@@ -192,8 +192,10 @@ TEST(PreamblePatchTest, PatchesPreambleIncludes) {
   TU.AdditionalFiles["b.h"] = "";
   TU.AdditionalFiles["c.h"] = "";
   auto PI = TU.inputs(FS);
-  auto BaselinePreamble = buildPreamble(
-      TU.Filename, *buildCompilerInvocation(PI, Diags), PI, true, nullptr);
+  MockCompilationDatabase CDB;
+  auto BaselinePreamble =
+      buildPreamble(TU.Filename, *buildCompilerInvocation(PI, Diags), PI, true,
+                    /*RequiredModuleBuilder=*/nullptr, nullptr);
kadircet wrote:
yes, and I was trying to say that none of them are actually testing 

we should basically have some end-to-end tests for the behaviour around 
building a preamble with modules, and using that preamble to build some ASTs. 
all the new unittests you introduced are testing the behavior for new 
components (surely there's some coverage true lit-tests but we can do better).

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