vsk added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D25199#560023, @kcc wrote:

> > Maybe we could call this `-fpoison-dangling-ptrs` and force users to be 
> > more explicit about opting into this behavior change. That would remove 
> > some of the constraints usually placed on new sanitizer checks (e.g support 
> > for executing after the error triggers, support for custom trap functions).
> What's wrong with -fsanitize=SOMETHING? (the exact value of SOMETHING is 
> debatable)

My concern is that using -fsanitize=something could confuse users who expect 
support for -fsanitize-trap-function=custom_func or 
-fsanitize-recover=something. But it's a minor concern. I am fine with 
-fsanitize=something if we leave it out of the default -fsanitize=undefined 

>>> @kcc Is it safe to add a handler for segv and continue program execution as 
>>> normal? I'm asking because I haven't tried that before, and am guessing you 
>>> have experience with this from working on asan.
> Not sure I understand your question. 
>  We can add an optional SEGV handler to ubsan that will see the address on 
> which we failed, and say something like "faulty address is close to 
> 0xDEADBEEF, use of dangling pointer suspected. <STACK_TRACE>"
>  Then exit.

My question was about whether it's possible to resume normal program execution 
after printing the stack trace from the segv handler. I had assumed this is not 
possible, and (mistakenly) thought that you were suggesting this approach.

>>> One more thing to consider: how will we support 
>>> -fsanitize-trap=value-after-delete?
> This will essentially only have the trap mode, it will not support 
> -fsanitize-recover



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