@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexperimental-late-parse-attributes -fsyntax-only -verify 
+#define __counted_by(f)  __attribute__((counted_by(f)))
+// # Struct incomplete type with attribute in the decl position
+// Note: This could be considered misleading. The typedef isn't actually on 
+// line. Also note the discrepancy in diagnostic count (27 vs 51) is due to
+// the pointer arithmetic on incomplete pointee type diagnostic always using
+// diagnostic text that refers to the underlying forward decl, even when the
+// typedef is used.
+// expected-note@+1 27{{forward declaration of 'Incomplete_t' (aka 'struct 
+struct IncompleteTy; // expected-note 51{{forward declaration of 'struct 
+typedef struct IncompleteTy Incomplete_t; 
+struct CBBufDeclPos {
+  int count;
+  struct IncompleteTy* buf __counted_by(count); // OK expected-note 
27{{__counted_by attribute is here}}
+  Incomplete_t* buf_typedef __counted_by(count); // OK expected-note 
27{{__counted_by attribute is here}}
+void consume_struct_IncompleteTy(struct IncompleteTy* buf);
+int idx(void);
+void test_CBBufDeclPos(struct CBBufDeclPos* ptr) {
+  // 
+  // ## Local variable initialization
+  // 
+  struct CBBufDeclPos explicit_desig_init = {
+    .count = 0,
+    // expected-error@+1{{cannot initialize 'CBBufDeclPos::buf' that has type 
'struct IncompleteTy * __counted_by(count)' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy *') 
because the pointee type 'struct IncompleteTy' is incomplete and the 
'__counted_by' attribute requires the pointee type be complete when 
initializing; consider providing a complete definition for 'struct 
IncompleteTy' or using the '__sized_by' attribute}}
+    .buf = 0x0,
+    // expected-error@+1{{cannot initialize 'CBBufDeclPos::buf_typedef' that 
has type 'Incomplete_t * __counted_by(count)' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy *') 
because the pointee type 'Incomplete_t' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy') is 
incomplete and the '__counted_by' attribute requires the pointee type be 
complete when initializing; consider providing a complete definition for 
'Incomplete_t' or using the '__sized_by' attribute}}
+    .buf_typedef = 0x0
+  };
+  // Variable is not currently marked as invalid so uses of the variable allows
+  // diagnostics to fire.
+  // expected-error@+1{{cannot assign to 'CBBufDeclPos::buf' that has type 
'struct IncompleteTy * __counted_by(count)' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy *') 
because the pointee type 'struct IncompleteTy' is incomplete and the 
'__counted_by' attribute requires the pointee type be complete when assigning; 
consider providing a complete definition for 'struct IncompleteTy' or using the 
'__sized_by' attribute}}
+  explicit_desig_init.buf = 0x0;
+  // expected-error@+1{{cannot assign to 'CBBufDeclPos::buf_typedef' that has 
type 'Incomplete_t * __counted_by(count)' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy *') because 
the pointee type 'Incomplete_t' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy') is incomplete and 
the '__counted_by' attribute requires the pointee type be complete when 
assigning; consider providing a complete definition for 'Incomplete_t' or using 
the '__sized_by' attribute}}
+  explicit_desig_init.buf_typedef = 0x0;
+  // expected-error@+1{{cannot use 'explicit_desig_init.buf' with type 'struct 
IncompleteTy * __counted_by(count)' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy *') because the 
pointee type 'struct IncompleteTy' is incomplete and the '__counted_by' 
attribute requires the pointee type be complete in this context; consider 
providing a complete definition for 'struct IncompleteTy' or using the 
'__sized_by' attribute}}
+  void *tmp = explicit_desig_init.buf;
+  // expected-error@+1{{cannot use 'explicit_desig_init.buf_typedef' with type 
'Incomplete_t * __counted_by(count)' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy *') because the 
pointee type 'Incomplete_t' (aka 'struct IncompleteTy') is incomplete and the 
'__counted_by' attribute requires the pointee type be complete in this context; 
consider providing a complete definition for 'Incomplete_t' or using the 
'__sized_by' attribute}}
Sirraide wrote:

That is... a long diagnostic. I do think the explanation has value because this 
is probably not obvious to users not familiar w/ this attribute (which is 
probably most users), but it’s also nice to be able to get a general idea of 
what is wrong just from a shorter message.

Maybe we could make the main error something like ‘Access to bounds-checked 
field has incomplete type’, and then move the rest of the explanation into a 
note (we could merge this note with the one that points to the `__counted_by` 

The same also applies to the other long diagnostic below (which iirc is just 
the same diagnostic because of `%select`).

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