erichkeane wrote:

> I really appreciate the suggestions. `alias-unused.cpp` and 
> `alias-unused-win.cpp` contain test improvement that should be pre-commited 
> once they look good enough. Then this PR can be changed to show the 
> difference.
> On a separate note, I wanted to clarify that `-Wunused-function` false 
> positives/negatives shouldn't be automatically considered security bugs. 
> Categorizing all these warning improvements as "security bugs" would dilute 
> the meaning of "security bugs" and make it harder to prioritize real 
> vulnerabilities.
> (
> ```
> What is a GCC security bug?
> ===========================
>     A security bug is one that threatens the security of a system or
>     network, or might compromise the security of data stored on it.
>     In the context of GCC, there are multiple ways in which this might
>     happen and some common scenarios are detailed below.
> ```
> )
> (An attacker can easily bypass warnings: remove `-Werror` (uncommon in 
> distros anyway), remove `-Wall` (which covers `-Wunused-function`, or use a 
> pragma to disable `-Wunused-function` locally. )
> The description contains an example about name mangling differences 
> ( and I 
> mentioned that "This inconsistency makes alias/ifunc difficult to use in C++ 
> with portability."
> ```
> extern "C" {
> static void f0() {}
> // GCC: void g0() __attribute__((alias("_ZL2f0v")));
> // Clang: void g0() __attribute__((alias("f0")));
> }
> ```
> I added microsoftDemangle tests to show the current behavior. Since the 
> feature that demangles to the function name without parameters (f3 instead of 
> f3(int)) appears to be missing, I cannot address -Wunused-function false 
> positives for microsoftDemangle with reasonable time complexity.

I don't believe we ARE trying to make that change to security definitions.  
However, we are all being particularly security conscious of this patch because 
the reporter is the person who JUST did the xz exploit over years.  IMO, this 
bug report (and the original C only fix) were used in part to help cover his 
tracks, so being particularly careful here is paramount.
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