@@ -2501,7 +2501,14 @@ alpha.core.PointerSub (C)
 Check for pointer subtractions on two pointers pointing to different memory
 chunks. According to the C standard §6.5.6 only subtraction of pointers that
 point into (or one past the end) the same array object is valid (for this
-purpose non-array variables are like arrays of size 1).
+purpose non-array variables are like arrays of size 1). This checker only
+searches for different memory objects at subtraction, but does not check if the
+array index is correct (
+:ref:`alpha.security.ArrayBoundsV2 <alpha-security-ArrayBoundsV2>` checks the
+index to some extent).
NagyDonat wrote:

reports subtraction between different memory objects and does not check whether
the index (or more generally, memory offset) is within bounds. Bounds checking
is done by :ref:`alpha.security.ArrayBoundV2 <alpha-security-ArrayBoundV2>`.

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