@@ -547,11 +547,9 @@ void 
WarningsSpecialCaseList::processSections(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) {
     StringRef DiagGroup = SectionEntry->getKey();
     if (Diags.getDiagnosticIDs()->getDiagnosticsInGroup(
             WarningFlavor, DiagGroup, GroupDiags)) {
-      StringRef Suggestion =
-          DiagnosticIDs::getNearestOption(WarningFlavor, DiagGroup);
-      Diags.Report(diag::warn_unknown_diag_option)
-          << static_cast<unsigned>(WarningFlavor) << DiagGroup
-          << !Suggestion.empty() << Suggestion;
+      // If a diagnostic group name is unknown, simply ignore the
kadircet wrote:

it's intentional to emit these warnings so can we keep that but rather make 
sure we do respect rest of the warning options?

we can do that by moving 
 past processing of other warning flags.

in addition to that, we should propagate `ReportDiags` into 
`DiagnosticsEngine::setDiagSuppressionMapping` and not emit warnings when it's 
set to false (to prevent double emitting in driver & cc1).

this is more of a FR, but we should also use source-manager and attach 
source-location to these warnings.


I am happy to do these changes myself, as they're more involved then what's in 
this PR currently. PLMK if you'd prefer that.

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