@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void f(int x, int y, int z) {
   if ((a<y) != -1) {}// expected-warning {{comparison of constant -1 with 
boolean expression is always true}}
   if ((a<y) == z) {} // no warning
-  if (a>y<z)      {} // expected-error {{comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' don't have 
their mathematical meaning}}
+  if (a>y<z)      {} // expected-error {{comparisons like 'a > y < z' don't 
have their mathematical meaning}}
AmrDeveloper wrote:

Yes, I got your point also it will not be great with large expressions :D, I am 
thinking should we change the message to be different or just the old one with 
actual operators 🤔

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