@@ -2958,6 +2958,8 @@ defm clangir : BoolFOption<"clangir",
   BothFlags<[], [ClangOption, CC1Option], "">>;
 def emit_cir : Flag<["-"], "emit-cir">, Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option]>,
   Group<Action_Group>, HelpText<"Build ASTs and then lower to ClangIR">;
+def emit_cir_mlir : Flag<["-"], "emit-cir-mlir">, Visibility<[CC1Option]>, 
bcardosolopes wrote:

I wasn't aware of the conflict with `emit-mlir` for the flag, bummer. That 
changes how we should do things in the incubator and make it easier for 
upstreaming. If we add the `_EQ` version of the flag I guess it's not hard to 
redirect the flat `-emit-mlir` to expand to `-emit-mlir=<...>` with the proper 
FIR / CIR or MLIR dialect style in question.

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