howard.hinnant added a comment. I would like to offer two thoughts:
1. Timing with `steady_clock` is often used to time very short events. It should be respected as the "high_resolution_clock". This means that two consecutive calls to `steady_clock::now()` should return nanoseconds resolution and should not be equal unless the implementation is actually able to complete a call to `steady_clock::now()` in less than 1ns. 2. Here's test of thought 1: #include <chrono> #include <time.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> std::chrono::milliseconds uptime() { using namespace std::chrono; timeval ts; auto ts_len = sizeof(ts); int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME }; auto constexpr mib_len = sizeof(mib)/sizeof(mib[0]); if (sysctl(mib, mib_len, &ts, &ts_len, nullptr, 0) == 0) { system_clock::time_point boot{seconds{ts.tv_sec} + microseconds{ts.tv_usec}}; return duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now() - boot); } return 0ms; } std::chrono::nanoseconds get_uptime_raw() { using namespace std::chrono; struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW, &tp); return seconds(tp.tv_sec) + nanoseconds(tp.tv_nsec); } std::chrono::nanoseconds get_monotonic() { using namespace std::chrono; struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp); return seconds(tp.tv_sec) + nanoseconds(tp.tv_nsec); } #include "date.h" #include <iostream> template <class Duration> void display(Duration time) { using namespace date; auto d = floor<days>(time); time -= d; std::cout << d.count() << " days " << make_time(time) << '\n'; } int main() { using namespace std::chrono; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { std::cout << i << '\n'; { auto t0 = uptime(); auto t1 = uptime(); std::cout << "boot time : "; display(t0); std::cout << "boot time : "; display(t1); std::cout << "delta boot time : " << nanoseconds{t1 - t0}.count() << "ns\n"; } { auto t0 = get_uptime_raw(); auto t1 = get_uptime_raw(); std::cout << "CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : "; display(t0); std::cout << "CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : "; display(t1); std::cout << "delta CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW time : " << nanoseconds{t1 - t0}.count() << "ns\n"; } { auto t0 = get_monotonic(); auto t1 = get_monotonic(); std::cout << "CLOCK_MONOTONIC : "; display(t0); std::cout << "CLOCK_MONOTONIC : "; display(t1); std::cout << "delta CLOCK_MONOTONIC time : " << nanoseconds{t1 - t0}.count() << "ns\n"; } { auto t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); auto t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); std::cout << "mach_absolute_time : "; display(t0); std::cout << "mach_absolute_time : "; display(t1); std::cout << "delta mach_absolute_time time : " << nanoseconds{t1 - t0}.count() << "ns\n"; } std::cout << '\n'; } } Sorry, it requires "date.h" from . It is header-only and portable. It's just used for matting purposes if it really stresses you out. For me this outputs (at -O3): Jade:~/Development/cljunk> a.out 0 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 delta boot time : 0ns CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960672112 CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960672266 delta CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW time : 154ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827318000 CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827318000 delta CLOCK_MONOTONIC time : 0ns mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960714394 mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960714504 delta mach_absolute_time time : 110ns 1 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 delta boot time : 0ns CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960761867 CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960761932 delta CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW time : 65ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827402000 CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827402000 delta CLOCK_MONOTONIC time : 0ns mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960793667 mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960793747 delta mach_absolute_time time : 80ns 2 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 delta boot time : 0ns CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960835164 CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960835227 delta CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW time : 63ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827476000 CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827476000 delta CLOCK_MONOTONIC time : 0ns mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960867852 mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960867944 delta mach_absolute_time time : 92ns 3 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 boot time : 11 days 22:30:42.827 delta boot time : 0ns CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960911646 CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW : 11 days 22:22:28.960911737 delta CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW time : 91ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827553000 CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 11 days 22:30:42.827553000 delta CLOCK_MONOTONIC time : 0ns mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960945129 mach_absolute_time : 11 days 22:22:28.960945196 delta mach_absolute_time time : 67ns 3. Third thought (off by one errors are rampant! ;-) ): `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` gives a more accurate report of system uptime, and thus more accurately respects the intent of `steady_clock`'s definition. However the difference is slight. Only `CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW` and `mach_absolute_time` are able to time functions in the nanosecond range, which is the most important use case for `steady_clock`. Imho, only `CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW` or `mach_absolute_time` are acceptable implementations of `steady_clock` on macOS. I feel strongly enough about this that I would like to see a `static_assert` that the `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` is never accidentally chosen by the preprocessor when targeting macOS, or iOS. I can't directly speak to other platforms. But I would like to see tests such as this applied to other platforms. `steady_clock` should be able to measure short events without returning 0ns. The Windows experience with `<chrono>` has taught as well that this would be a dissatisfying experience to customers. _______________________________________________ cfe-commits mailing list