rogfer01 updated this revision to Diff 73466.
rogfer01 added a comment.

Change algorithm following @rsmith suggestions by computing the offset of the 
whole access and compare it against the expected alignment, so reduced aligned 
structs inside overaligned structs does not yield a warning.

Also ignore parentheses where necessary, which was effectively preventing 
silencing some false positives.

Includes testcases suggested by @rsmith and @joerg.


Index: test/Sema/address-packed.c
--- test/Sema/address-packed.c
+++ test/Sema/address-packed.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 struct Arguable *get_arguable();
 void to_void(void *);
+void to_intptr(intptr_t);
 void g0(void) {
@@ -41,43 +42,48 @@
     f1((int *)(void *)&arguable.x); // no-warning
     to_void(&arguable.x);           // no-warning
-    void *p = &arguable.x;          // no-warning;
+    void *p = &arguable.x;          // no-warning
+    to_intptr((intptr_t)p);         // no-warning
     union UnionArguable arguable;
     f2(&arguable.c); // no-warning
     f1(&arguable.x); // expected-warning {{packed member 'x' of class or structure 'UnionArguable'}}
-    f1((int *)(void *)&arguable.x); // no-warning
-    to_void(&arguable.x);           // no-warning
+    f1((int *)(void *)&arguable.x);   // no-warning
+    to_void(&arguable.x);             // no-warning
+    to_intptr((intptr_t)&arguable.x); // no-warning
     ArguableT arguable;
     f2(&arguable.c0); // no-warning
     f1(&arguable.x);  // expected-warning {{packed member 'x' of class or structure 'Arguable'}}
     f2(&arguable.c1); // no-warning
-    f1((int *)(void *)&arguable.x); // no-warning
-    to_void(&arguable.x);           // no-warning
+    f1((int *)(void *)&arguable.x);   // no-warning
+    to_void(&arguable.x);             // no-warning
+    to_intptr((intptr_t)&arguable.x); // no-warning
     struct Arguable *arguable = get_arguable();
     f2(&arguable->c0); // no-warning
     f1(&arguable->x);  // expected-warning {{packed member 'x' of class or structure 'Arguable'}}
     f2(&arguable->c1); // no-warning
-    f1((int *)(void *)&arguable->x); // no-warning
-    to_void(&arguable->c1);          // no-warning
+    f1((int *)(void *)&arguable->x);    // no-warning
+    to_void(&arguable->c1);             // no-warning
+    to_intptr((intptr_t)&arguable->c1); // no-warning
     ArguableT *arguable = get_arguable();
     f2(&(arguable->c0)); // no-warning
     f1(&(arguable->x));  // expected-warning {{packed member 'x' of class or structure 'Arguable'}}
     f2(&(arguable->c1)); // no-warning
-    f1((int *)(void *)&(arguable->x)); // no-warning
-    to_void(&(arguable->c1));          // no-warning
+    f1((int *)(void *)&(arguable->x));      // no-warning
+    to_void(&(arguable->c1));               // no-warning
+    to_intptr((intptr_t)&(arguable->c1));   // no-warning
@@ -161,3 +167,65 @@
     return (struct AlignedTo2Bis*)&s->x; // no-warning
+struct S6 {
+    int a;
+    int _;
+    int c;
+    char __;
+    int d;
+} __attribute__((packed, aligned(16))) s6;
+void foo()
+    f1(&s6.a); // no-warning
+    f1(&s6.c); // no-warning
+    f1(&s6.d); // expected-warning {{packed member 'd' of class or structure 'S6'}}
+struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) MisalignedContainee { double d; };
+struct __attribute__((aligned(8))) AlignedContainer { struct MisalignedContainee b; };
+struct AlignedContainer *p;
+double* bar() {
+  return &p->b.d; // no-warning
+union OneUnion
+    uint32_t a;
+    uint32_t b:1;
+struct __attribute__((packed)) S7 {
+    uint8_t length;
+    uint8_t stuff;
+    uint8_t padding[2];
+    union OneUnion one_union;
+union AnotherUnion {
+    long data;
+    struct S7 s;
+} *au;
+union OneUnion* get_OneUnion(void)
+    return &au->s.one_union; // no-warning
+struct __attribute__((packed)) S8 {
+    uint8_t data1;
+    uint8_t data2;
+	uint16_t wider_data;
+#define LE_READ_2(p)					\
+	((uint16_t)					\
+	 ((((const uint8_t *)(p))[0]      ) |		\
+	  (((const uint8_t *)(p))[1] <<  8)))
+uint32_t get_wider_data(struct S8 *s)
+    return LE_READ_2(&s->wider_data); // no-warning
Index: lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -11286,45 +11286,103 @@
 void Sema::DiscardMisalignedMemberAddress(const Type *T, Expr *E) {
-  if (!T->isPointerType())
+  E = E->IgnoreParens();
+  if (!T->isPointerType() && !T->isIntegerType())
   if (isa<UnaryOperator>(E) &&
       cast<UnaryOperator>(E)->getOpcode() == UO_AddrOf) {
     auto *Op = cast<UnaryOperator>(E)->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
     if (isa<MemberExpr>(Op)) {
       auto MA = std::find(MisalignedMembers.begin(), MisalignedMembers.end(),
       if (MA != MisalignedMembers.end() &&
-          Context.getTypeAlignInChars(T->getPointeeType()) <= MA->Alignment)
+          (T->isIntegerType() ||
+           (T->isPointerType() &&
+            Context.getTypeAlignInChars(T->getPointeeType()) <= MA->Alignment)))
 void Sema::RefersToMemberWithReducedAlignment(
     Expr *E,
-    std::function<void(Expr *, RecordDecl *, ValueDecl *, CharUnits)> Action) {
+    std::function<void(Expr *, RecordDecl *, FieldDecl *, CharUnits)> Action) {
   const auto *ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(E);
-  while (ME && isa<FieldDecl>(ME->getMemberDecl())) {
+  if (!ME)
+    return;
+  // For a chain of MemberExpr like "a.b.c.d" this list
+  // will keep FieldDecl's like [d, c, b].
+  SmallVector<FieldDecl *, 4> ReverseMemberChain;
+  bool AnyIsPacked = false;
+  do {
     QualType BaseType = ME->getBase()->getType();
     if (ME->isArrow())
       BaseType = BaseType->getPointeeType();
     RecordDecl *RD = BaseType->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl();
     ValueDecl *MD = ME->getMemberDecl();
-    bool ByteAligned = Context.getTypeAlignInChars(MD->getType()).isOne();
-    if (ByteAligned) // Attribute packed does not have any effect.
-      break;
+    auto *FD = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(MD);
+    // We do not care about non-data members.
+    if (!FD)
+      return;
-    if (!ByteAligned &&
-        (RD->hasAttr<PackedAttr>() || (MD->hasAttr<PackedAttr>()))) {
-      CharUnits Alignment = std::min(Context.getTypeAlignInChars(MD->getType()),
-                                     Context.getTypeAlignInChars(BaseType));
-      // Notify that this expression designates a member with reduced alignment
-      Action(E, RD, MD, Alignment);
-      break;
+    AnyIsPacked =
+        AnyIsPacked || (RD->hasAttr<PackedAttr>() || MD->hasAttr<PackedAttr>());
+    ReverseMemberChain.push_back(FD);
+    ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(ME->getBase()->IgnoreParens());
+  } while (ME);
+  // Not the scope of this diagnostic.
+  if (!AnyIsPacked)
+    return;
+  // Alignment expected by the whole expression
+  CharUnits ExpectedAlignment = Context.getTypeAlignInChars(E->getType());
+  // No need to do anything else with this case.
+  if (ExpectedAlignment.isOne())
+    return;
+  // Synthesize offset of the whole access.
+  CharUnits Offset;
+  for (auto I = ReverseMemberChain.rbegin(); I != ReverseMemberChain.rend();
+       I++) {
+    Offset += Context.toCharUnitsFromBits(Context.getFieldOffset(*I));
+  }
+  // Compute the EffectiveAlignment as the alignment of the whole chain.
+  CharUnits EffectiveAlignment = Context.getTypeAlignInChars(
+      ReverseMemberChain.back()->getParent()->getTypeForDecl());
+  // Check if the synthesized offset fulfills the alignment.
+  if (Offset % ExpectedAlignment != 0
+      // It may fulfill the offset it but the effective alignment may still be
+      // lower than the expected expression alignment.
+      || EffectiveAlignment < ExpectedAlignment) {
+    // If this happens, we want to determine a sensible culprit of this.
+    // Intuitively, watching the chain of member expressions from right to
+    // left, we start with the required alignment (as required by the field
+    // type) but some packed attribute in that chain has reduced the alignment.
+    // It may happen that another packed structure increases it again. But if
+    // we are here such increase has not been enough. So pointing the first
+    // FieldDecl that either is packed orelse its RecordDecl is,
+    // seems reasonable.
+    FieldDecl *FD = nullptr;
+    CharUnits Alignment;
+    for (FieldDecl *FDI : ReverseMemberChain) {
+      if (FDI->hasAttr<PackedAttr>() ||
+          FDI->getParent()->hasAttr<PackedAttr>()) {
+        FD = FDI;
+        Alignment = std::min(
+            Context.getTypeAlignInChars(FD->getType()),
+            Context.getTypeAlignInChars(FD->getParent()->getTypeForDecl()));
+        break;
+      }
-    ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(ME->getBase());
+    assert(FD && "We did not find a packed FieldDecl!");
+    Action(E, FD->getParent(), FD, Alignment);
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -9784,7 +9784,7 @@
   /// local diagnostics like in reference binding.
   void RefersToMemberWithReducedAlignment(
       Expr *E,
-      std::function<void(Expr *, RecordDecl *, ValueDecl *, CharUnits)> Action);
+      std::function<void(Expr *, RecordDecl *, FieldDecl *, CharUnits)> Action);
 /// \brief RAII object that enters a new expression evaluation context.
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