baloghadamsoftware added a comment.

In, @NoQ wrote:

> Then, in methods that deal with iterator `SVal`s directly, i wish we had 
> hints explaining what's going on in these ~7 cases. In my opinion, that'd 
> greatly help people understand the code later, and it'd help us understand 
> how to avoid this variety and provide checker authors with a better API as 
> soon as we get to this, so it's the biggest concern for me about this checker.

I am not sure which method do you mean? I think here the crucial functions are 
the setIteratorPosition() and the getIteratorPosition() functions which provide 
a common way to handle all these SVals.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/IteratorChecker.cpp:166-167
+static llvm::APSInt Zero = llvm::APSInt::get(0);
+static llvm::APSInt One = llvm::APSInt::get(1);
NoQ wrote:
> I've a bit of doubt about those. Would they call their constructors every 
> time clang starts, regardless of whether the analyzer or the checker is 
> enabled? Maybe having them as private variables inside the checker class 
> would be better?
> As in
Not needed in this patch. I delete them from here.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/IteratorChecker.cpp:219
+  OutOfRangeBugType.reset(
+      new BugType(this, "Iterator of out Range", "Misuse of STL APIs"));
+  OutOfRangeBugType->setSuppressOnSink(true);
baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > Before we forget: Range -> range. As we've noticed recently in D32702 :), 
> > we don't capitalize every word in bug types and categories.
> Agree.
Also "out of" instead of "of out" :-)

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/IteratorChecker.cpp:294-297
+    // Assumption: if return value is an iterator which is not yet bound to a
+    //             container, then look for the first iterator argument, and
+    //             bind the return value to the same container. This approach
+    //             works for STL algorithms.
NoQ wrote:
> baloghadamsoftware wrote:
> > NoQ wrote:
> > > I guess this deserves a test case (we could split this out as a separate 
> > > feature as well).
> > > 
> > > I'm also afraid that we can encounter false positives on functions that 
> > > are not STL algorithms. I suggest doing this by default only for STL 
> > > functions (or maybe for other specific classes of functions for which we 
> > > know it works this way) and do this for other functions under a checker 
> > > option (i.e. something like `-analyzer-config 
> > > IteratorChecker:AggressiveAssumptions=true`, similar to `MallocChecker`'s 
> > > "Optimistic" option).
> > I will check whether this piece of code could be moved in a later part of 
> > the checker. However, I suggest to first wait for the first false positives 
> > before we introduce such an option. This far the false positives in my 
> > initial tests had different reasons, not this one.
> Unfortunately, we've had a poor experience with this approach in other 
> checkers. You never know, and it seems that it's always better to have a safe 
> fallback mode available under a flag, because if a few classes of false 
> positives are found, and we are forced to reduce the checker to a safer 
> behavior, it'd be hard to remember all the places where unsafe heuristics 
> were used.
I think this heuristic is well marked by the comment, easy to find if it causes 
false positives. When I started working on Clang (Tidy first) reviewers 
discouraged me to add options before experiencing false positives.

Comment at: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/IteratorChecker.cpp:323-324
+void IteratorChecker::checkLiveSymbols(ProgramStateRef State,
+                                       SymbolReaper &SR) const {
+  // Keep symbolic expressions of iterator positions, container begins and ends
NoQ wrote:
> This callback is currently untested as well. I'm doing this bit of manual 
> "mutation testing" by removing pieces of code and re-running tests because 
> not only we'd rather keep every commit self-sufficient, but also we'd rather 
> make sure we didn't forget anything, which is much easier to do 
> patch-by-patch.
OK, removed from the first patch.

Comment at: test/Analysis/iterator-range.cpp:1-2
+// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -std=c++11 
-analyzer-eagerly-assume -analyzer-config c++-container-inlining=false %s 
+// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -std=c++11 
-analyzer-eagerly-assume -analyzer-config c++-container-inlining=true 
-DINLINE=1 %s -verify
NoQ wrote:
> Could we add run-lines without `-analyzer-eagerly-assume`? Currently all 
> variants are passing, but if new tests will fail, we could `#ifndef` them out.
In my first checker Anna suggested to always use this option. She also wrote 
that she plans to remove possibility to execute the Analyzer without eagerly 

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