ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Tooling/Core/Replacement.cpp:179-181
@@ +178,5 @@
+Replacements::mergeIfOrderIndependent(const Replacement &R) const {
+  Replacements Rs(R);
+  Replacements ShiftedRs(getReplacementInChangedCode(R));
+  Replacements ShiftedReplaces;
+  for (const auto &Replace : Replaces)
klimek wrote:
> These names are confusing me...
Trying to make names less confusing... any better now? 

Comment at: lib/Tooling/Core/Replacement.cpp:184
@@ +183,3 @@
+    ShiftedReplaces.Replaces.insert(Rs.getReplacementInChangedCode(Replace));
+  auto MergeRs = merge(ShiftedRs);
+  auto MergeReplaces = Rs.merge(ShiftedReplaces);
klimek wrote:
> This comes from a single replacement - why do we need to call merge?
Because it refers to code after `Replaces` are applied?

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