hokein added a comment.

> Eric's point was that this patch should only care about clang-refactor and 
> introduce changes directly related to creating clang-rename. clang-rename and 
> all other tools migration can be done later, which is also good in terms of 
> this patch not growing too large.

I'm +1 on making this patch implement a skeleton of clang-refactor, which makes 
it small, and much easier for review. The patch looks much better now.

Comment at: clang-refactor/driver/Driver.cpp:10
@@ +9,3 @@
+///  \file This file implements a clang-tidy tool.

Comment at: clang-refactor/driver/Driver.cpp:37
@@ +36,3 @@
+int clanRefactorMain(int argc, const char **argv) {
+  ModuleManager Manager;

Comment at: clang-refactor/driver/Driver.cpp:46
@@ +45,3 @@
+    llvm::StringRef FirstArgument(argv[1]);
+    if (FirstArgument == "-h" || FirstArgument == "-help" ||
+        FirstArgument == "--help")
Any reason implementing the command-line options and not using the `cl::opt` 

Comment at: clang-refactor/driver/ModuleManager.h:24
@@ +23,3 @@
+  void AddModule(std::string Command, std::unique_ptr<RefactoringModule> 

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:43
@@ +42,3 @@
+  //
+  // Few examples of how each of these stages wouold look like for future
+  // modules "rename" and "inline".

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:54
@@ +53,3 @@
+  //
+  // 2. Check whether renaming will introduce any name conflicts. It it won't
+  // find each occurance of the symbol in translation unit using USR and store
"It it" doesn't make sense here.

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:89
@@ +88,3 @@
+  //
+  int run(int argc, const char **argv) {
+    // Register options.
I'd make this interface a virtual function too, and provide this default 

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:128
@@ +127,3 @@
+  //
+  // Panic: if refactoring can not be applied. E.g. unsupported cases like
+  // renaming macros etc.
Does the panic mean something like `exit(1)`? But from the interface, it looks 
like returning an error code, right?

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:146
@@ +145,3 @@
+  // Panic: if there are conflicting replacements.
+  virtual int applyReplacements() = 0;
A further thought:

`applyReplacement` is more likely a postprocess step of 
`handleTranslationUnit`, what if some clang-refactor subtools just want to dump 
the results only? I'd prefer to rename it to `OnEndOfHandlingTranslationUnit`. 
I'm open to hear better suggestions. 

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:148
@@ +147,3 @@
+  virtual ~RefactoringModule() {}
Use "= default".

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:150
@@ +149,3 @@
+  const std::string &getModuleName() { return ModuleName; }
You can return a `StringRef` here?

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/core/RefactoringModule.h:152
@@ +151,3 @@
+  const std::string &getModuleMetaDescription() { return 
ModuleMetaDescription; }
The same.

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/template/TemplateModule.h:15
@@ +14,3 @@
+#include <string>
Not needed.

Comment at: clang-refactor/modules/template/TemplateModule.h:20
@@ +19,3 @@
+namespace template_module {
+class TemplateModule : public RefactoringModule {
It'd be clear to add a small paragraph describing that this is a template 
module which is only used to lower the "barrier to entry" for writing 
clang-refactor subtool.


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