vlad.tsyrklevich updated this revision to Diff 90868.
vlad.tsyrklevich added a comment.

Updated with the documentation update from @NoQ



Index: test/Analysis/taint-generic.c
--- test/Analysis/taint-generic.c
+++ test/Analysis/taint-generic.c
@@ -169,6 +169,43 @@
   sock = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   read(sock, buffer, 100);
   execl(buffer, "filename", 0); // no-warning
+  sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  // References to both buffer and &buffer as an argument should taint the argument
+  read(sock, &buffer, 100);
+  execl(buffer, "filename", 0); // expected-warning {{Untrusted data is passed to a system call}}
+void testStruct() {
+  struct {
+    char buf[16];
+    int length;
+  } tainted;
+  char buffer[16];
+  int sock;
+  sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  read(sock, &tainted, sizeof(tainted));
+  __builtin_memcpy(buffer, tainted.buf, tainted.length); // expected-warning {{Untrusted data is used to specify the buffer size}}
+void testStructArray() {
+  struct {
+    char buf[16];
+    struct {
+      int length;
+    } st[1];
+  } tainted;
+  char buffer[16];
+  int sock;
+  sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  read(sock, &tainted.buf[0], sizeof(tainted.buf));
+  read(sock, &tainted.st[0], sizeof(tainted.st));
+  // FIXME: tainted.st[0].length should be marked tainted
+  __builtin_memcpy(buffer, tainted.buf, tainted.st[0].length); // no-warning
 int testDivByZero() {
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RegionStore.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RegionStore.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RegionStore.cpp
@@ -494,6 +494,11 @@
     return getBinding(getRegionBindings(S), L, T);
+  Optional<SVal> getDefaultBinding(Store S, const MemRegion *R) override {
+    RegionBindingsRef B = getRegionBindings(S);
+    return B.getDefaultBinding(R);
+  }
   SVal getBinding(RegionBindingsConstRef B, Loc L, QualType T = QualType());
   SVal getBindingForElement(RegionBindingsConstRef B, const ElementRegion *R);
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/GenericTaintChecker.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/GenericTaintChecker.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/GenericTaintChecker.cpp
@@ -65,6 +65,18 @@
   /// and thus, is tainted.
   static bool isStdin(const Expr *E, CheckerContext &C);
+  /// This is called from getPointedToSymbol() to resolve symbol references for
+  /// the region underlying a LazyCompoundVal. This is the default binding
+  /// for the LCV, which could be a conjured symbol from a function call that
+  /// initialized the region. It only returns the conjured symbol if the LCV
+  /// covers the entire region, e.g. we avoid false positives by not returning
+  /// a default bindingc for an entire struct if the symbol for only a single
+  /// field or element within it is requested.
+  // TODO: Return an appropriate symbol for sub-fields/elements of an LCV so
+  // that they are also appropriately tainted.
+  static SymbolRef getLCVSymbol(CheckerContext &C,
+                                nonloc::LazyCompoundVal &LCV);
   /// \brief Given a pointer argument, get the symbol of the value it contains
   /// (points to).
   static SymbolRef getPointedToSymbol(CheckerContext &C, const Expr *Arg);
@@ -423,6 +435,27 @@
   return false;
+SymbolRef GenericTaintChecker::getLCVSymbol(CheckerContext &C,
+                                            nonloc::LazyCompoundVal &LCV) {
+  StoreManager &StoreMgr = C.getStoreManager();
+  // getLCVSymbol() is reached in a PostStmt so we can always expect a default
+  // binding to exist if one is present.
+  if (Optional<SVal> binding = StoreMgr.getDefaultBinding(LCV)) {
+    SymbolRef Sym = binding->getAsSymbol();
+    if (!Sym)
+      return nullptr;
+    // If the LCV covers an entire base region return the default conjured symbol.
+    if (LCV.getRegion() == LCV.getRegion()->getBaseRegion())
+      return Sym;
+  }
+  // Otherwise, return a nullptr as there's not yet a functional way to taint
+  // sub-regions of LCVs.
+  return nullptr;
 SymbolRef GenericTaintChecker::getPointedToSymbol(CheckerContext &C,
                                                   const Expr* Arg) {
   ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
@@ -438,6 +471,10 @@
   SVal Val = State->getSVal(*AddrLoc,
                             ArgTy ? ArgTy->getPointeeType(): QualType());
+  if (auto LCV = Val.getAs<nonloc::LazyCompoundVal>())
+    return getLCVSymbol(C, *LCV);
   return Val.getAsSymbol();
Index: include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Store.h
--- include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Store.h
+++ include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Store.h
@@ -59,6 +59,30 @@
   /// \return The value bound to the location \c loc.
   virtual SVal getBinding(Store store, Loc loc, QualType T = QualType()) = 0;
+  /// Return the default value bound to a region in a given store. The default
+  /// binding is the value of sub-regions that were not initialized separately
+  /// from their base region. For example, if the structure is zero-initialized
+  /// upon construction, this method retrieves the concrete zero value, even if
+  /// some or all fields were later overwritten manually. Default binding may be
+  /// an unknown, undefined, concrete, or symbolic value.
+  /// \param[in] store The store in which to make the lookup.
+  /// \param[in] R The region to find the default binding for.
+  /// \return The default value bound to the region in the store, if a default
+  /// binding exists.
+  virtual Optional<SVal> getDefaultBinding(Store store, const MemRegion *R) = 0;
+  /// Return the default value bound to a LazyCompoundVal. The default binding
+  /// is used to represent the value of any fields or elements within the
+  /// structure represented by the LazyCompoundVal which were not initialized
+  /// explicitly separately from the whole structure. Default binding may be an
+  /// unknown, undefined, concrete, or symbolic value.
+  /// \param[in] lcv The lazy compound value.
+  /// \return The default value bound to the LazyCompoundVal \c lcv, if a
+  /// default binding exists.
+  Optional<SVal> getDefaultBinding(nonloc::LazyCompoundVal lcv) {
+    return getDefaultBinding(lcv.getStore(), lcv.getRegion());
+  }
   /// Return a state with the specified value bound to the given location.
   /// \param[in] store The analysis state.
   /// \param[in] loc The symbolic memory location.
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