@@ -100,12 +103,6 @@ ValueProfNode *__llvm_profile_begin_vnodes();
 ValueProfNode *__llvm_profile_end_vnodes();
 uint32_t *__llvm_profile_begin_orderfile();
- * \brief Clear profile counters to zero.
- *
- */
-void __llvm_profile_reset_counters(void);
qiongsiwu wrote:

> They are effectively removed if the frontend does not define 
> __LLVM_INSTR_PROFILE_GENERATE (see my other comment).

`__LLVM_INSTR_PROFILE_GENERATE` is defined explicitly in this header 
`compiler-rt/lib/profile/InstrProfiling.h` before the new header is included 
 so that we do not depend on the frontend for the macro in the compiler-rt 
context, and we make sure that these three names are always available 
(regardless of frontend options). 

I am trying to avoid wrappers or duplicating definitions. [This 
 seem to imply that creating wrapper or duplicating definition is not 
desirable. However, if avoiding wrapper or duplication is making downstream 
code unnecessarily complicated, I will create the wrappers instead. 

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