owenca wrote:

> > If we were to add // clang-format off-next-line, would "next line" mean the 
> > next physical or logical/unwrapped line?
> I would expect it to apply only to the physical line, similar to how other 
> formatters work. However, the main concern doesn’t seem to be about its 
> behavior but rather about extending clang-format directive with new options 
> at all.

This is an essential detail missing from the description of the proposed option 
for us to accept a new option and review the patch.

> From my perspective, these options are just additional ways to control 
> formatting and give users more flexibility. These options aren’t intended to 
> eliminate `clang-format` usage, and based on user feedback on the issue, it 
> seems there are cases in which these options are useful. For 
> [instance](https://github.com/athomps/lammps/blob/ceb9466172398e9a20cb510528b4b17f719c7cf2/src/set.h#L15-L17),
> ```c++
> // clang-format off
> CommandStyle(set,Set);
> // clang-format on
> ```
> vs
> ```c++
> CommandStyle(set,Set); // clang-format off-line
> ```

For simplicity and clarify, I might accept a lone comment above the (physical) 
line to be skipped by clang-format, but not a trailing comment.

> If these options introduce significant complexity that could lead to 
> regressions without improving the development experience, I believe the 
> discussion should be wrapped up, and both the PR and issue should be closed. 
> Otherwise, it would be helpful to continue the discussion in the issue to 
> gather more insights into why users need these changes. Does that make sense?

I’m fine with continuing the discussion in the GitHub issue, but I’m still with 
@mydeveloperday on this one.

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