@@ -455,6 +455,174 @@ The SYCL kernel in the previous code sample meets these 
+def SYCLKernelEntryPointDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatFunction;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``sycl_kernel_entry_point`` attribute facilitates the generation of an
+offload kernel entry point, sometimes called a SYCL kernel caller function,
+suitable for invoking a SYCL kernel on an offload device. The attribute is
+intended for use in the implementation of SYCL kernel invocation functions
+like the ``single_task`` and ``parallel_for`` member functions of the
+``sycl::handler`` class specified in section 4.9.4, "Command group ``handler``
+class", of the SYCL 2020 specification.
+The attribute requires a single type argument that specifies a class type that
+meets the requirements for a SYCL kernel name as described in section 5.2,
+"Naming of kernels", of the SYCL 2020 specification. A unique kernel name type
+is required for each function declared with the attribute. The attribute may
+not first appear on a declaration that follows a definition of the function.
+The attribute only appertains to functions and only those that meet the
+following requirements.
+* Has a ``void`` return type.
+* Is not a non-static member function, constructor, or destructor.
+* Is not a C variadic function.
+* Is not a coroutine.
+* Is not defined as deleted or as defaulted.
+* Is not declared with the ``constexpr`` or ``consteval`` specifiers.
+* Is not declared with the ``[[noreturn]]`` attribute.
+Use in the implementation of a SYCL kernel invocation function might look as
+.. code-block:: c++
+  namespace sycl {
+  class handler {
+    template<typename KernelNameType, typename KernelType>
+    [[ clang::sycl_kernel_entry_point(KernelNameType) ]]
+    static void kernel_entry_point(KernelType kernel) {
+      kernel();
+    }
+  public:
+    template<typename KernelNameType, typename KernelType>
+    void single_task(KernelType kernel) {
+      // Call kernel_entry_point() to trigger generation of an offload
+      // kernel entry point.
+      kernel_entry_point<KernelNameType>(kernel);
+      // Call functions appropriate for the desired offload backend
+      // (OpenCL, CUDA, HIP, Level Zero, etc...).
+    }
+  };
+  } // namespace sycl
+A SYCL kernel is a callable object of class type that is constructed on a host,
+often via a lambda expression, and then passed to a SYCL kernel invocation
+function to be executed on an offload device. A SYCL kernel invocation function
+is responsible for copying the provided SYCL kernel object to an offload
+device and initiating a call to it. The SYCL kernel object and its data members
+constitute the parameters of an offload kernel.
+A SYCL kernel type is required to satisfy the device copyability requirements
+specified in section 3.13.1, "Device copyable", of the SYCL 2020 specification.
+Additionally, any data members of the kernel object type are required to 
+section 4.12.4, "Rules for parameter passing to kernels". For most types, these
+rules require that the type is trivially copyable.  However, the SYCL
+specification mandates that certain special SYCL types, such as
+``sycl::accessor`` and ``sycl::stream`` be device copyable even if they are not
+trivially copyable. These types require special handling because they cannot
+be copied to device memory as if by ``memcpy()``. Additionally, some offload
+backends, OpenCL for example, require objects of some of these types to be
+passed as individual arguments to the offload kernel.
+An offload kernel consists of an entry point function that declares the
+parameters of the offload kernel and the set of all functions and variables 
+are directly or indirectly used by the entry point function.
+A SYCL kernel invocation function invokes a SYCL kernel on a device by
+performing the following tasks (likely with the help of an offload backend
+like OpenCL):
+#. Identifying the offload kernel entry point to be used for the SYCL kernel.
+#. Deconstructing the SYCL kernel object, if necessary, to produce the set of
+   offload kernel arguments required by the offload kernel entry point.
+#. Copying the offload kernel arguments to device memory.
+#. Initiating execution of the offload kernel entry point.
+The offload kernel entry point for a SYCL kernel performs the following tasks:
+#. Reconstituting the SYCL kernel object, if necessary, using the offload
+   kernel parameters.
+#. Calling the ``operator()`` member function of the (reconstituted) SYCL 
+   object.
+The ``sycl_kernel_entry_point`` attribute automates generation of an offload
+kernel entry point that performs those latter tasks. The parameters and body of
+a function declared with the ``sycl_kernel_entry_point`` attribute specify a
+pattern from which the parameters and body of the entry point function are
+derived. Consider the following call to a SYCL kernel invocation function.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  struct S { int i; };
+  void f(sycl::handler &handler, sycl::stream &sout, S s) {
+    handler.single_task<struct KN>([=] {
+      sout << "The value of s.i is " << s.i << "\n";
+    });
+  }
+The SYCL kernel object is the result of the lambda expression. It has two
+data members corresponding to the captures of ``sout`` and ``s``. Since one
+of these data members corresponds to a special SYCL type that must be passed
+individually as an offload kernel parameter, it is necessary to decompose the
+SYCL kernel object into its constituent parts; the offload kernel will have
+two kernel parameters. Given a SYCL implementation that uses a
erichkeane wrote:

Why only `two`?  If `stream` is a special type that needs decomposing, it 
presumably results in more than 1 kernel parameters, and `S` is its own, 

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