line` and unfortunately some of the state that `startsSequence` 
relies on isn't set up yet (at least as far as I know, I'm in a foreign land)

Comment at: lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp:2362
+  ++I;
+  if (I->Tok->isNot(tok::l_paren))
+    return false;
mprobst wrote:
> One more - do we want to support IIFEs that take arguments?
> ```
> (function(global) {
>   ...
> }(window));
> ```
"Less is more"

Comment at: unittests/Format/FormatTestJS.cpp:371
+TEST_F(FormatTestJS, IIFE) {
+  verifyFormat("(function() {\n"
+               "var a = 1;\n"
mprobst wrote:
> consider adding a test with comments between the tokens (which should work 
> with `startsSequence`).
not done yet, but seems uncommon.

do you want me to add a FIXME?


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