llvm-ci wrote:

LLVM Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder `clang-armv8-quick` running 
on `linaro-clang-armv8-quick` while building `clang` at step 5 "ninja check 1".

Full details are available at: 

Here is the relevant piece of the build log for the reference:
Step 5 (ninja check 1) failure: stage 1 checked (failure)
******************** TEST 'Clang :: CodeGen/math-libcalls-tbaa.cpp' FAILED 
Exit Code: 1

Command Output (stderr):
RUN: at line 3: /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-armv8-quick/stage1/bin/clang 
-cc1 -internal-isystem 
-nostdsysteminc -fmath-errno -O3 -emit-llvm -o - -x c++ 
 | /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-armv8-quick/stage1/bin/FileCheck 
+ /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-armv8-quick/stage1/bin/clang -cc1 
-nostdsysteminc -fmath-errno -O3 -emit-llvm -o - -x c++ 
+ /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-armv8-quick/stage1/bin/FileCheck 
 error: CHECK-NEXT: expected string not found in input
// CHECK-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr [[NUM]], i64 40
<stdin>:8:7: note: scanning from here
<stdin>:8:7: note: with "NUM" equal to "%num"
<stdin>:9:10: note: possible intended match here
 %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %num, i32 40

Input file: <stdin>
Check file: 

-dump-input=help explains the following input dump.

Input was:
           1: ; ModuleID = 
           2: source_filename = 
           3: target datalayout = 
           4: target triple = "armv8l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" 
           6: ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree nounwind willreturn 
memory(write, argmem: readwrite) 
           7: define dso_local float @foo(ptr nocapture noundef readonly %num, 
float noundef %r2inv, i32 noundef %n) local_unnamed_addr #0 { 
           8: entry: 
next:13'0           X error: no match found
next:13'1             with "NUM" equal to "%num"
           9:  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %num, i32 40 
next:13'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
next:13'2              ?                                                
possible intended match
          10:  %0 = load float, ptr %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !3 
next:13'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          11:  %call = tail call float @expf(float noundef %0) #2 
next:13'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          12:  %1 = load float, ptr %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !3 
next:13'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          13:  %mul = fmul float %call, %1 
next:13'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          14:  ret float %mul 


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