jpienaar wrote:

> This lack some information to me:
> * What is the purpose of this?

To be able to flag incompatible bytecode files rather than have it fail later 
in mysterious ways. E.g., allows for a more strict failure.

> * What kind of compatibility is this supposed to provide?

None today. Aspirational to use to avoid making cross repo changes in more 
atomic manner.

> * What is the versioning scheme?

Version is just a single number but this doesn't mean this is versioned in any 
deep way vs being able to flag incompatible versions (some small update hooks 
such as for things like where i64 attribute is changed to i8 etc could be 
utilized, no promises yet on these existing for any extent of time). Main goal 
is really to reduce cross repo sync changes without initially any additional 

Currently there aren't even any tests to flag if a version bump is needed. That 
would be nice, but no policy there yet.
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