vbyakovlcl updated this revision to Diff 71498.



Index: llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -8721,7 +8721,8 @@
 static QualType checkVectorShift(Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS,
                                  SourceLocation Loc, bool IsCompAssign) {
   // OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.j says RHS can be a vector only if LHS is a vector.
-  if (!LHS.get()->getType()->isVectorType()) {
+  if ((S.LangOpts.OpenCL || S.LangOpts.ZVector) &&
+      !LHS.get()->getType()->isVectorType()) {
     S.Diag(Loc, diag::err_shift_rhs_only_vector)
       << RHS.get()->getType() << LHS.get()->getType()
       << LHS.get()->getSourceRange() << RHS.get()->getSourceRange();
@@ -8737,15 +8738,17 @@
   if (RHS.isInvalid()) return QualType();
   QualType LHSType = LHS.get()->getType();
-  const VectorType *LHSVecTy = LHSType->castAs<VectorType>();
-  QualType LHSEleType = LHSVecTy->getElementType();
+  // Note that LHS might be a scalar because the routine calls not only in
+  // OpenCL case.
+  const VectorType *LHSVecTy = LHSType->getAs<VectorType>();
+  QualType LHSEleType = LHSVecTy ? LHSVecTy->getElementType() : LHSType;
   // Note that RHS might not be a vector.
   QualType RHSType = RHS.get()->getType();
   const VectorType *RHSVecTy = RHSType->getAs<VectorType>();
   QualType RHSEleType = RHSVecTy ? RHSVecTy->getElementType() : RHSType;
-  // OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.j says that the operands need to be integers.
+  // The operands need to be integers.
   if (!LHSEleType->isIntegerType()) {
     S.Diag(Loc, diag::err_typecheck_expect_int)
       << LHS.get()->getType() << LHS.get()->getSourceRange();
@@ -8758,7 +8761,19 @@
     return QualType();
-  if (RHSVecTy) {
+  if (!LHSVecTy) {
+    assert(RHSVecTy);
+    if (IsCompAssign)
+      return RHSType;
+    if (LHSEleType != RHSEleType) {
+      LHS = S.ImpCastExprToType(LHS.get(),RHSEleType, CK_IntegralCast);
+      LHSEleType = RHSEleType;
+    }
+    QualType VecTy =
+        S.Context.getExtVectorType(LHSEleType, RHSVecTy->getNumElements());
+    LHS = S.ImpCastExprToType(LHS.get(), VecTy, CK_VectorSplat);
+    LHSType = VecTy;
+  } else if (RHSVecTy) {
     // OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.j says that for vector types, the operators
     // are applied component-wise. So if RHS is a vector, then ensure
     // that the number of elements is the same as LHS...
Index: llvm/tools/clang/test/CodeGen/vecshift.c
--- llvm/tools/clang/test/CodeGen/vecshift.c
+++ llvm/tools/clang/test/CodeGen/vecshift.c
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) char vector_char8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) short vector_short8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) int vector_int8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) unsigned char vector_uchar8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) unsigned short vector_ushort8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) unsigned int vector_uint8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) char vector_char4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) short vector_short4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) int vector_int4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) unsigned char vector_uchar4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) unsigned short vector_ushort4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) unsigned int vector_uint4;
+char c;
+short s;
+int i;
+unsigned char uc;
+unsigned short us;
+unsigned int ui;
+vector_char8 vc8;
+vector_short8 vs8;
+vector_int8 vi8;
+vector_uchar8 vuc8;
+vector_ushort8 vus8;
+vector_uint8 vui8;
+vector_char4 vc4;
+vector_short4 vs4;
+vector_int4 vi4;
+vector_uchar4 vuc4;
+vector_ushort4 vus4;
+vector_uint4 vui4;
+void foo() {
+  vc8 = 1 << vc8;
+// CHECK: [[t0:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* {{@.+}}, align 8
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i8> <i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1>, [[t0]]
+  vuc8 = 1 << vuc8;
+// CHECK: [[t1:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vuc8, align 8
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i8> <i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1>, [[t1]]
+  vi8 = 1 << vi8;
+// CHECK: [[t2:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vi8, align 32
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1>, [[t2]]
+  vui8 = 1 << vui8;
+// CHECK: [[t3:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vui8, align 32
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> <i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1>, [[t3]]
+  vs8 = 1 << vs8;
+// CHECK: [[t4:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vs8, align 16
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i16> <i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1>, [[t4]]
+  vus8 = 1 << vus8;
+// CHECK: [[t5:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vus8, align 16
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i16> <i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1>, [[t5]]
+  vc8 = c << vc8;
+// CHECK: [[t6:%.+]] = load i8, i8* @c, align 1
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i8> undef, i8 [[t6]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> [[splat_splatinsert]], <8 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t7:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vc8, align 8
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i8> [[splat_splat]], [[t7]]
+  vuc8 = i << vuc8;
+// CHECK: [[t8:%.+]] = load i32, i32* @i, align 4
+// CHECK: [[tconv:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[t8]] to i8
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert7:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i8> undef, i8 [[tconv]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat8:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i8> [[splat_splatinsert7]], <8 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t9:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vuc8, align 8
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i8> [[splat_splat8]], [[t9]]
+  vi8 = uc << vi8;
+// CHECK: [[t10:%.+]] = load i8, i8* @uc, align 1
+// CHECK: [[conv10:%.+]] = zext i8 [[t10]] to i32
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert11:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i32> undef, i32 [[conv10]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat12:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i32> [[splat_splatinsert11]], <8 x i32> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t11:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vi8, align 32
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> [[splat_splat12]], [[t11]]
+  vui8 = us << vui8;
+// CHECK: [[t12:%.+]] = load i16, i16* @us, align 2
+// CHECK: [[conv14:%.+]] = zext i16 [[t12]] to i32
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert15:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i32> undef, i32 [[conv14]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat16:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i32> [[splat_splatinsert15]], <8 x i32> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t13:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vui8, align 32
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> [[splat_splat16]], [[t13]]
+  vs8 = ui << vs8;
+// CHECK: [[t14:%.+]] = load i32, i32* @ui, align 4
+// CHECK: [[conv18:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[t14]] to i16
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert19:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i16> undef, i16 [[conv18]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat20:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i16> [[splat_splatinsert19]], <8 x i16> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t15:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vs8, align 16
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i16> [[splat_splat20]], [[t15]]
+  vus8 = 1 << vus8;
+// CHECK: [[t16:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vus8, align 16
+// CHECK: [[shl22:%.+]] = shl <8 x i16> <i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1, i16 1>, [[t16]]
+ vc8 = vc8 << vc8;
+// CHECK: [[t17:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vc8, align 8
+// CHECK: [[t18:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vc8, align 8
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i8> [[t17]], [[t18]]
+  vi8 = vi8 << vuc8;
+// CHECK: [[t19:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vi8, align 32
+// CHECK: [[t20:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vuc8, align 8
+// CHECK: [[shprom:%.+]] = zext <8 x i8> [[t20]] to <8 x i32>
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> [[t19]], [[shprom]]
+  vuc8 = vuc8 << vi8;
+// CHECK: [[t21:%.+]] = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* @vuc8, align 8
+// CHECK: [[t22:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vi8, align 32
+// CHECK: [[sh_prom25:%.+]] = trunc <8 x i32> [[t22]] to <8 x i8>
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i8> [[t21]], [[sh_prom25]]
+  vus8 = vus8 << vui8;
+// CHECK: [[t23:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vus8, align 16
+// CHECK: [[t24:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vui8, align 32
+// CHECK: [[sh_prom27:%.+]] = trunc <8 x i32> [[t24]] to <8 x i16>
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i16> [[t23]], [[sh_prom27]]
+  vui8 = vui8 << vs8;
+// CHECK: [[t25:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vui8, align 32
+// CHECK: [[t26:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vs8, align 16
+// CHECK: [[sh_prom29:%.+]] = zext <8 x i16> [[t26]] to <8 x i32>
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> [[t25]], [[sh_prom29]]
+  vui8 <<= s;
+// CHECK: [[t27:%.+]] = load i16, i16* @s, align 2
+// CHECK: [[conv40:%.+]] = sext i16 [[t27]] to i32
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert41:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i32> undef, i32 [[conv40]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat42:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i32> [[splat_splatinsert41]], <8 x i32> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t28:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vui8, align 32
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> [[t28]], [[splat_splat42]]
+  vi8 <<= us;
+// CHECK: [[t29:%.+]] = load i16, i16* @us, align 2
+// CHECK: [[conv44:%.+]] = zext i16 [[t29]] to i32
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert45:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i32> undef, i32 [[conv44]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat46:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i32> [[splat_splatinsert45]], <8 x i32> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t30:%.+]] = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* @vi8, align 32
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i32> [[t30]], [[splat_splat46]]
+  vus8 <<= i;
+// CHECK: [[t31:%.+]] = load i32, i32* @i, align 4
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert48:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i32> undef, i32 [[t31]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat49:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i32> [[splat_splatinsert48]], <8 x i32> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t32:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vus8, align 16
+// CHECK: [[sh_prom50:%.+]] = trunc <8 x i32> [[splat_splat49]] to <8 x i16>
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i16> [[t32]], [[sh_prom50]]
+  vs8 <<= ui;
+// CHECK: [[t33:%.+]] = load i32, i32* @ui, align 4
+// CHECK: [[splat_splatinsert52:%.+]] = insertelement <8 x i32> undef, i32 [[t33]], i32 0
+// CHECK: [[splat_splat53:%.+]] = shufflevector <8 x i32> [[splat_splatinsert52]], <8 x i32> undef, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: [[t34:%.+]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* @vs8, align 16
+// CHECK: [[sh_prom54:%.+]] = trunc <8 x i32> [[splat_splat53]] to <8 x i16>
+// CHECK: shl <8 x i16> [[t34]], [[sh_prom54]]
Index: llvm/tools/clang/test/Sema/vecshift.c
--- llvm/tools/clang/test/Sema/vecshift.c
+++ llvm/tools/clang/test/Sema/vecshift.c
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) char vector_char8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) short vector_short8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) int vector_int8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) unsigned char vector_uchar8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) unsigned short vector_ushort8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(8))) unsigned int vector_uint8;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) char vector_char4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) short vector_short4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) int vector_int4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) unsigned char vector_uchar4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) unsigned short vector_ushort4;
+typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) unsigned int vector_uint4;
+char c;
+short s;
+int i;
+unsigned char uc;
+unsigned short us;
+unsigned int ui;
+vector_char8 vc8;
+vector_short8 vs8;
+vector_int8 vi8;
+vector_uchar8 vuc8;
+vector_ushort8 vus8;
+vector_uint8 vui8;
+vector_char4 vc4;
+vector_short4 vs4;
+vector_int4 vi4;
+vector_uchar4 vuc4;
+vector_ushort4 vus4;
+vector_uint4 vui4;
+void foo() {
+  vc8 = 1 << vc8;
+  vuc8 = 1 << vuc8;
+  vi8 = 1 << vi8;
+  vui8 = 1 << vui8;
+  vs8 = 1 << vs8;
+  vus8 = 1 << vus8;
+  vc8 = c << vc8;
+  vuc8 = i << vuc8;
+  vi8 = uc << vi8;
+  vui8 = us << vui8;
+  vs8 = ui << vs8;
+  vus8 = 1 << vus8;
+  vc8 = vc8 << vc8;
+  vi8 = vi8 << vuc8;
+  vuc8 = vuc8 << vi8;
+  vus8 = vus8 << vui8;
+  vui8 = vui8 << vs8;
+  vc8 <<= vc8;
+  vi8 <<= vuc8;
+  vuc8 <<= vi8;
+  vus8 <<= vui8;
+  vui8 <<= vs8;
+  c <<= vc8; // expected-error {{assigning to 'char' from incompatible type}}
+  i <<= vuc8; // expected-error {{assigning to 'int' from incompatible type}}
+  uc <<= vi8; // expected-error {{assigning to 'unsigned char' from incompatible type}}
+  us <<= vui8; // expected-error {{assigning to 'unsigned short' from incompatible type}}
+  ui <<= vs8; // expected-error {{assigning to 'unsigned int' from incompatible type}}
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