Author: Timm Bäder
Date: 2023-12-14T10:47:32+01:00
New Revision: 2eb1e75f42d7e09e97907f535bfa749722722dbd


LOG: [clang][NFC] Inline some lambdas to their only call site




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExprCXX.cpp 
index 2fc364fc811b32..ef9ea6575205cd 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExprCXX.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExprCXX.cpp
@@ -1311,18 +1311,6 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseLambdaExpressionAfterIntroducer(
-  // Helper to emit a warning if we see a CUDA host/device/global attribute
-  // after '(...)'. nvcc doesn't accept this.
-  auto WarnIfHasCUDATargetAttr = [&] {
-    if (getLangOpts().CUDA)
-      for (const ParsedAttr &A : Attributes)
-        if (A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_CUDADevice ||
-            A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_CUDAHost ||
-            A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_CUDAGlobal)
-          Diag(A.getLoc(), diag::warn_cuda_attr_lambda_position)
-              << A.getAttrName()->getName();
-  };
   MultiParseScope TemplateParamScope(*this);
   if ( {
     Diag(Tok, getLangOpts().CPlusPlus20
@@ -1377,91 +1365,6 @@ ExprResult Parser::ParseLambdaExpressionAfterIntroducer(
   bool HasSpecifiers = false;
   SourceLocation MutableLoc;
-  auto ParseConstexprAndMutableSpecifiers = [&] {
-    // GNU-style attributes must be parsed before the mutable specifier to
-    // be compatible with GCC. MSVC-style attributes must be parsed before
-    // the mutable specifier to be compatible with MSVC.
-    MaybeParseAttributes(PAKM_GNU | PAKM_Declspec, Attributes);
-    // Parse mutable-opt and/or constexpr-opt or consteval-opt, and update
-    // the DeclEndLoc.
-    SourceLocation ConstexprLoc;
-    SourceLocation ConstevalLoc;
-    SourceLocation StaticLoc;
-    tryConsumeLambdaSpecifierToken(*this, MutableLoc, StaticLoc, ConstexprLoc,
-                                   ConstevalLoc, DeclEndLoc);
-    DiagnoseStaticSpecifierRestrictions(*this, StaticLoc, MutableLoc, Intro);
-    addStaticToLambdaDeclSpecifier(*this, StaticLoc, DS);
-    addConstexprToLambdaDeclSpecifier(*this, ConstexprLoc, DS);
-    addConstevalToLambdaDeclSpecifier(*this, ConstevalLoc, DS);
-  };
-  auto ParseLambdaSpecifiers =
-      [&](MutableArrayRef<DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo> ParamInfo,
-          SourceLocation EllipsisLoc) {
-        // Parse exception-specification[opt].
-        ExceptionSpecificationType ESpecType = EST_None;
-        SourceRange ESpecRange;
-        SmallVector<ParsedType, 2> DynamicExceptions;
-        SmallVector<SourceRange, 2> DynamicExceptionRanges;
-        ExprResult NoexceptExpr;
-        CachedTokens *ExceptionSpecTokens;
-        ESpecType = tryParseExceptionSpecification(
-            /*Delayed=*/false, ESpecRange, DynamicExceptions,
-            DynamicExceptionRanges, NoexceptExpr, ExceptionSpecTokens);
-        if (ESpecType != EST_None)
-          DeclEndLoc = ESpecRange.getEnd();
-        // Parse attribute-specifier[opt].
-        if (MaybeParseCXX11Attributes(Attributes))
-          DeclEndLoc = Attributes.Range.getEnd();
-        // Parse OpenCL addr space attribute.
-        if (Tok.isOneOf(tok::kw___private, tok::kw___global, tok::kw___local,
-                        tok::kw___constant, tok::kw___generic)) {
-          ParseOpenCLQualifiers(DS.getAttributes());
-          ConsumeToken();
-        }
-        SourceLocation FunLocalRangeEnd = DeclEndLoc;
-        // Parse trailing-return-type[opt].
-        if ( {
-          FunLocalRangeEnd = Tok.getLocation();
-          SourceRange Range;
-          TrailingReturnType = ParseTrailingReturnType(
-              Range, /*MayBeFollowedByDirectInit*/ false);
-          TrailingReturnTypeLoc = Range.getBegin();
-          if (Range.getEnd().isValid())
-            DeclEndLoc = Range.getEnd();
-        }
-        SourceLocation NoLoc;
-        D.AddTypeInfo(
-            DeclaratorChunk::getFunction(
-                /*HasProto=*/true,
-                /*IsAmbiguous=*/false, LParenLoc,,
-                ParamInfo.size(), EllipsisLoc, RParenLoc,
-                /*RefQualifierIsLvalueRef=*/true,
-                /*RefQualifierLoc=*/NoLoc, MutableLoc, ESpecType, ESpecRange,
-      ,,
-                DynamicExceptions.size(),
-                NoexceptExpr.isUsable() ? NoexceptExpr.get() : nullptr,
-                /*ExceptionSpecTokens*/ nullptr,
-                /*DeclsInPrototype=*/std::nullopt, LParenLoc, FunLocalRangeEnd,
-                D, TrailingReturnType, TrailingReturnTypeLoc, &DS),
-            std::move(Attributes), DeclEndLoc);
-        Actions.ActOnLambdaClosureQualifiers(Intro, MutableLoc);
-        if (HasParentheses &&
-          ParseTrailingRequiresClause(D);
-      };
   ParseScope Prototype(this, Scope::FunctionPrototypeScope |
                                  Scope::FunctionDeclarationScope |
@@ -1511,18 +1414,104 @@ ExprResult 
         << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(Tok.getLocation(), "() ");
-  if (HasParentheses || HasSpecifiers)
-    ParseConstexprAndMutableSpecifiers();
+  if (HasParentheses || HasSpecifiers) {
+    // GNU-style attributes must be parsed before the mutable specifier to
+    // be compatible with GCC. MSVC-style attributes must be parsed before
+    // the mutable specifier to be compatible with MSVC.
+    MaybeParseAttributes(PAKM_GNU | PAKM_Declspec, Attributes);
+    // Parse mutable-opt and/or constexpr-opt or consteval-opt, and update
+    // the DeclEndLoc.
+    SourceLocation ConstexprLoc;
+    SourceLocation ConstevalLoc;
+    SourceLocation StaticLoc;
+    tryConsumeLambdaSpecifierToken(*this, MutableLoc, StaticLoc, ConstexprLoc,
+                                   ConstevalLoc, DeclEndLoc);
+    DiagnoseStaticSpecifierRestrictions(*this, StaticLoc, MutableLoc, Intro);
+    addStaticToLambdaDeclSpecifier(*this, StaticLoc, DS);
+    addConstexprToLambdaDeclSpecifier(*this, ConstexprLoc, DS);
+    addConstevalToLambdaDeclSpecifier(*this, ConstevalLoc, DS);
+  }
   Actions.ActOnLambdaClosureParameters(getCurScope(), ParamInfo);
   if (!HasParentheses)
     Actions.ActOnLambdaClosureQualifiers(Intro, MutableLoc);
-  if (HasSpecifiers || HasParentheses)
-    ParseLambdaSpecifiers(ParamInfo, EllipsisLoc);
+  if (HasSpecifiers || HasParentheses) {
+    // Parse exception-specification[opt].
+    ExceptionSpecificationType ESpecType = EST_None;
+    SourceRange ESpecRange;
+    SmallVector<ParsedType, 2> DynamicExceptions;
+    SmallVector<SourceRange, 2> DynamicExceptionRanges;
+    ExprResult NoexceptExpr;
+    CachedTokens *ExceptionSpecTokens;
+    ESpecType = tryParseExceptionSpecification(
+        /*Delayed=*/false, ESpecRange, DynamicExceptions,
+        DynamicExceptionRanges, NoexceptExpr, ExceptionSpecTokens);
+    if (ESpecType != EST_None)
+      DeclEndLoc = ESpecRange.getEnd();
+    // Parse attribute-specifier[opt].
+    if (MaybeParseCXX11Attributes(Attributes))
+      DeclEndLoc = Attributes.Range.getEnd();
+    // Parse OpenCL addr space attribute.
+    if (Tok.isOneOf(tok::kw___private, tok::kw___global, tok::kw___local,
+                    tok::kw___constant, tok::kw___generic)) {
+      ParseOpenCLQualifiers(DS.getAttributes());
+      ConsumeToken();
+    }
+    SourceLocation FunLocalRangeEnd = DeclEndLoc;
+    // Parse trailing-return-type[opt].
+    if ( {
+      FunLocalRangeEnd = Tok.getLocation();
+      SourceRange Range;
+      TrailingReturnType =
+          ParseTrailingReturnType(Range, /*MayBeFollowedByDirectInit=*/false);
+      TrailingReturnTypeLoc = Range.getBegin();
+      if (Range.getEnd().isValid())
+        DeclEndLoc = Range.getEnd();
+    }
+    SourceLocation NoLoc;
+    D.AddTypeInfo(DeclaratorChunk::getFunction(
+                      /*HasProto=*/true,
+                      /*IsAmbiguous=*/false, LParenLoc,,
+                      ParamInfo.size(), EllipsisLoc, RParenLoc,
+                      /*RefQualifierIsLvalueRef=*/true,
+                      /*RefQualifierLoc=*/NoLoc, MutableLoc, ESpecType,
+                      ESpecRange,,
+            , DynamicExceptions.size(),
+                      NoexceptExpr.isUsable() ? NoexceptExpr.get() : nullptr,
+                      /*ExceptionSpecTokens*/ nullptr,
+                      /*DeclsInPrototype=*/std::nullopt, LParenLoc,
+                      FunLocalRangeEnd, D, TrailingReturnType,
+                      TrailingReturnTypeLoc, &DS),
+                  std::move(Attributes), DeclEndLoc);
-  WarnIfHasCUDATargetAttr();
+    Actions.ActOnLambdaClosureQualifiers(Intro, MutableLoc);
+    if (HasParentheses &&
+      ParseTrailingRequiresClause(D);
+  }
+  // Emit a warning if we see a CUDA host/device/global attribute
+  // after '(...)'. nvcc doesn't accept this.
+  if (getLangOpts().CUDA) {
+    for (const ParsedAttr &A : Attributes)
+      if (A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_CUDADevice ||
+          A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_CUDAHost ||
+          A.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_CUDAGlobal)
+        Diag(A.getLoc(), diag::warn_cuda_attr_lambda_position)
+            << A.getAttrName()->getName();
+  }

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