phoad107185 wrote:

> > I struggle with changes that encourage people to not be fully 
> > clang-formatted, I would prefer to ask why we need this feature, can we 
> > have some examples of where this would be used?
> This makes it so only one line isn't formatted instead of the current 
> solution which is 2 lines unformatted. Additionally, if you start writing 
> code in between the unformatted region you inherit the unformatted scope. 
> Being able to disable the formatter for only a single line means the 
> formatter will be disabled for the shortest amount of code possible.

While I understand the reason I would ask again, what exactly are you disabling 
on a single line and why? Does the clang-format team really want to maintain 
more reasons to "not" format code? I would rather put the effort into 
understanding why you are having to use the // clang-format off in the first 

I work on a project (in my day job) with millions of lines of code, EVERY file 
is 100% clang-formatted, without any // clang-format off statements. When I hit 
a problem I report it against clang-format or even submit a fix. 

So again to reiterate my question why do we need this feature? what is the 
reason and why doesn't the current capabilities support what you need.
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