@@ -321,50 +322,87 @@ class ExternalASTSource : public 
RefCountedBase<ExternalASTSource> {
 /// external AST source itself.
 template<typename T, typename OffsT, T* (ExternalASTSource::*Get)(OffsT 
 struct LazyOffsetPtr {
-  /// Either a pointer to an AST node or the offset within the
-  /// external AST source where the AST node can be found.
-  ///
-  /// If the low bit is clear, a pointer to the AST node. If the low
-  /// bit is set, the upper 63 bits are the offset.
-  mutable uint64_t Ptr = 0;
+  /// Storage for a pointer or an offset, for the case where pointers are 64
+  /// bits wide. The least-significant bit is used as the discriminator. If the
+  /// bit is clear, a pointer to the AST node. If the bit is set, the upper 63
+  /// bits are the offset.
+  union StorageType64 {
+    StorageType64(uint64_t Offset) : ShiftedOffset((Offset << 1) | 1) {
+      assert(isOffset());
+    }
+    StorageType64(T *Ptr) : Pointer(Ptr) { assert(!isOffset()); }
+    bool isOffset() { return llvm::bit_cast<uint64_t>(*this) & 1; }
+    uint64_t offset() { return ShiftedOffset >> 1; }
+    T *&pointer() { return Pointer; }
+    uint64_t ShiftedOffset;
+    T *Pointer;
+  };
+  /// Storage for a pointer or an offset, for the case where pointers are not 
+  /// bits wide.
+  union StorageType32 {
+    StorageType32(uint64_t Off) : Offset{true, Off} {}
+    StorageType32(T *Ptr) : Pointer{false, Ptr} {}
+    bool isOffset() { return Offset.IsOffset; }
+    uint64_t offset() { return Offset.Offset; }
+    T *&pointer() { return Pointer.Pointer; }
+    struct OffsetType {
+      uint64_t IsOffset : 1;
+      uint64_t Offset : 63;
+    } Offset;
+    struct PointerType {
+      uint64_t IsOffset : 1;
+      T *Pointer;
+    } Pointer;
+  };
+  mutable std::conditional_t<sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(T *), StorageType64,
+                             StorageType32>
jrtc27 wrote:

Systems where `sizeof(void *) > 8` end up using StorageType32 which is highly 
inefficient, as PointerType will be two pointers in size rather than just using 
a single pointer as storage.

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