krasimir updated this revision to Diff 82081.
krasimir added a comment.

- Put LastLineNeedsDecoration and Decoration and Prefix to the appropriate 
- Fixed a double indentation bug caused by the WhitespaceManager.


Index: unittests/Format/FormatTestSelective.cpp
--- unittests/Format/FormatTestSelective.cpp
+++ unittests/Format/FormatTestSelective.cpp
@@ -111,13 +111,19 @@
             format("int   a; // comment\n"
                    "int    b; // comment",
                    0, 0));
-  EXPECT_EQ("int   a; // comment\n"
-            "         // line 2\n"
+  EXPECT_EQ("int a; // comment\n"
+            "       // line 2\n"
             "int b;",
             format("int   a; // comment\n"
                    "            // line 2\n"
                    "int b;",
                    28, 0));
+  EXPECT_EQ("int   a; // comment\n"
+            "// comment 2\n"
+            "int b;",
+            format("int   a; // comment\n"
+                   "// comment 2\n"
+                   "int b;", 28, 0));
   EXPECT_EQ("int aaaaaa; // comment\n"
             "int b;\n"
             "int c; // unrelated comment",
Index: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
--- unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -1783,6 +1783,437 @@
                "    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};            // comment\n");
+TEST_F(FormatTest, ReflowsComments) {
+  // Break a long line and reflow with the full next line.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long long",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "// long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Keep the trailing newline while reflowing.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long long\n",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "// long\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break a long line and reflow with a part of the next line.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long long\n"
+            "// long_long",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "// long long_long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break but do not reflow if the first word from the next line is too long.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long\n"
+            "// long_long_long\n",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "// long_long_long\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't break or reflow short lines.
+  verifyFormat("// long\n"
+               "// long long long lo\n"
+               "// long long long lo\n"
+               "// long",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
+  // Keep prefixes and decorations while reflowing.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/// long long long\n"
+            "/// long long\n",
+            format("/// long long long long\n"
+                   "/// long\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("//! long long long\n"
+            "//! long long\n",
+            format("//! long long long long\n"
+                   "//! long\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            " * long long */",
+            format("/* long long long long\n"
+                   " * long */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't bring leading whitespace up while reflowing.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/*  long long long\n"
+            " * long long long\n"
+            " */",
+            format("/*  long long long long\n"
+                   " *  long long\n"
+                   " */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow the last line of a block comment with its trailing '*/'.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            "   long long */",
+            format("/* long long long long\n"
+                   "   long */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow two short lines; keep the postfix of the last one.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            " * long long long */",
+            format("/* long long long long\n"
+                   " * long\n"
+                   " * long */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Put the postfix of the last short reflow line on a newline if it doesn't
+  // fit.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            " * long long longg\n"
+            " */",
+            format("/* long long long long\n"
+                   " * long\n"
+                   " * longg */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break single line block comments that are first in the line with ' *'
+  // decoration.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            " * long */",
+            format("/* long long long long */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break single line block comment that are not first in the line with '  '
+  // decoration.
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; /* long long\n"
+            "          long */",
+            format("int i; /* long long long */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow a line that goes just over the column limit.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// lon long",
+            format("// long long long lon\n"
+                   "// long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Stop reflowing if the next line has a different indentation than the
+  // previous line.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long\n"
+            "//  long long\n"
+            "//  long",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "//  long long\n"
+                   "//  long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow into the last part of a really long line that has been broken into
+  // multiple lines.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long long long\n"
+            "// long long long\n",
+            format("// long long long long long long long long\n"
+                   "// long\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break the first line, then reflow the beginning of the second and third
+  // line up.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// lon1 lon2 lon2\n"
+            "// lon2 lon3 lon3",
+            format("// long long long lon1\n"
+                   "// lon2 lon2 lon2\n"
+                   "// lon3 lon3",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow the beginning of the second line, then break the rest.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// lon1 lon2 lon2\n"
+            "// lon2 lon2 lon2\n"
+            "// lon3",
+            format("// long long long lon1\n"
+                   "// lon2 lon2 lon2 lon2 lon2 lon3",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Shrink the first line, then reflow the second line up.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long", format("// long              long\n"
+                                        "// long",
+                                        getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't shrink leading whitespace.
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; ///           a",
+            format("int i; ///           a", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Shrink trailing whitespace if there is no postfix and reflow.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long long",
+            format("// long long long long    \n"
+                   "// long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Shrink trailing whitespace to a single one if there is postfix.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long */",
+            format("/* long long long     */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break a block comment postfix if exceeding the line limit.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/*               long\n"
+            " */",
+            format("/*               long */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow indented comments.
+  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
+            "  // long long long\n"
+            "  // long long\n"
+            "  int i; /* long lon\n"
+            "            g long\n"
+            "          */\n"
+            "}",
+            format("{\n"
+                   "  // long long long long\n"
+                   "  // long\n"
+                   "  int i; /* long lon g\n"
+                   "            long */\n"
+                   "}",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't realign trailing comments after reflow has happened.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long long\n"
+            "long i; // long",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "// long\n"
+                   "long i; // long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// longng long long\n"
+            "// long l",
+            format("// long long long longng\n"
+                   "// long long long\n"
+                   "// l",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow lines after a broken line.
+  EXPECT_EQ("int a; // Trailing\n"
+            "       // comment on\n"
+            "       // 2 or 3\n"
+            "       // lines.\n",
+            format("int a; // Trailing comment\n"
+                   "       // on 2\n"
+                   "       // or 3\n"
+                   "       // lines.\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/// This long line\n"
+            "/// gets reflown.\n",
+            format("/// This long line gets\n"
+                   "/// reflown.\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("//! This long line\n"
+            "//! gets reflown.\n",
+            format(" //! This long line gets\n"
+                   " //! reflown.\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* This long line\n"
+            " * gets reflown.\n"
+            " */\n",
+            format("/* This long line gets\n"
+                   " * reflown.\n"
+                   " */\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow after indentation makes a line too long.
+  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
+            "  // long long long\n"
+            "  // lo long\n"
+            "}\n",
+            format("{\n"
+                   "// long long long lo\n"
+                   "// long\n"
+                   "}\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Break and reflow multiple lines.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/*\n"
+            " * Reflow the end of\n"
+            " * line by 1 2 3 4.\n"
+            " */\n",
+            format("/*\n"
+                   " * Reflow the end of line\n"
+                   " * by\n"
+                   " * 1\n"
+                   " * 2\n"
+                   " * 3\n"
+                   " * 4.\n"
+                   " */\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/// First line gets\n"
+            "/// broken. Second\n"
+            "/// line gets\n"
+            "/// reflown and\n"
+            "/// broken. Third\n"
+            "/// gets reflown.\n",
+            format("/// First line gets broken.\n"
+                   "/// Second line gets reflown and broken.\n"
+                   "/// Third gets reflown.\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; // first long\n"
+            "       // long snd\n"
+            "       // long.\n",
+            format("int i; // first long long\n"
+                   "       // snd long.\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
+            "  // first long line\n"
+            "  // line second\n"
+            "  // long line line\n"
+            "  // third long line\n"
+            "  // line\n"
+            "}\n",
+            format("{\n"
+                   "  // first long line line\n"
+                   "  // second long line line\n"
+                   "  // third long line line\n"
+                   "}\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; /* first line\n"
+            "        * second\n"
+            "        * line third\n"
+            "        * line\n"
+            "        */",
+            format("int i; /* first line\n"
+                   "        * second line\n"
+                   "        * third line\n"
+                   "        */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Reflow the last two lines of a section that starts with a line having
+  // different indentation.
+      "//     long\n"
+      "// long long long\n"
+      "// long long",
+      format("//     long\n"
+             "// long long long long\n"
+             "// long",
+             getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Keep the block comment endling '*/' while reflowing.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* Long long long\n"
+            " * line short */\n",
+            format("/* Long long long line\n"
+                   " * short */\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't reflow between separate blocks of comments.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* First comment\n"
+            " * block will */\n"
+            "/* Snd\n"
+            " */\n",
+            format("/* First comment block\n"
+                   " * will */\n"
+                   "/* Snd\n"
+                   " */\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't reflow across blank comment lines.
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; // This long\n"
+            "       // line gets\n"
+            "       // broken.\n"
+            "       //  \n"
+            "       // keep.\n",
+            format("int i; // This long line gets broken.\n"
+                   "       //  \n"
+                   "       // keep.\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("{\n"
+            "  /// long long long\n"
+            "  /// long long\n"
+            "  ///\n"
+            "  /// long\n"
+            "}",
+            format("{\n"
+                   "  /// long long long long\n"
+                   "  /// long\n"
+                   "  ///\n"
+                   "  /// long\n"
+                   "}",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("//! long long long\n"
+            "//! long\n"
+            "\n"
+            "//! long",
+            format("//! long long long long\n"
+                   "\n"
+                   "//! long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            "   long\n"
+            "\n"
+            "   long */",
+            format("/* long long long long\n"
+                   "\n"
+                   "   long */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* long long long\n"
+            " * long\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * long */",
+            format("/* long long long long\n"
+                   " *\n"
+                   " * long */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't reflow between separate blocks of comments.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* First comment\n"
+            " * block will */\n"
+            "/* Snd\n"
+            " */\n",
+            format("/* First comment block\n"
+                   " * will */\n"
+                   "/* Snd\n"
+                   " */\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't reflow lines having different indentation.
+  EXPECT_EQ("// long long long\n"
+            "// long\n"
+            "//  long",
+            format("// long long long long\n"
+                   "//  long",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't break or reflow after implicit string literals.
+  verifyFormat("#include <t> // l l l\n"
+               "             // l",
+               getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
+  // Don't break or reflow comments on import lines.
+  EXPECT_EQ("#include \"t\" /* l l l\n"
+            "                * l */",
+            format("#include \"t\" /* l l l\n"
+                   "                * l */",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't reflow between different trailing comment sections.
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; // long long\n"
+            "       // long\n"
+            "int j; // long long\n"
+            "       // long\n",
+            format("int i; // long long long\n"
+                   "int j; // long long long\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Don't reflow if the first word on the next line is longer than the
+  // available space at current line.
+  EXPECT_EQ("int i; // trigger\n"
+            "       // reflow\n"
+            "       // longsec\n",
+            format("int i; // trigger reflow\n"
+                   "       // longsec\n",
+                   getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  // Keep empty comment lines.
+  EXPECT_EQ("/**/", format(" /**/", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/* */", format(" /* */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("/*  */", format(" /*  */", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("//", format(" //  ", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
+  EXPECT_EQ("///", format(" ///  ", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, IgnoresIf0Contents) {
   EXPECT_EQ("#if 0\n"
             "}{)(&*(^%%#%@! fsadj f;ldjs ,:;| <<<>>>][)(][\n"
@@ -3029,8 +3460,7 @@
       "int xxxxxxxxx; /* "
-      "zzzzzz\n"
-      "0*/",
+      "zzzzzz 0*/",
       format("int xxxxxxxxx;                          /* "
              "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzzzz\n"
@@ -7179,11 +7609,9 @@
             format("a = {1111 /*      */\n"
-  // FIXME: The formatting is still wrong here.
   EXPECT_EQ("a = {\n"
             "    1111 /*      a\n"
-            "            */\n"
+            "          */\n"
             format("a = {1111 /*      a */\n"
@@ -10874,6 +11302,26 @@
                    "  int j;\n"
                    " /* clang-format on */\n"
                    "   int   k;"));
+  // Don't reflow comments within disabled regions.
+      "// clang-format off\n"
+      "// long long long long long long line\n"
+      "/* clang-format on */\n"
+      "/* long long long\n"
+      " * long long long\n"
+      " * line */\n"
+      "int i;\n"
+      "/* clang-format off */\n"
+      "/* long long long long long long line */\n",
+      format("// clang-format off\n"
+             "// long long long long long long line\n"
+             "/* clang-format on */\n"
+             "/* long long long long long long line */\n"
+             "int i;\n"
+             "/* clang-format off */\n"
+             "/* long long long long long long line */\n",
+             getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20)));
 TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotCrashOnInvalidInput) {
Index: lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp
--- lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp
+++ lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@
     Changes[i - 1].IsTrailingComment =
         (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 0 || Changes[i].Kind == tok::eof ||
          (Changes[i].IsInsideToken && Changes[i].Kind == tok::comment)) &&
-        Changes[i - 1].Kind == tok::comment;
+        Changes[i - 1].Kind == tok::comment &&
+        OriginalWhitespaceStart != PreviousOriginalWhitespaceEnd;
   // FIXME: The last token is currently not always an eof token; in those
   // cases, setting TokenLength of the last token to 0 is wrong.
Index: lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
--- lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
+++ lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
@@ -1988,7 +1988,9 @@
   for (std::list<UnwrappedLineNode>::const_iterator I = Line.Tokens.begin(),
                                                     E = Line.Tokens.end();
        I != E; ++I) {
-    llvm::dbgs() << I->Tok->Tok.getName() << "[" << I->Tok->Type << "] ";
+    llvm::dbgs() << I->Tok->Tok.getName() << "["
+                 << "T=" << I->Tok->Type
+                 << ", OC=" << I->Tok->OriginalColumn << "] ";
   for (std::list<UnwrappedLineNode>::const_iterator I = Line.Tokens.begin(),
                                                     E = Line.Tokens.end();
@@ -2028,13 +2030,60 @@
          FormatTok.NewlinesBefore > 0;
+static bool isLineComment(const FormatToken &FormatTok) {
+  return &&
+         FormatTok.TokenText.startswith("//");
+// Checks if \p FormatTok is a line comment that continues the line comment
+// section on \p Line.
+static bool continuesLineComment(const FormatToken &FormatTok,
+                                 const UnwrappedLine &Line) {
+  if (Line.Tokens.empty())
+    return false;
+  const FormatToken &FirstLineTok = *Line.Tokens.front().Tok;
+  // If Line starts with a line comment, then FormatTok continues the comment
+  // section if its original column is greater or equal to the  original start
+  // column of the line.
+  //
+  // If Line starts with a a different token, then FormatTok continues the
+  // comment section if its original column greater than the original start
+  // column of the line.
+  //
+  // For example, the second line comment continues the first in these cases:
+  // // first line
+  // // second line
+  // and:
+  // // first line
+  //  // second line
+  // and:
+  // int i; // first line
+  //  // second line
+  //
+  // The second line comment doesn't continue the first in these cases:
+  //   // first line
+  //  // second line
+  // and:
+  // int i; // first line
+  // // second line
+  unsigned MinContinueColumn =
+      FirstLineTok.OriginalColumn +
+      ((isLineComment(FirstLineTok) && !FirstLineTok.Next) ? 0 : 1);
+  return isLineComment(FormatTok) && FormatTok.NewlinesBefore == 1 &&
+         isLineComment(*(Line.Tokens.back().Tok)) &&
+         FormatTok.OriginalColumn >= MinContinueColumn;
 void UnwrappedLineParser::flushComments(bool NewlineBeforeNext) {
   bool JustComments = Line->Tokens.empty();
   for (SmallVectorImpl<FormatToken *>::const_iterator
            I = CommentsBeforeNextToken.begin(),
            E = CommentsBeforeNextToken.end();
        I != E; ++I) {
-    if (isOnNewLine(**I) && JustComments)
+    // Line comments that belong to the same line comment section are put on the
+    // same line since later we might want to reflow content between them.
+    // See BreakableToken.
+    if (isOnNewLine(**I) && JustComments && !continuesLineComment(**I, *Line))
@@ -2100,7 +2149,8 @@
     if (!FormatTok->
-    if (isOnNewLine(*FormatTok) || FormatTok->IsFirst) {
+    if (!continuesLineComment(*FormatTok, *Line) &&
+        (isOnNewLine(*FormatTok) || FormatTok->IsFirst)) {
       CommentsInCurrentLine = false;
     if (CommentsInCurrentLine) {
Index: lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
--- lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
+++ lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
@@ -1596,8 +1596,14 @@
   for (SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *>::reverse_iterator I = Lines.rbegin(),
                                                           E = Lines.rend();
        I != E; ++I) {
-    if (NextNonCommentLine && (*I)->First->is(tok::comment) &&
-        (*I)->First->Next == nullptr)
+    bool CommentLine = (*I)->First;
+    for (const FormatToken *Tok = (*I)->First; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next) {
+      if (!Tok->is(tok::comment)) {
+        CommentLine = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (NextNonCommentLine && CommentLine)
       (*I)->Level = NextNonCommentLine->Level;
       NextNonCommentLine = (*I)->First->isNot(tok::r_brace) ? (*I) : nullptr;
Index: lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
--- lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
+++ lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "clang/Format/Format.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-formatter"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-indenter"
 namespace clang {
 namespace format {
@@ -1138,20 +1138,25 @@
   } else if ( {
     if (!Current.isTrailingComment() || !Style.ReflowComments ||
-        CommentPragmasRegex.match(Current.TokenText.substr(2)))
+        CommentPragmasRegex.match(Current.TokenText.substr(2)) ||
+        Current.TokenText.substr(2).ltrim().startswith("clang-format on") ||
+        Current.TokenText.substr(2).ltrim().startswith("clang-format off"))
       return addMultilineToken(Current, State);
     Token.reset(new BreakableBlockComment(
         Current, State.Line->Level, StartColumn, Current.OriginalColumn,
         !Current.Previous, State.Line->InPPDirective, Encoding, Style));
   } else if ( &&
              (Current.Previous == nullptr ||
               Current.Previous->isNot(TT_ImplicitStringLiteral))) {
     if (!Style.ReflowComments ||
-        CommentPragmasRegex.match(Current.TokenText.substr(2)))
+        CommentPragmasRegex.match(Current.TokenText.substr(2)) ||
+        Current.TokenText.substr(2).ltrim().startswith("clang-format on") ||
+        Current.TokenText.substr(2).ltrim().startswith("clang-format off"))
       return 0;
-    Token.reset(new BreakableLineComment(Current, State.Line->Level,
-                                         StartColumn, /*InPPDirective=*/false,
-                                         Encoding, Style));
+    Token.reset(new BreakableLineCommentSection(
+        Current, State.Line->Level, StartColumn, Current.OriginalColumn,
+        !Current.Previous,
+        /*InPPDirective=*/false, Encoding, Style));
     // We don't insert backslashes when breaking line comments.
     ColumnLimit = Style.ColumnLimit;
   } else {
@@ -1166,8 +1171,8 @@
   unsigned RemainingTokenColumns = 0;
   for (unsigned LineIndex = 0, EndIndex = Token->getLineCount();
        LineIndex != EndIndex; ++LineIndex) {
-    if (!DryRun)
-      Token->replaceWhitespaceBefore(LineIndex, Whitespaces);
+    Token->replaceWhitespaceBefore(LineIndex, RemainingTokenColumns,
+                                   RemainingSpace, DryRun, Whitespaces);
     unsigned TailOffset = 0;
     RemainingTokenColumns =
         Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(LineIndex, TailOffset, StringRef::npos);
@@ -1182,26 +1187,26 @@
       assert(Split.first != 0);
-      unsigned NewRemainingTokenColumns = Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(
-          LineIndex, TailOffset + Split.first + Split.second, StringRef::npos);
       // We can remove extra whitespace instead of breaking the line.
       if (RemainingTokenColumns + 1 - Split.second <= RemainingSpace) {
-        RemainingTokenColumns = 0;
-        if (!DryRun)
-          Token->replaceWhitespace(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split, Whitespaces);
+        RemainingTokenColumns = RemainingTokenColumns + 1 - Split.second;
+        Token->replaceWhitespace(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split, DryRun,
+                                 Whitespaces);
+      unsigned NewRemainingTokenColumns = Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(
+          LineIndex, TailOffset + Split.first + Split.second, StringRef::npos);
       // When breaking before a tab character, it may be moved by a few columns,
       // but will still be expanded to the next tab stop, so we don't save any
       // columns.
       if (NewRemainingTokenColumns == RemainingTokenColumns)
       assert(NewRemainingTokenColumns < RemainingTokenColumns);
-      if (!DryRun)
-        Token->insertBreak(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split, Whitespaces);
+      Token->insertBreak(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split, DryRun, Whitespaces);
       Penalty += Current.SplitPenalty;
       unsigned ColumnsUsed =
           Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split.first);
@@ -1230,6 +1235,10 @@
     State.Stack.back().LastSpace = StartColumn;
+  if (Token->LastLineTok) {
+    State.NextToken = Token->LastLineTok->Next;
+  }
   return Penalty;
Index: lib/Format/Comments.h
--- lib/Format/Comments.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-//===--- Comments.cpp - Comment manipulation  -----------------------------===//
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-/// \file
-/// \brief Declares comment manipulation functionality.
-#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-namespace clang {
-namespace format {
-/// \brief Returns the comment prefix of the line comment \p Comment.
-/// The comment prefix consists of a leading known prefix, like "//" or "///",
-/// together with the following whitespace.
-StringRef getLineCommentIndentPrefix(StringRef Comment);
-} // namespace format
-} // namespace clang
Index: lib/Format/Comments.cpp
--- lib/Format/Comments.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-//===--- Comments.cpp - Comment Manipulation  -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-/// \file
-/// \brief Implements comment manipulation.
-#include "Comments.h"
-namespace clang {
-namespace format {
-StringRef getLineCommentIndentPrefix(StringRef Comment) {
-  static const char *const KnownPrefixes[] = {"///", "//", "//!"};
-  StringRef LongestPrefix;
-  for (StringRef KnownPrefix : KnownPrefixes) {
-    if (Comment.startswith(KnownPrefix)) {
-      size_t PrefixLength = KnownPrefix.size();
-      while (PrefixLength < Comment.size() && Comment[PrefixLength] == ' ')
-        ++PrefixLength;
-      if (PrefixLength > LongestPrefix.size())
-        LongestPrefix = Comment.substr(0, PrefixLength);
-    }
-  }
-  return LongestPrefix;
-} // namespace format
-} // namespace clang
Index: lib/Format/CMakeLists.txt
--- lib/Format/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lib/Format/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
-  Comments.cpp
Index: lib/Format/BreakableToken.h
--- lib/Format/BreakableToken.h
+++ lib/Format/BreakableToken.h
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
 /// \file
-/// \brief Declares BreakableToken, BreakableStringLiteral, and
-/// BreakableBlockComment classes, that contain token type-specific logic to
-/// break long lines in tokens.
+/// \brief Declares BreakableToken, BreakableStringLiteral, BreakableComment,
+/// BreakableBlockComment and BreakableLineCommentSection classes, that contain
+/// token type-specific logic to break long lines in tokens and reflow content
+/// between tokens.
@@ -44,11 +45,11 @@
   /// \brief Returns the number of columns required to format the piece of line
   /// at \p LineIndex, from byte offset \p Offset with length \p Length.
-  /// Note that previous breaks are not taken into account. \p Offset is always
-  /// specified from the start of the (original) line.
+  /// Note that previous breaks are not taken into account. \p TailOffset is
+  /// always specified from the start of the (original) line.
   /// \p Length can be set to StringRef::npos, which means "to the end of line".
   virtual unsigned
-  getLineLengthAfterSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned Offset,
+  getLineLengthAfterSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
                           StringRef::size_type Length) const = 0;
   /// \brief Returns a range (offset, length) at which to break the line at
@@ -59,18 +60,31 @@
   /// \brief Emits the previously retrieved \p Split via \p Whitespaces.
   virtual void insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                           WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) = 0;
+                           bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) = 0;
   /// \brief Replaces the whitespace range described by \p Split with a single
   /// space.
   virtual void replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
-                                 Split Split,
+                                 Split Split, bool DryRun,
                                  WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) = 0;
   /// \brief Replaces the whitespace between \p LineIndex-1 and \p LineIndex.
+  ///
+  /// \p PreviousEndColumn is the end column of the previous line.
   virtual void replaceWhitespaceBefore(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                       unsigned PreviousEndColumn,
+                                       unsigned ColumnLimit, bool DryRun,
                                        WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {}
+  /// \brief The token to which the last line of this breakable token belongs
+  /// to; nullptr if that token is the initial token.
+  ///
+  /// The distinction is because if the token of the last line of this breakable
+  /// token is distinct from the initial token, this breakable token owns the
+  /// whitespace before the token of the last line, and the whitespace manager
+  /// must be able to modify it.
+  FormatToken *LastLineTok = nullptr;
   BreakableToken(const FormatToken &Tok, unsigned IndentLevel,
                  bool InPPDirective, encoding::Encoding Encoding,
@@ -125,99 +139,132 @@
   Split getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
                  unsigned ColumnLimit) const override;
   void insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                   WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
+                   bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
   void replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                         WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override {}
+                         bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override {}
-class BreakableLineComment : public BreakableSingleLineToken {
-  /// \brief Creates a breakable token for a line comment.
+class BreakableComment : public BreakableToken {
+  /// \brief Creates a breakable token for a comment.
   /// \p StartColumn specifies the column in which the comment will start
-  /// after formatting.
-  BreakableLineComment(const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel,
-                       unsigned StartColumn, bool InPPDirective,
-                       encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style);
+  /// after formatting, while \p OriginalStartColumn specifies in which
+  /// column the comment started before formatting.
+  /// If the comment starts a line after formatting, set \p FirstInLine to true.
+  BreakableComment(const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel,
+                   unsigned StartColumn, unsigned OriginaStartColumn,
+                   bool FirstInLine, bool InPPDirective,
+                   encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style);
+  unsigned getLineCount() const override;
   Split getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
                  unsigned ColumnLimit) const override;
-  void insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                   WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
   void replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                         WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
-  void replaceWhitespaceBefore(unsigned LineIndex,
-                               WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
+                         bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
-  // The prefix without an additional space if one was added.
-  StringRef OriginalPrefix;
+  virtual unsigned getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                         unsigned TailOffset) const = 0;
+  // Returns a split that divides Text into a left and right parts, such that
+  // the left part is suitable for reflowing after PreviousEndColumn.
+  Split getReflowSplit(StringRef Text, StringRef ReflowPrefix,
+                       unsigned PreviousEndColumn, unsigned ColumnLimit) const;
+  // Returns the token containing the line at LineIndex.
+  const FormatToken &tokenAt(unsigned LineIndex) const;
+  // Checks if the content of line LineIndex may be reflown with the previous
+  // line.
+  bool mayReflow(unsigned LineIndex);
+  // Controls if a reflow process is in progress.
+  bool ReflowInProgress = false;
+  // Contains the original text of the lines of the block comment.
+  //
+  // In case of a block comments, excludes the leading /* in the first line and
+  // trailing */ in the last line. In case of line comments, excludes the
+  // leading // and spaces.
+  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Lines;
+  // Contains the text of the lines exluding all leading and trailing whitespace
+  // between the lines. Note that the decoration (if present) is also not
+  // considered part of the text.
+  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Content;
+  // Tokens[i] contains a reference to the token containing Lines[i] if the
+  // whitespace range before that token is managed by this block.
+  // Otherwise, Tokens[i] is a null pointer.
+  SmallVector<FormatToken *, 16> Tokens;
+  // ContentColumn[i] is the target column at which Content[i] should be.
+  // Note that this excludes a leading "* " or "*" in case of block comments
+  // where all lines have a "*" prefix, or the leading "// " or "//" in case of
+  // line comments.
+  //
+  // In block comments, the first line's target column is always positive. The
+  // remaining lines' target columns are relative to the first line to allow
+  // correct indentation of comments in \c WhitespaceManager. Thus they can be
+  // negative as well (in case the first line needs to be unindented more than
+  // there's actual whitespace in another line).
+  SmallVector<int, 16> ContentColumn;
+  // The intended start column of the first line of text from this section.
+  unsigned StartColumn;
+  // The original start column of the first line of text from this section.
+  unsigned OriginalStartColumn;
+  // Whether the first token of this section is the first token in its unwrapped
+  // line.
+  bool FirstInLine;
+  // In case of line comments, holds the original prefix, including trailing
+  // whitespace.
+  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> OriginalPrefix;
+  // The prefix to use in front a line that has been reflown up.
+  // For example, when reflowing the second line after the first here:
+  // // comment 1
+  // // comment 2
+  // we expect:
+  // // comment 1 comment 2
+  // and not:
+  // // comment 1comment 2
+  StringRef ReflowPrefix = " ";
-class BreakableBlockComment : public BreakableToken {
+class BreakableBlockComment : public BreakableComment {
-  /// \brief Creates a breakable token for a block comment.
-  ///
-  /// \p StartColumn specifies the column in which the comment will start
-  /// after formatting, while \p OriginalStartColumn specifies in which
-  /// column the comment started before formatting.
-  /// If the comment starts a line after formatting, set \p FirstInLine to true.
   BreakableBlockComment(const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel,
-                        unsigned StartColumn, unsigned OriginaStartColumn,
+                        unsigned StartColumn, unsigned OriginalStartColumn,
                         bool FirstInLine, bool InPPDirective,
                         encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style);
-  unsigned getLineCount() const override;
-  unsigned getLineLengthAfterSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
+  unsigned getLineLengthAfterSplit(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                   unsigned TailOffset,
                                    StringRef::size_type Length) const override;
-  Split getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
-                 unsigned ColumnLimit) const override;
   void insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                   WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
-  void replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                         WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
-  void replaceWhitespaceBefore(unsigned LineIndex,
+                   bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
+  void replaceWhitespaceBefore(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned PreviousEndColumn,
+                               unsigned ColumnLimit, bool DryRun,
                                WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
-  // Rearranges the whitespace between Lines[LineIndex-1] and Lines[LineIndex],
-  // so that all whitespace between the lines is accounted to Lines[LineIndex]
-  // as leading whitespace:
-  // - Lines[LineIndex] points to the text after that whitespace
-  // - Lines[LineIndex-1] shrinks by its trailing whitespace
-  // - LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex] is updated with the complete whitespace
-  //   between the end of the text of Lines[LineIndex-1] and Lines[LineIndex]
+  // Rearranges the whitespace between Lines[LineIndex-1] and Lines[LineIndex].
+  //
+  // Updates Content[LineIndex-1] and Content[LineIndex] by stripping off
+  // leading and trailing whitespace.
-  // Sets StartOfLineColumn to the intended column in which the text at
+  // Sets ContentColumn to the intended column in which the text at
   // Lines[LineIndex] starts (note that the decoration, if present, is not
   // considered part of the text).
   void adjustWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex, int IndentDelta);
-  // Returns the column at which the text in line LineIndex starts, when broken
-  // at TailOffset. Note that the decoration (if present) is not considered part
-  // of the text.
-  unsigned getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset) const;
-  // Contains the text of the lines of the block comment, excluding the leading
-  // /* in the first line and trailing */ in the last line, and excluding all
-  // trailing whitespace between the lines. Note that the decoration (if
-  // present) is also not considered part of the text.
-  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Lines;
-  // LeadingWhitespace[i] is the number of characters regarded as whitespace in
-  // front of Lines[i]. Note that this can include "* " sequences, which we
-  // regard as whitespace when all lines have a "*" prefix.
-  SmallVector<unsigned, 16> LeadingWhitespace;
-  // StartOfLineColumn[i] is the target column at which Line[i] should be.
-  // Note that this excludes a leading "* " or "*" in case all lines have
-  // a "*" prefix.
-  // The first line's target column is always positive. The remaining lines'
-  // target columns are relative to the first line to allow correct indentation
-  // of comments in \c WhitespaceManager. Thus they can be negative as well (in
-  // case the first line needs to be unindented more than there's actual
-  // whitespace in another line).
-  SmallVector<int, 16> StartOfLineColumn;
+  unsigned getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                 unsigned TailOffset) const override;
   // The column at which the text of a broken line should start.
   // Note that an optional decoration would go before that column.
@@ -239,6 +286,36 @@
   StringRef Decoration;
+class BreakableLineCommentSection : public BreakableComment {
+  BreakableLineCommentSection(const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel,
+                              unsigned StartColumn,
+                              unsigned OriginalStartColumn, bool FirstInLine,
+                              bool InPPDirective, encoding::Encoding Encoding,
+                              const FormatStyle &Style);
+  unsigned getLineLengthAfterSplit(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                   unsigned TailOffset,
+                                   StringRef::size_type Length) const override;
+  void insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
+                   bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
+  void replaceWhitespaceBefore(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned PreviousEndColumn,
+                               unsigned ColumnLimit, bool DryRun,
+                               WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) override;
+  unsigned getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                 unsigned TailOffset) const override;
+  // Prefix[i] contains the intended leading "//" with trailing spaces to
+  // account for the indentation of content within the comment at line i after
+  // formatting. It can be different than the original prefix when the original
+  // line starts like this:
+  // //content
+  // Then the original prefix is "//", but the prefix is "// ".
+  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> Prefix;
+  SmallVector<unsigned, 16> OriginalContentColumn;
 } // namespace format
 } // namespace clang
Index: lib/Format/BreakableToken.cpp
--- lib/Format/BreakableToken.cpp
+++ lib/Format/BreakableToken.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #include "BreakableToken.h"
-#include "Comments.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
 #include "clang/Format/Format.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
@@ -40,6 +39,21 @@
+static StringRef getLineCommentIndentPrefix(StringRef Comment) {
+  static const char *const KnownPrefixes[] = {"///", "//", "//!"};
+  StringRef LongestPrefix;
+  for (StringRef KnownPrefix : KnownPrefixes) {
+    if (Comment.startswith(KnownPrefix)) {
+      size_t PrefixLength = KnownPrefix.size();
+      while (PrefixLength < Comment.size() && Comment[PrefixLength] == ' ')
+        ++PrefixLength;
+      if (PrefixLength > LongestPrefix.size())
+        LongestPrefix = Comment.substr(0, PrefixLength);
+    }
+  }
+  return LongestPrefix;
 static BreakableToken::Split getCommentSplit(StringRef Text,
                                              unsigned ContentStartColumn,
                                              unsigned ColumnLimit,
@@ -135,9 +149,10 @@
 unsigned BreakableSingleLineToken::getLineCount() const { return 1; }
 unsigned BreakableSingleLineToken::getLineLengthAfterSplit(
-    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned Offset, StringRef::size_type Length) const {
+    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
+    StringRef::size_type Length) const {
   return StartColumn + Prefix.size() + Postfix.size() +
-         encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Line.substr(Offset, Length),
+         encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Line.substr(TailOffset, Length),
                                        StartColumn + Prefix.size(),
                                        Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
@@ -170,84 +185,122 @@
 void BreakableStringLiteral::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex,
                                          unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
+                                         bool DryRun,
                                          WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
   unsigned LeadingSpaces = StartColumn;
   // The '@' of an ObjC string literal (@"Test") does not become part of the
   // string token.
   // FIXME: It might be a cleaner solution to merge the tokens as a
   // precomputation step.
   if (Prefix.startswith("@"))
-  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
-      Tok, Prefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second, Postfix,
-      Prefix, InPPDirective, 1, IndentLevel, LeadingSpaces);
-    const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
-    bool InPPDirective, encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
-    : BreakableSingleLineToken(Token, IndentLevel, StartColumn,
-                               getLineCommentIndentPrefix(Token.TokenText), "",
-                               InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {
-  OriginalPrefix = Prefix;
-  if (Token.TokenText.size() > Prefix.size() &&
-      isAlphanumeric(Token.TokenText[Prefix.size()])) {
-    if (Prefix == "//")
-      Prefix = "// ";
-    else if (Prefix == "///")
-      Prefix = "/// ";
-    else if (Prefix == "//!")
-      Prefix = "//! ";
+  if (!DryRun) {
+    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+        Tok, Prefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second, Postfix,
+        Prefix, InPPDirective, 1, IndentLevel, LeadingSpaces);
-BreakableLineComment::getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
-                               unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
-  return getCommentSplit(Line.substr(TailOffset), StartColumn + Prefix.size(),
+BreakableComment::BreakableComment(const FormatToken &Token,
+                                   unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
+                                   unsigned OriginalStartColumn,
+                                   bool FirstInLine, bool InPPDirective,
+                                   encoding::Encoding Encoding,
+                                   const FormatStyle &Style)
+    : BreakableToken(Token, IndentLevel, InPPDirective, Encoding, Style),
+      StartColumn(StartColumn), OriginalStartColumn(OriginalStartColumn),
+      FirstInLine(FirstInLine) {}
+unsigned BreakableComment::getLineCount() const { return Lines.size(); }
+BreakableToken::Split BreakableComment::getSplit(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                                 unsigned TailOffset,
+                                                 unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
+  return getCommentSplit(Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset),
+                         getContentStartColumn(LineIndex, TailOffset),
                          ColumnLimit, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
-void BreakableLineComment::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
-                                       Split Split,
-                                       WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
-  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
-      Tok, OriginalPrefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second,
-      Postfix, Prefix, InPPDirective, /*Newlines=*/1, IndentLevel, StartColumn);
+void BreakableComment::replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                         unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
+                                         bool DryRun,
+                                         WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
+  ReflowInProgress = true;
+  if (!DryRun) {
+    StringRef Text = Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
+    unsigned BreakOffsetInToken =
+ - tokenAt(LineIndex) + Split.first;
+    unsigned CharsToRemove = Split.second;
+    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+        tokenAt(LineIndex), BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "", "",
+        /*InPPDirective=*/false,
+        /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0, /*Spaces=*/1);
+  }
-void BreakableLineComment::replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex,
-                                             unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                                             WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
-  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
-      Tok, OriginalPrefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second, "",
-      "", /*InPPDirective=*/false, /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0,
-      /*Spaces=*/1);
+BreakableComment::getReflowSplit(StringRef Text, StringRef ReflowPrefix,
+                                 unsigned PreviousEndColumn,
+                                 unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
+  unsigned ReflowStartColumn = PreviousEndColumn + ReflowPrefix.size();
+  // The width of a line if the whole Text is reflown.
+  unsigned FullWidth = ReflowStartColumn +
+                       encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Text, ReflowStartColumn,
+                                                     Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
+  Split ReflowSplit =
+      FullWidth <= ColumnLimit
+          ? Split(Text.size(), 0)
+          : getCommentSplit(Text, ReflowStartColumn, ColumnLimit,
+                            Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
+  if (ReflowSplit.first != StringRef::npos &&
+      PreviousEndColumn + ReflowPrefix.size() +
+              encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Text.substr(0, ReflowSplit.first),
+                                            PreviousEndColumn +
+                                                ReflowPrefix.size(),
+                                            Style.TabWidth, Encoding) <=
+          ColumnLimit) {
+    return ReflowSplit;
+  }
+  return Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
-void BreakableLineComment::replaceWhitespaceBefore(
-    unsigned LineIndex, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
-  if (OriginalPrefix != Prefix) {
-    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(Tok, OriginalPrefix.size(), 0, "", "",
-                                         /*InPPDirective=*/false,
-                                         /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0,
-                                         /*Spaces=*/1);
-  }
+const FormatToken &BreakableComment::tokenAt(unsigned LineIndex) const {
+  return Tokens[LineIndex] ? *Tokens[LineIndex] : Tok;
+bool BreakableComment::mayReflow(unsigned LineIndex) {
+  ReflowInProgress =
+      ReflowInProgress && LineIndex > 0 &&
+      !Content[LineIndex].trim(Blanks).empty() &&
+      !Content[LineIndex].endswith("\\") &&
+      (! ||
+       OriginalPrefix[LineIndex] == OriginalPrefix[LineIndex - 1]) &&
+      Content[LineIndex] != "clang-format on" &&
+      Content[LineIndex] != "clang-format off" && !Tok.Finalized;
+  return ReflowInProgress;
     const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
     unsigned OriginalStartColumn, bool FirstInLine, bool InPPDirective,
     encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
-    : BreakableToken(Token, IndentLevel, InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {
-  StringRef TokenText(Token.TokenText);
+    : BreakableComment(Token, IndentLevel, StartColumn, OriginalStartColumn,
+                       FirstInLine, InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {
+  assert( &&
+         "block comment section must start with a block comment");
+  StringRef TokenText(Tok.TokenText);
   assert(TokenText.startswith("/*") && TokenText.endswith("*/"));
   TokenText.substr(2, TokenText.size() - 4).split(Lines, "\n");
   int IndentDelta = StartColumn - OriginalStartColumn;
-  LeadingWhitespace.resize(Lines.size());
-  StartOfLineColumn.resize(Lines.size());
-  StartOfLineColumn[0] = StartColumn + 2;
+  Content.resize(Lines.size());
+  Content[0] = Lines[0];
+  ContentColumn.resize(Lines.size());
+  ContentColumn[0] = StartColumn + 2;
+  Tokens.resize(Lines.size());
   for (size_t i = 1; i < Lines.size(); ++i)
     adjustWhitespace(i, IndentDelta);
@@ -262,49 +315,52 @@
   for (size_t i = 1, e = Lines.size(); i < e && !Decoration.empty(); ++i) {
     // If the last line is empty, the closing "*/" will have a star.
-    if (i + 1 == e && Lines[i].empty())
+    if (i + 1 == e && Content[i].empty())
-    if (!Lines[i].empty() && i + 1 != e && Decoration.startswith(Lines[i]))
+    if (!Content[i].empty() && i + 1 != e &&
+        Decoration.startswith(Content[i]))
-    while (!Lines[i].startswith(Decoration))
+    while (!Content[i].startswith(Decoration))
       Decoration = Decoration.substr(0, Decoration.size() - 1);
   LastLineNeedsDecoration = true;
-  IndentAtLineBreak = StartOfLineColumn[0] + 1;
-  for (size_t i = 1; i < Lines.size(); ++i) {
-    if (Lines[i].empty()) {
-      if (i + 1 == Lines.size()) {
+  IndentAtLineBreak = ContentColumn[0] + 1;
+  for (size_t i = 1, e = Lines.size(); i < e; ++i) {
+    if (Content[i].empty()) {
+      if (i + 1 == e) {
         // Empty last line means that we already have a star as a part of the
         // trailing */. We also need to preserve whitespace, so that */ is
         // correctly indented.
         LastLineNeedsDecoration = false;
       } else if (Decoration.empty()) {
         // For all other lines, set the start column to 0 if they're empty, so
         // we do not insert trailing whitespace anywhere.
-        StartOfLineColumn[i] = 0;
+        ContentColumn[i] = 0;
     // The first line already excludes the star.
     // For all other lines, adjust the line to exclude the star and
     // (optionally) the first whitespace.
-    unsigned DecorationSize =
-        Decoration.startswith(Lines[i]) ? Lines[i].size() : Decoration.size();
-    StartOfLineColumn[i] += DecorationSize;
-    Lines[i] = Lines[i].substr(DecorationSize);
-    LeadingWhitespace[i] += DecorationSize;
-    if (!Decoration.startswith(Lines[i]))
+    unsigned DecorationSize = Decoration.startswith(Content[i])
+                                  ? Content[i].size()
+                                  : Decoration.size();
+    ContentColumn[i] += DecorationSize;
+    Content[i] = Content[i].substr(DecorationSize);
+    if (!Decoration.startswith(Content[i]))
       IndentAtLineBreak =
-          std::min<int>(IndentAtLineBreak, std::max(0, StartOfLineColumn[i]));
+          std::min<int>(IndentAtLineBreak, std::max(0, ContentColumn[i]));
-  IndentAtLineBreak = std::max<unsigned>(IndentAtLineBreak, Decoration.size());
+  IndentAtLineBreak =
+      std::max<unsigned>(IndentAtLineBreak, Decoration.size());
     llvm::dbgs() << "IndentAtLineBreak " << IndentAtLineBreak << "\n";
     for (size_t i = 0; i < Lines.size(); ++i) {
-      llvm::dbgs() << i << " |" << Lines[i] << "| " << LeadingWhitespace[i]
-                   << "\n";
+      llvm::dbgs() << i << " |" << Content[i] << "| "
+                   << (Content[i].data() - Lines[i].data()) << "\n";
@@ -334,78 +390,97 @@
   StringRef Whitespace = Lines[LineIndex].substr(0, StartOfLine);
   // Adjust Lines to only contain relevant text.
-  Lines[LineIndex - 1] = Lines[LineIndex - 1].substr(0, EndOfPreviousLine);
-  Lines[LineIndex] = Lines[LineIndex].substr(StartOfLine);
-  // Adjust LeadingWhitespace to account all whitespace between the lines
-  // to the current line.
-  LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex] =
-      Lines[LineIndex].begin() - Lines[LineIndex - 1].end();
+  size_t PreviousContentOffset =
+      Content[LineIndex - 1].data() - Lines[LineIndex - 1].data();
+  Content[LineIndex - 1] = Lines[LineIndex - 1].substr(
+      PreviousContentOffset, EndOfPreviousLine - PreviousContentOffset);
+  Content[LineIndex] = Lines[LineIndex].substr(StartOfLine);
   // Adjust the start column uniformly across all lines.
-  StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex] =
+  ContentColumn[LineIndex] =
       encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Whitespace, 0, Style.TabWidth, Encoding) +
-unsigned BreakableBlockComment::getLineCount() const { return Lines.size(); }
 unsigned BreakableBlockComment::getLineLengthAfterSplit(
-    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned Offset, StringRef::size_type Length) const {
-  unsigned ContentStartColumn = getContentStartColumn(LineIndex, Offset);
-  return ContentStartColumn +
-         encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Lines[LineIndex].substr(Offset, Length),
-                                       ContentStartColumn, Style.TabWidth,
-                                       Encoding) +
-         // The last line gets a "*/" postfix.
-         (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size() ? 2 : 0);
-BreakableBlockComment::getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
-                                unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
-  return getCommentSplit(Lines[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset),
-                         getContentStartColumn(LineIndex, TailOffset),
-                         ColumnLimit, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
+    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
+    StringRef::size_type Length) const {
+  unsigned ContentStartColumn = getContentStartColumn(LineIndex, TailOffset);
+  unsigned LineLength =
+      ContentStartColumn + encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(
+                               Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset, Length),
+                               ContentStartColumn, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
+  // The last line gets a "*/" postfix.
+  if (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size()) {
+    LineLength += 2;
+    // We never need a decoration when breaking just the trailing "*/" postfix.
+    if (Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset, Length).empty()) {
+      LineLength -= Decoration.size();
+    }
+  }
+  return LineLength;
 void BreakableBlockComment::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
-                                        Split Split,
+                                        Split Split, bool DryRun,
                                         WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
-  StringRef Text = Lines[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
+  StringRef Text = Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
   StringRef Prefix = Decoration;
+  unsigned LocalIndentAtLineBreak = IndentAtLineBreak;
   if (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size() &&
       Text.size() == Split.first + Split.second) {
     // For the last line we need to break before "*/", but not to add "* ".
     Prefix = "";
+    if (LocalIndentAtLineBreak >= 2)
+      LocalIndentAtLineBreak -= 2;
   unsigned BreakOffsetInToken =
- - + Split.first;
+ - tokenAt(LineIndex) + Split.first;
   unsigned CharsToRemove = Split.second;
-  assert(IndentAtLineBreak >= Decoration.size());
-  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
-      Tok, BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "", Prefix, InPPDirective, 1,
-      IndentLevel, IndentAtLineBreak - Decoration.size());
-void BreakableBlockComment::replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex,
-                                              unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
-                                              WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
-  StringRef Text = Lines[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
-  unsigned BreakOffsetInToken =
- - + Split.first;
-  unsigned CharsToRemove = Split.second;
-  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
-      Tok, BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "", "", /*InPPDirective=*/false,
-      /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0, /*Spaces=*/1);
+  assert(LocalIndentAtLineBreak >= Prefix.size());
+  ReflowInProgress = true;
+  if (!DryRun) {
+    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+        tokenAt(LineIndex), BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "", Prefix,
+        InPPDirective, /*Newlines=*/1, IndentLevel,
+        /*Spaces=*/LocalIndentAtLineBreak - Prefix.size());
+  }
 void BreakableBlockComment::replaceWhitespaceBefore(
-    unsigned LineIndex, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
+    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned PreviousEndColumn, unsigned ColumnLimit,
+    bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
   if (LineIndex == 0)
+  // Try reflowing block comment lines.
+  StringRef TrimmedContent = Content[LineIndex].ltrim(Blanks);
+  Split ReflowSplit = getReflowSplit(TrimmedContent, ReflowPrefix,
+                                     PreviousEndColumn, ColumnLimit);
+  if (mayReflow(LineIndex) && ReflowSplit.first != StringRef::npos) {
+    if (!DryRun) {
+      assert(Tokens[LineIndex - 1] == Tokens[LineIndex] &&
+             "Reflowing whitespace within a token");
+      unsigned WhitespaceOffsetInToken = Content[LineIndex - 1].data() +
+                                         Content[LineIndex - 1].size() -
+                                         tokenAt(LineIndex);
+      unsigned WhitespaceLength = -
+                                  tokenAt(LineIndex) -
+                                  WhitespaceOffsetInToken;
+      Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+          tokenAt(LineIndex), WhitespaceOffsetInToken,
+          /*ReplaceChars=*/WhitespaceLength,
+          /*PreviousPostfix=*/"",
+          /*CurrentPrefix=*/ReflowPrefix, InPPDirective,
+          /*Newlines=*/0, IndentLevel, /*Spaces=*/0);
+    }
+    ContentColumn[LineIndex] = PreviousEndColumn + ReflowPrefix.size();
+    Content[LineIndex] = TrimmedContent;
+    return;
+  }
+  // Fix the decoration of the line at LineIndex.
   StringRef Prefix = Decoration;
-  if (Lines[LineIndex].empty()) {
+  if (Content[LineIndex].empty()) {
     if (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size()) {
       if (!LastLineNeedsDecoration) {
         // If the last line was empty, we don't need a prefix, as the */ will
@@ -418,28 +493,195 @@
       Prefix = Prefix.substr(0, 1);
   } else {
-    if (StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex] == 1) {
+    if (ContentColumn[LineIndex] == 1) {
       // This line starts immediately after the decorating *.
       Prefix = Prefix.substr(0, 1);
-  unsigned WhitespaceOffsetInToken = Lines[LineIndex].data() -
-                            -
-                                     LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex];
-  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
-      Tok, WhitespaceOffsetInToken, LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex], "", Prefix,
-      InPPDirective, 1, IndentLevel,
-      StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex] - Prefix.size());
+  unsigned WhitespaceOffsetInToken = Content[LineIndex - 1].data() +
+                                     Content[LineIndex - 1].size() -
+                                     tokenAt(LineIndex);
+  unsigned WhitespaceLength = Content[LineIndex].data() -
+                              tokenAt(LineIndex) -
+                              WhitespaceOffsetInToken;
+  if (!DryRun) {
+    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+        tokenAt(LineIndex), WhitespaceOffsetInToken, WhitespaceLength, "",
+        Prefix, InPPDirective, /*Newlines=*/1, IndentLevel,
+        ContentColumn[LineIndex] - Prefix.size());
+  }
 BreakableBlockComment::getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex,
                                              unsigned TailOffset) const {
   // If we break, we always break at the predefined indent.
   if (TailOffset != 0)
     return IndentAtLineBreak;
-  return std::max(0, StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex]);
+  return std::max(0, ContentColumn[LineIndex]);
+    const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
+    unsigned OriginalStartColumn, bool FirstInLine, bool InPPDirective,
+    encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
+    : BreakableComment(Token, IndentLevel, StartColumn, OriginalStartColumn,
+                       FirstInLine, InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {
+  assert( &&
+         "line comment section must start with a line comment");
+  FormatToken *LineTok = nullptr;
+  for (const FormatToken *CurrentTok = &Tok;
+       CurrentTok && CurrentTok->is(TT_LineComment);
+       CurrentTok = CurrentTok->Next) {
+    LastLineTok = LineTok;
+    StringRef TokenText(CurrentTok->TokenText);
+    assert(TokenText.startswith("//"));
+    size_t FirstLineIndex = Lines.size();
+    TokenText.split(Lines, "\n");
+    Content.resize(Lines.size());
+    ContentColumn.resize(Lines.size());
+    OriginalContentColumn.resize(Lines.size());
+    Tokens.resize(Lines.size());
+    Prefix.resize(Lines.size());
+    OriginalPrefix.resize(Lines.size());
+    for (size_t i = FirstLineIndex, e = Lines.size(); i < e; ++i) {
+      StringRef IndentPrefix = getLineCommentIndentPrefix(Lines[i]);
+      OriginalPrefix[i] = Prefix[i] = IndentPrefix;
+      if (Lines[i].size() > Prefix[i].size() &&
+          isAlphanumeric(Lines[i][Prefix[i].size()])) {
+        if (Prefix[i] == "//")
+          Prefix[i] = "// ";
+        else if (Prefix[i] == "///")
+          Prefix[i] = "/// ";
+        else if (Prefix[i] == "//!")
+          Prefix[i] = "//! ";
+      }
+      Tokens[i] = LineTok;
+      Content[i] = Lines[i].substr(IndentPrefix.size());
+      ContentColumn[i] = OriginalContentColumn[i] =
+          encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(IndentPrefix, 0, Style.TabWidth,
+                                        Encoding) +
+          StartColumn;
+      // Calculate the end of the non-whitespace text in this line.
+      size_t EndOfLine = Content[i].find_last_not_of(Blanks);
+      if (EndOfLine == StringRef::npos)
+        EndOfLine = Content[i].size();
+      else
+        ++EndOfLine;
+      Content[i] = Content[i].substr(0, EndOfLine);
+    }
+    LineTok = CurrentTok->Next;
+  }
+unsigned BreakableLineCommentSection::getLineLengthAfterSplit(
+    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
+    StringRef::size_type Length) const {
+  unsigned ContentStartColumn =
+      (TailOffset == 0 ? ContentColumn[LineIndex]
+                       : OriginalContentColumn[LineIndex]);
+  return ContentStartColumn + encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(
+                                  Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset, Length),
+                                  ContentStartColumn, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
+void BreakableLineCommentSection::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                              unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
+                                              bool DryRun,
+                                              WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
+  StringRef Text = Content[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
+  unsigned BreakOffsetInToken =
+ - tokenAt(LineIndex) + Split.first;
+  unsigned CharsToRemove = Split.second;
+  unsigned IndentAtLineBreak = OriginalContentColumn[LineIndex] +
+                               Prefix[LineIndex].size() -
+                               OriginalPrefix[LineIndex].size();
+  assert(IndentAtLineBreak >= Prefix[LineIndex].size());
+  ReflowInProgress = true;
+  if (!DryRun) {
+    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+        tokenAt(LineIndex), BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "",
+        Prefix[LineIndex], InPPDirective, /*Newlines=*/1, IndentLevel,
+        /*Spaces=*/IndentAtLineBreak - Prefix[LineIndex].size());
+  }
+void BreakableLineCommentSection::replaceWhitespaceBefore(
+    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned PreviousEndColumn, unsigned ColumnLimit,
+    bool DryRun, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
+  // If this is the first line of a token, we neet to inform Whitespace Manager
+  // about it.
+  if (LineIndex > 0 && Tokens[LineIndex] != Tokens[LineIndex - 1]) {
+    // The text to insert before a piece of text while reflowing.
+    Split ReflowSplit =
+        getReflowSplit(Content[LineIndex], ReflowPrefix,
+                       PreviousEndColumn, ColumnLimit);
+    if (mayReflow(LineIndex) && ReflowSplit.first != StringRef::npos) {
+      if (!DryRun) {
+        // Replace the whitespace between the tokens.
+        Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(*Tokens[LineIndex],
+                                      /*Newlines=*/0,
+                                      /*IndentLevel=*/IndentLevel,
+                                      /*Spaces=*/0,
+                                      /*StartOfTokenColumn=*/StartColumn,
+                                      /*InPPDirective=*/false);
+        // Replace the prefix of the token with the reflow prefix.
+        unsigned WhitespaceLength =
+            Content[LineIndex].data() - tokenAt(LineIndex);
+        Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(*Tokens[LineIndex],
+                                             /*Offest=*/0,
+                                             /*ReplaceChars=*/WhitespaceLength,
+                                             /*PreviousPostfix=*/"",
+                                             /*CurrentPrefix=*/ReflowPrefix,
+                                             /*InPPDirective=*/false,
+                                             /*Newlines=*/0,
+                                             /*IndentLevel=*/IndentLevel,
+                                             /*Spaces=*/0);
+      }
+      ContentColumn[LineIndex] = PreviousEndColumn + ReflowPrefix.size();
+      return;
+    }
+    // This is the first line for the current token.
+    unsigned LineColumn = ContentColumn[LineIndex] -
+                          (Content[LineIndex].data() - Lines[LineIndex].data());
+    if (tokenAt(LineIndex).OriginalColumn != LineColumn && !DryRun) {
+      Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(*Tokens[LineIndex],
+                                    /*Newlines=*/1,
+                                    /*IndentLevel=*/IndentLevel,
+                                    /*Spaces=*/LineColumn,
+                                    /*StartOfTokenColumn=*/LineColumn,
+                                    /*InPPDirective=*/false);
+    } else if (!DryRun) {
+      Whitespaces.addUntouchableToken(tokenAt(LineIndex),
+                                      /*InPPDirective=*/false);
+    }
+  }
+  if (OriginalPrefix[LineIndex] != Prefix[LineIndex]) {
+    // Take care of the space possibly introduced after a decoration.
+    assert(Prefix[LineIndex] == (OriginalPrefix[LineIndex] + " ").str() &&
+           "Expecting a block comment decoration to differ from original by "
+           "at most a space");
+    ContentColumn[LineIndex] +=
+        Prefix[LineIndex].size() - OriginalPrefix[LineIndex].size();
+    if (!DryRun) {
+      Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
+          tokenAt(LineIndex), OriginalPrefix[LineIndex].size(), 0, "", "",
+          /*InPPDirective=*/false,
+          /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0,
+          /*Spaces=*/1);
+    }
+  }
+BreakableLineCommentSection::getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex,
+                                                   unsigned TailOffset) const {
+  if (TailOffset != 0) {
+    return OriginalContentColumn[LineIndex];
+  }
+  return ContentColumn[LineIndex];
 } // namespace format
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