@@ -22537,10 +22537,12 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLambdas) {
                "  }\n"
-  verifyFormat("std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(),\n"
-               "          [](const auto &foo, const auto &bar) {\n"
-               "  return foo.baz < bar.baz;\n"
-               "});",
jp4a50 wrote:

I can add this back in but the reason I removed it in favour of putting the 
equivalent code inside block scope is because the code in this example is a 
violation of C++ grammar given it is not actually a declaration but is at 
namespace/global scope. As such, the new logic incorrectly assumes that this is 
a declaration and would therefore would **not** indent the lambda body wrt. the 
start of the expression, which I think would be misleading to readers.

Simply putting this code inside block scope captures the intention of original 
test case, I think.

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