@@ -346,6 +352,39 @@ class CompoundVal : public NonLoc {
   static bool classof(SVal V) { return V.getKind() == CompoundValKind; }
+/// The simplest example of a concrete compound value is nonloc::CompoundVal,
+/// which represents a concrete r-value of an initializer-list or a string.
+/// Internally, it contains an llvm::ImmutableList of SVal's stored inside the
+/// literal.
+/// However, there is another compound value used in the analyzer, which 
+/// much more often during analysis, which is nonloc::LazyCompoundVal. This
+/// value is an r-value that represents a snapshot of any structure "as a 
+/// at a given moment during the analysis. Such value is already quite far from
+/// being re- ferred to as "concrete", as many fields inside it would be 
+/// or symbolic. nonloc::LazyCompoundVal operates by storing two things:
+///   * a reference to the TypedValueRegion being snapshotted (yes, it is 
+///     typed), and also
+///   * a copy of the whole Store object, obtained from the ProgramState in
+///     which it was created.
NagyDonat wrote:

///  * a reference to the whole Store object, obtained from the ProgramState in
///    which the nonloc::LazyCompoundVal was created.
/// Note that the old ProgramState and its Store is kept alive during the
/// analysis because these are immutable functional data structures and each new
/// Store value is represented as "earlier Store" + "additional binding".

What would you think about this phrasing?

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