SLTozer wrote:

> There's one part I did not fully understand. How did you identify the 
> "pre-script fixups"? What's the importance of those changes? I did not seen 
> any mention of that in your PR description.

Good question, I'll add my answer to the main description: The pre-script 
fixups were determined post-script; so I ran the script, looked at the tests 
that still failed, and examined why - in most cases this isn't hard, because 
the problem `CHECK` is the one that fails the test. The pre-script fixups 
change existing patterns so that the script can handle them correctly, while 
the post-script fixups cover cases that the script can't fix or otherwise 
mishandles. In both cases we need to run the script first to identify the 
problems and manually fixup the check lines, and for a downstream user it _may_ 
be easier to skip the pre-script stuff and just fix all broken checks manually 
after the script makes its best effort; my splitting of the pre-script 
modifications was more to ensure that as much of this review is automated as 
possible, rather than a necessary step.
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