@@ -264,6 +265,31 @@ class OpLowerer {
     return lowerToBindAndAnnotateHandle(F);
+  Error replaceSplitDoubleCallUsages(CallInst *Intrin, CallInst *Op) {
+    IRBuilder<> &IRB = OpBuilder.getIRB();
+    for (Use &U : make_early_inc_range(Intrin->uses())) {
+      if (auto *EVI = dyn_cast<ExtractValueInst>(U.getUser())) {
+        assert(EVI->getNumIndices() == 1 &&
+               "splitdouble result should be indexed individually.");
+        if (EVI->getNumIndices() != 1)
+          return make_error<StringError>(
+              "splitdouble result should be indexed individually.",
+              inconvertibleErrorCode());
+        unsigned int IndexVal = EVI->getIndices()[0];
+        auto *OpEVI = IRB.CreateExtractValue(Op, IndexVal);
joaosaffran wrote:

This code here is responsible to replace the return type of DXIL splitdouble 
OP, with the correct named type. So it replaces this:
  %hlsl.splitdouble = call { i32, i32 } @llvm.dx.splitdouble.i32(double %D)
  %0 = extractvalue { i32, i32 } %hlsl.splitdouble, 0
  %1 = extractvalue { i32, i32 } %hlsl.splitdouble, 1

With this:
  %hlsl.splitdouble = call %dx.types.splitdouble @dx.op.splitDouble.f64(i32 
102, double %D)
  %0 = extractvalue %dx.types.splitdouble %hlsl.splitdouble, 0
  %1 = extractvalue %dx.types.splitdouble %hlsl.splitdouble, 1

This is required to keep the Op code call compatible with DXC. @farzonl not 
sure if this lowering should be done in `CGBuiltin`. Let me know if you have a 
better place to make this change @farzonl 

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