iains wrote:

> There are 2 things in the patch. One is to generate the BMI and the object 
> file in one phase (phase here means preprocess, precompile, compile, ...). 

This is the main point of the patch - to do this efficiently.

>Another is to allow us to generate BMI from a `.cpp` file. (Currently we only 
>do this for `.cppm` file or `-x c++-module` file).

Please do not become distracted by this, it is a side-effect of the main 
purpose, if the community wants to have modular files with some specific 
suffix, the patch still works the same.

> But after we introduced thin BMI, it looks inefficient to write the AST 
> twice. So it is on my TODO list after we land the thin BMI patch. BTW, I 
> think we should do thin in CodeGen action instead of hacking on 
> WrappedASTConsumer.

I am curious as to why you think that the multiplex AST consumer is a hack - it 
seems to be designed exactly for this purpose and existed already (i.e. not 
part of this patch).

> For the second thing, I am curious that if it is necessary now? Or what will 
> it block? I mean, the build systems or the cmake, require to mark the module 
> unit ahead of time. Then the build systems will pass `-x c++-module` now for 
> module units. Then the suffixes are not a thing for users.

I think you are getting distracted by the suffix; that is only a side-effect of 
this patch, not its primary purpose.

> And to me, the current mechanism for `.cppm` (or `-x c++-module`) in the 
> driver side works pretty well. 

I have always viewed that as a temporary work-around because we could not 
generate both artefacts from one compiler invocation.

>And if we introduce the mechanism to produce BMI for `.cpp`, it implies that 
>we need to maintain both paths. It is super embracing to me.

We do not need two mechanisms, .cppm can take the same path as any other suffix.

> > in the AST consumer on the BMI side doing suitable filtering to eliminate 
> > the content that is not part of the interface, that is either not needed 
> > (or in some cases positively unhelpful to consumers).

> I believe we should do this in ASTWriters.

I am strongly against doing more semantic work in the AST reader/writer; that 
is just compounding existing layering violations that are already hurting us.

> Also this should be part of thin BMI.

I am not sure what you mean here - the full AST is required for code-gen - we 
can only thin AST either on a separate path (as in this patch) or as a separate 

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