@@ -149,22 +149,23 @@ _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ void 
__gpu_sync_lane(uint64_t __lane_mask) {
 // Shuffles the the lanes inside the warp according to the given index.
 _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ uint32_t
-__gpu_shuffle_idx_u32(uint64_t __lane_mask, uint32_t __idx, uint32_t __x) {
+__gpu_shuffle_idx_u32(uint64_t __lane_mask, uint32_t __idx, uint32_t __x,
+                      uint32_t __width) {
   uint32_t __mask = (uint32_t)__lane_mask;
-  return __nvvm_shfl_sync_idx_i32(__mask, __x, __idx, __gpu_num_lanes() - 1u);
+  return __nvvm_shfl_sync_idx_i32(__mask, __x, __idx,
+                                  ((__gpu_num_lanes() - __width) << 8u) | 
Artem-B wrote:

IIUIC, the `0x1f` replaces the original `__gpu_num_lanes() - 1u` and assumes 
that the warp width will never change.
The bits 8-12 contain "mask for logically splitting warps".

How exactly does `(__gpu_num_lanes() - __width)` create a mask? AFAICT it will 
only work when `__width == __gpu_num_lanes() ` and the value is 0, or if `width 
== 1` which does make a mask for the `__gpu_num_lanes()`, but I don't think 
that's the intent.
Was it supposed to be `((__gpu_num_lanes() - __width) - 1) << 8u` ? But that 
would not be right either, as then with the default `__width == 
__gpu_num_lanes()` we'd end up with `(0-1) << 8` and have all upper bits set.

Either I'm confused, or the code as written has a bug.

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