krasimir added inline comments.

Comment at: test/Format/check-coding-style-mozilla.cpp:10
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+if (true) {
What is tested here? Brace styles?

Comment at: test/Format/check-coding-style-mozilla.cpp:48
+                ,
+                public Y
This does not check precisely what the comment says, because the comment 
affects the indentation decisions. Better put the comment before the class 

Comment at: test/Format/check-coding-style-mozilla.cpp:75
+    return mVar;
+  } // Tiny functions can be written in a single line.
I don't get it - shouldn't then TinyFunction be on a single line? Also the long 
trailing comment might affect formatting, so I suggest putting it before the 
function definition.

Comment at: test/Format/check-coding-style-mozilla.cpp:90
+template<typename T> // Templates on own line.
+static int           // Return type on own line for top-level functions.
+  MyFunction(int a)
Trailing comments affect line breaking, so this is not really testing what the 
comments say. Suggest to put them on a line before the template.

Comment at: test/Format/check-coding-style-mozilla.cpp:102
+T* p; // GOOD
I suggest either the comment to be more specific what exactly is "GOOD" or 
remove the comment altogether.

Comment at: test/Format/check-coding-style-mozilla.cpp:106
+             !GetCachedStyleData(aSID),
+           "bar");
What does this fragment and the following ones test?

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