@@ -479,12 +479,15 @@ def add_raw_line(self, raw_line):
 # A visitor that dumps the ExplodedGraph into a DOT file with fancy HTML-based
 # syntax highlighing.
 class DotDumpVisitor:
-    def __init__(self, do_diffs, dark_mode, gray_mode, topo_mode, 
+    def __init__(
+        self, do_diffs, dark_mode, gray_mode, topo_mode, dump_dot_only, 
+    ):
steakhal wrote:

This ctor accepts `dump_dot_only` and `dump_html_only`, which reads to me as 
mutually exclusive flags.
This suggests to me that we should rather have a single parameter like 

EDIT: Alright, I've just later seen that in argparse, they are marked mutually 
exclusive, so it should be fine here too.
Maybe we could have an assert enforcing this.

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