@@ -929,7 +936,7 @@ def ObjCXX : Flag<["-"], "ObjC++">, Flags<[NoXarchOption]>,
 def ObjC : Flag<["-"], "ObjC">, Flags<[NoXarchOption]>,
   HelpText<"Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs">;
 def O : Joined<["-"], "O">, Group<O_Group>,
-  Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option, FC1Option, FlangOption]>;
+  Visibility<[ClangOption, CC1Option, FC1Option, FlangOption, CL2000Option]>;
DragonDisciple wrote:

The C2000 compiler accepts '-o<n>' or '--opt_level' to define the optimization 
level as well.

This overlaps with clang's -o <file> outfile specification, so there would need 
to be some sort of translation from TI's --output_file to clang's -o. Perhaps 
parsing the option would be enough, since there is no output from clangd?

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