Hi Akira,

Thank you very much!  Please let me know if I need to take any further steps 
beyond this email to cfe-commits in order for the patch and the unit test to be 



> On Mar 9, 2017, at 4:46 PM, Akira Hatanaka <ahatan...@apple.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> The patch looks good to me.
>> On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Lobron, David <dlob...@akamai.com> wrote:
>> Hi Akira,
>>> My concern is that the patch changes the encoding of @encode(id<NSObject>) 
>>> on Darwin, which I think isn’t what you are trying to fix. If you compile 
>>> the following code with command “clang -cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-macosx”, 
>>> the type encoding changes after applying the patch.
>>> const char *foo() {
>>> return @encode(id<NSObject>);
>>> }
>>> It seems like you can fix your problem without affecting Darwin by passing 
>>> an extra argument to getObjCEncodingForType, just like 
>>> CGObjCCommonMac::GetMethodVarType does.
>> Ah, thanks- I understand now.  Yes, this change seems a lot safer, and I 
>> verified that it passes my test.  I've attached my new patch file, and I've 
>> also attached the test again.  Please let me know if this works for you or 
>> if you think it needs any additional work.
>> --David
>> <CGObjCGNU.cpp.patch><ivar-type-encoding.m>

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