@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ LLVM_13 {
+    clang_Cursor_getBinaryOpcode;
+    clang_Cursor_getBinaryOpcodeStr;
DeinAlptraum wrote:

This is the `LLVM_13` section of the file.
>From the top of the file:
# If you add a symbol to this file, make sure to add it with the correct
# version.  For example, if the LLVM main branch is LLVM 14.0.0, add new
# symbols with the version LLVM_14.
# On platforms where versions scripts are not used, this file will be used to
# generate a list of exports for libclang.so
I'm not familiar with how the bindings actually interact with the C++ side, so 
I don't know what kinds of problems this would cause. Does this need to be 
backported for 19.x?
@Endilll are you familiar with this?

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