@@ -279,7 +281,7 @@ void UseAfterMoveFinder::getDeclRefs(
         if (DeclRef && BlockMap->blockContainingStmt(DeclRef) == Block) {
           // Ignore uses of a standard smart pointer that don't dereference the
           // pointer.
-          if (Operator || !isStandardSmartPointer(DeclRef->getDecl())) {
+          if (Operator || !isStandardResettableOwner(DeclRef->getDecl())) {
5chmidti wrote:

> `std::optional::has_value` seems OK (it's no different than `operator==(const 
> std::unique_ptr &, std::nullptr_t)`, both of which are OK as they don't 
> actually access the moved-from value)+
I'm kind of torn here. I'd much rather prioritize C++17 over C++23, since I 
expect `reset` to be used much more, but the monadic operators might eventually 
become commonplace too.

Actually, it is for `optional` and `any` (though `any` is left in a fully 
unspecified state, unlike `optional`). It's not just the monadic operators, but 
e.g., `has_value` together with `value` (etc.): https://godbolt.org/z/hc4MEPWj8

#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>

void sink(std::optional<std::vector<int>> b) {
    if (b.has_value()) {
        std::cout << "moved to: " << b.value().front() << '\n' << std::flush;

int main() {
    auto a = std::optional<std::vector<int>>{{42}};

    if (a.has_value()) { // moved-from optional `a` still returns true here
        // accessing moved from contained object
        std::cout << "moved from: " << a.value().front() << '\n' << std::flush;

Both post-move accesses would not be considered as accessing the contained 
value due to the focus on the dereferencing operators of smart pointers.

> But then again, it seems(?) the fact that we don't warn on `operator==` is 
> just an accident caused by it being a non-member, not intentional?

All operations except `operator*`, `operator->` or `operator[]` are completely 
fine from what I can tell. The ptr of smart pointers is set to `nullptr`, which 
allows for things like `operator==` or `operator bool` to be valid uses, 
because unlike `optional` they don't return `true` when the internal object has 
been moved from/is a `nullptr` (`weak_ptr` is different, but has similar 
semantics to the other smart pointers).

> I guess, in theory, what we need to do here is to distinguish the different 
> methods [...]
> Barring that, a blanket rule should either allow ~all members, or prohibit 
> ~all members.

For `optional` and `any` I'd say we swap the logic around and only allow 
`reset`, `emplace` and assignments (already exists) as resetting the state, and 
warn on anything else, while the smart_ptr case only disallows the operators it 
does right now.

> but I don't really have the bandwidth to try to figure out how to implement 
> that...

I would've said that this PR should be blocked until the above is handled 
correctly, but actually, the PR as is, is removing some false-positives by 
considering the calls to `reset` as resetting the state. So there are no real 
negatives attached to this PR, that weren't there before, it's only improving 
the state. The changes outlined above make some negatives positives, which 
could be done in a follow-up (+issue in case you do not end up implementing it) 
(in one go would be nicer, of course).

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