@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ static ResourceClass getResourceClass(RegisterType RT) {
     return ResourceClass::Sampler;
   case RegisterType::C:
   case RegisterType::I:
+  default:
     llvm_unreachable("unexpected RegisterType value");
dpaoliello wrote:

> It sounds like line 107 will be impossible to hit.

Not impossible: someone can always cast an arbitrary value into the enum type, 
which is what MSVC is trying to guard against.

As a compromise we could keep the unreachable at the bottom, and then 
deliberately fall through to that in the unhandled cases:
  case RegisterType::C:
  case RegisterType::I:
    // Deliberately falling through to the unreachable below.
  llvm_unreachable("unexpected RegisterType value");

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