steakhal requested changes to this revision.
steakhal added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

I'd suggest renaming the checker to `alpha.unix.NullFormatSpecifier`.
Maybe add tests where multiple format specifiers are null, and also one test 
where no variadic args are present.

I also tried to simplify your solution a bit, so that we don't need to specify 
manually which arguments are for the "variadic" part.
Check it out here: F28923128: simplified.patch 

We should think about a shorter diagnostic message because it seems 
unnecessarily long to me.
The rest looks good to me.

I could do a measurement to see how this would behave in the wild.

Comment at: 
+      new BugType(this,
+                  "Passing a null pointer to the pointer conversion "
+                  "specifier of ",
+                  categories::UnixAPI));
Is this an unfinished sentence? I guess you could remove the ` of ` suffix.

Comment at: 
+  ExplodedNode *N =
+      C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(nullState ? nullState : C.getState());
+  if (!N)
You always pass this state.

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/unix-api-portability-minor.cpp:5-13
+struct FILE_t;
+typedef struct FILE_t FILE;
+typedef __typeof(sizeof(int)) size_t;
+int printf(const char *, ... );
+int fprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...);

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/unix-api-portability-minor.cpp:30-35
+  printf(format, NULL); // expected-warning{{The result of passing a null 
pointer to the pointer conversion specifier of the printf family of functions 
is implementation defined}}
+  printf(format, 1, NULL); // expected-warning{{The result of passing a null 
pointer to the pointer conversion specifier of the printf family of functions 
is implementation defined}}
+  printf(format, 1, NULL, 2); // expected-warning{{The result of passing a 
null pointer to the pointer conversion specifier of the printf family of 
functions is implementation defined}}
+  printf(format, NULL, NULL); // expected-warning{{The result of passing a 
null pointer to the pointer conversion specifier of the printf family of 
functions is implementation defined}}
+  printf(format, NULL, 1, NULL); // expected-warning{{The result of passing a 
null pointer to the pointer conversion specifier of the printf family of 
functions is implementation defined}}
+  printf(format, 0); // no-warning
This format makes the pattern more apparent.

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/unix-api-portability-minor.cpp:42-43
+  printf(format, pointer1); // no-warning
+  // Pointer argument should not get constrained after the check.
+  *pointer1 = 777; // no-warning
If `printf` had assumed that `pointer1` must be non-null to make the 
postcondition of the function pass, the dereference would succeed afterward 

To test if `printf` didn't assume this, just have this afterward to make this 
if (pointer1) {
  *pointer1 = 777;
} else {
  // We should have a warning here, as 'printf' didn't assume that the 
specifier is non-null.
  *pointer1 = 888; // expect-warning {{deref}}
If the pointer was constrained, then the `else` branch should be proven 
dead-code, and we should not have a warning

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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