bruno accepted this revision.
bruno added inline comments.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Comment at: lib/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:1873
     vfs::directory_iterator I = FS->dir_begin(State->top()->getName(), EC);
-    if (EC)
+    if (EC && EC != std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)
       return *this;
ributzka wrote:
> bruno wrote:
> > Can you add a comment explaining why you are doing it? I would prefer if we 
> > reset the `EC` state here than having the callers ignoring `EC` results.
> If we reset the EC here, then the caller won't know that there was an issue. 
> The idea is that we still want the caller to check EC. It should be up to the 
> caller to decide how to act on this particular error.
> I guess since the caller has to check for the error anyway I could even 
> remove this check completely and not check EC at all here.
Right, this should be fine with the latest changes and per discussions offline. 

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