sdesmalen updated this revision to Diff 536260.
sdesmalen marked 11 inline comments as done.
sdesmalen added a comment.

Updated patch:

- Addressed review comments (clarified documentation, minor refactoring)
- Added new tests (codegen + sema tests to make sure attributes are propagated 
to types when using variadic templates). If there's any other specific tests 
you'd like me to add, let me know.

I waited a bit to update this patch, because I wasn't sure if the syntax might 
still change pending the conversation on D148700 
<>, but at the moment the status is that the 
keywords have a specific benefit over C++ style attributes in that they are not 
silently ignored. If the concensus on this changes we can easily support the 
other syntax through another patch. I hope this patch with semantic support can 
land if everyone is happy with the implementation. I think I've addressed all 
outstanding comments now.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang/test/Sema/aarch64-sme-func-attrs.c
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Sema/aarch64-sme-func-attrs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64-none-linux-gnu -target-feature +sme -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64-none-linux-gnu -target-feature +sme -fsyntax-only -verify=expected-cpp -x c++ %s
+// Valid attributes
+void sme_arm_streaming(void) __arm_streaming;
+void sme_arm_streaming_compatible(void) __arm_streaming_compatible;
+__arm_new_za void sme_arm_new_za(void) {}
+void sme_arm_shared_za(void) __arm_shared_za;
+void sme_arm_preserves_za(void) __arm_preserves_za;
+__arm_new_za void sme_arm_streaming_new_za(void) __arm_streaming {}
+void sme_arm_streaming_shared_za(void) __arm_streaming __arm_shared_za;
+void sme_arm_streaming_preserves_za(void) __arm_streaming __arm_preserves_za;
+__arm_new_za void sme_arm_sc_new_za(void) __arm_streaming_compatible {}
+void sme_arm_sc_shared_za(void) __arm_streaming_compatible __arm_shared_za;
+void sme_arm_sc_preserves_za(void) __arm_streaming_compatible __arm_preserves_za;
+void sme_arm_shared_preserves_za(void) __arm_shared_za __arm_preserves_za;
+__arm_locally_streaming void sme_arm_locally_streaming(void) { }
+__arm_locally_streaming void sme_arm_streaming_and_locally_streaming(void) __arm_streaming { }
+__arm_locally_streaming void sme_arm_streaming_and_streaming_compatible(void) __arm_streaming_compatible { }
+__arm_locally_streaming __arm_new_za void sme_arm_ls_new_za(void) { }
+__arm_locally_streaming void sme_arm_ls_shared_za(void) __arm_shared_za { }
+__arm_locally_streaming void sme_arm_ls_preserves_za(void) __arm_preserves_za { }
+// Valid attributes on function pointers
+void streaming_ptr(void) __arm_streaming;
+typedef  void (*fptrty1) (void) __arm_streaming;
+fptrty1 call_streaming_func() { return streaming_ptr; }
+void streaming_compatible_ptr(void) __arm_streaming_compatible;
+typedef void (*fptrty2) (void) __arm_streaming_compatible;
+fptrty2 call_sc_func() { return streaming_compatible_ptr; }
+void shared_za_ptr(void) __arm_shared_za;
+typedef void (*fptrty3) (void) __arm_shared_za;
+fptrty3 call_shared_za_func() { return shared_za_ptr; }
+void preserves_za_ptr(void) __arm_preserves_za;
+typedef void (*fptrty4) (void) __arm_preserves_za;
+fptrty4 call_preserve_za_func() { return preserves_za_ptr; }
+void shared_preserves_za_ptr(void) __arm_shared_za __arm_preserves_za;
+typedef void (*fptrty5) (void) __arm_shared_za __arm_preserves_za;
+fptrty5 call_shared_preserve_za_func() { return shared_preserves_za_ptr; }
+typedef void (*fptrty6) (void);
+fptrty6 cast_nza_func_to_normal() { return sme_arm_new_za; }
+fptrty6 cast_ls_func_to_normal() { return sme_arm_locally_streaming; }
+// FIXME: Add invalid function pointer assignments such as assigning:
+//   1. A streaming compatible function to a normal function pointer,
+//   2. A locally streaming function to a streaming function pointer,
+// etc.
+// Invalid attributes
+// expected-cpp-error@+4 {{'__arm_streaming_compatible' and '__arm_streaming' are not compatible}}
+// expected-cpp-note@+3 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+// expected-error@+2 {{'__arm_streaming_compatible' and '__arm_streaming' are not compatible}}
+// expected-note@+1 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+void streaming_mode(void) __arm_streaming __arm_streaming_compatible;
+// expected-cpp-error@+4 {{'__arm_streaming' and '__arm_streaming_compatible' are not compatible}}
+// expected-cpp-note@+3 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+// expected-error@+2 {{'__arm_streaming' and '__arm_streaming_compatible' are not compatible}}
+// expected-note@+1 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+void streaming_compatible(void) __arm_streaming_compatible __arm_streaming;
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{'__arm_new_za' and '__arm_shared_za' are not compatible}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{'__arm_new_za' and '__arm_shared_za' are not compatible}}
+__arm_new_za void new_shared_za(void) __arm_shared_za {}
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{'__arm_new_za' and '__arm_preserves_za' are not compatible}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{'__arm_new_za' and '__arm_preserves_za' are not compatible}}
+__arm_new_za void new_preserves_za(void) __arm_preserves_za {}
+// Invalid attributes on function pointers
+// expected-cpp-error@+4 {{'__arm_streaming_compatible' and '__arm_streaming' are not compatible}}
+// expected-cpp-note@+3 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+// expected-error@+2 {{'__arm_streaming_compatible' and '__arm_streaming' are not compatible}}
+// expected-note@+1 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+void streaming_ptr_invalid(void) __arm_streaming __arm_streaming_compatible;
+// expected-cpp-error@+4 {{'__arm_streaming_compatible' and '__arm_streaming' are not compatible}}
+// expected-cpp-note@+3 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+// expected-error@+2 {{'__arm_streaming_compatible' and '__arm_streaming' are not compatible}}
+// expected-note@+1 {{conflicting attribute is here}}
+typedef void (*fptrty7) (void) __arm_streaming __arm_streaming_compatible;
+fptrty7 invalid_streaming_func() { return streaming_ptr_invalid; }
+// expected-warning@+2 {{'__arm_streaming' only applies to non-K&R-style functions}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{'__arm_streaming' only applies to function types; type here is 'void ()'}}
+void function_no_prototype() __arm_streaming;
+// Check for incorrect conversions of function pointers with the attributes
+typedef void (*n_ptrty) (void);
+typedef void (*s_ptrty) (void) __arm_streaming;
+s_ptrty return_valid_streaming_fptr(s_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 's_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_streaming') with an lvalue of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)') from a function with result type 's_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_streaming')}}
+s_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_streaming_normal(n_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()') with an lvalue of type 's_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_streaming')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 's_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_streaming') from a function with result type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)')}}
+n_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_normal_streaming(s_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// Test an instance where the result type is not a prototyped function, such that we still get a diagnostic.
+typedef void (*nonproto_n_ptrty) ();
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'nonproto_n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()') with an lvalue of type 's_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_streaming')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 's_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_streaming') from a function with result type 'nonproto_n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()')}}
+nonproto_n_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_streaming_nonprotonormal(s_ptrty f) { return f; }
+typedef void (*sc_ptrty) (void) __arm_streaming_compatible;
+sc_ptrty return_valid_streaming_compatible_fptr(sc_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'sc_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_streaming_compatible') with an lvalue of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)') from a function with result type 'sc_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_streaming_compatible')}}
+sc_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_streaming_compatible_normal(n_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()') with an lvalue of type 'sc_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_streaming_compatible')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 'sc_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_streaming_compatible') from a function with result type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)')}}
+n_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_normal_streaming_compatible(sc_ptrty f) { return f; }
+typedef void (*sz_ptrty) (void) __arm_shared_za;
+sz_ptrty return_valid_shared_za_fptr(sz_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'sz_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_shared_za') with an lvalue of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)') from a function with result type 'sz_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_shared_za')}}
+sz_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_shared_za_normal(n_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()') with an lvalue of type 'sz_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_shared_za')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 'sz_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_shared_za') from a function with result type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)')}}
+n_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_normal_shared_za(sz_ptrty f) { return f; }
+typedef void (*pz_ptrty) (void) __arm_preserves_za;
+pz_ptrty return_valid_preserves_za_fptr(pz_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{cannot initialize return object of type 'pz_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)() __arm_preserves_za') with an lvalue of type 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)()')}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{incompatible function pointer types returning 'n_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void)') from a function with result type 'pz_ptrty' (aka 'void (*)(void) __arm_preserves_za')}}
+pz_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_preserves_za_normal(n_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// No diagnostics, the preserves_za hint should be dropped silently.
+n_ptrty return_invalid_fptr_normal_preserves_za(pz_ptrty f) { return f; }
+// Test template instantiations
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+template <typename T> T templated(T x) __arm_streaming { return x; }
+template <> int templated<int>(int x) __arm_streaming { return x + 1; }
+template <> float templated<float>(float x) __arm_streaming { return x + 2; }
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{explicit instantiation of 'templated' does not refer to a function template, variable template, member function, member class, or static data member}}
+// expected-cpp-note@-4 {{candidate template ignored: could not match 'short (short) __arm_streaming' against 'short (short)'}}
+template short templated<short>(short);
+// Conflicting attributes on redeclarations
+// expected-error@+5 {{function declared ''void (void) __arm_streaming_compatible'' was previously declared ''void (void) __arm_streaming'' with different SME function attributes}}
+// expected-note@+3 {{previous declaration is here}}
+// expected-cpp-error@+3 {{function declared ''void () __arm_streaming_compatible'' was previously declared ''void () __arm_streaming'' with different SME function attributes}}
+// expected-cpp-note@+1 {{previous declaration is here}}
+void redecl(void) __arm_streaming;
+void redecl(void) __arm_streaming_compatible { }
+// expected-error@+5 {{function declared ''void (void) __arm_shared_za'' was previously declared ''void (void) __arm_shared_za __arm_preserves_za'' with different SME function attributes}}
+// expected-note@+3 {{previous declaration is here}}
+// expected-cpp-error@+3 {{function declared ''void () __arm_shared_za'' was previously declared ''void () __arm_shared_za __arm_preserves_za'' with different SME function attributes}}
+// expected-cpp-note@+1 {{previous declaration is here}}
+void redecl_nopreserve_za(void) __arm_shared_za __arm_preserves_za;
+void redecl_nopreserve_za(void)  __arm_shared_za{ }
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+struct S {
+  virtual void shared_za_memberfn(void) __arm_shared_za;
+struct S2 : public S {
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{virtual function 'shared_za_memberfn' has different attributes ('void ()') than the function it overrides (which has 'void () __arm_shared_za')}}
+// expected-cpp-note@-5 {{overridden virtual function is here}}
+  __arm_new_za void shared_za_memberfn(void) override {}
+// Check that the attribute propagates through template instantiations.
+template <typename Ty>
+struct S3 {
+  static constexpr int value = 0;
+template <>
+struct S3<void (*)()> {
+  static constexpr int value = 1;
+template <>
+struct S3<void (* __arm_streaming)()> {
+  static constexpr int value = 2;
+template <>
+struct S3<void (* __arm_streaming_compatible)()> {
+  static constexpr int value = 4;
+template <>
+struct S3<void (* __arm_shared_za)()> {
+  static constexpr int value = 8;
+template <>
+struct S3<void (* __arm_preserves_za)()> {
+  static constexpr int value = 16;
+void normal_func(void) {}
+void streaming_func(void) __arm_streaming {}
+void streaming_compatible_func(void) __arm_streaming_compatible {}
+void shared_za_func(void) __arm_shared_za {}
+void preserves_za_func(void) __arm_preserves_za {}
+static_assert(S3<decltype(+normal_func)>::value == 1, "why are we picking the wrong specialization?");
+static_assert(S3<decltype(+streaming_func)>::value == 2, "why are we picking the wrong specialization?");
+static_assert(S3<decltype(+streaming_compatible_func)>::value == 4, "why are we picking the wrong specialization?");
+static_assert(S3<decltype(+shared_za_func)>::value == 8, "why are we picking the wrong specialization?");
+static_assert(S3<decltype(+preserves_za_func)>::value == 16, "why are we picking the wrong specialization?");
+// Also test the attribute is propagated with variadic templates
+constexpr int eval_variadic_template() { return 0; }
+template <typename T, typename... Other>
+constexpr int eval_variadic_template(T f, Other... other) {
+    return S3<decltype(f)>::value + eval_variadic_template(other...);
+static_assert(eval_variadic_template(normal_func, streaming_func,
+                                     streaming_compatible_func,
+                                     shared_za_func, preserves_za_func) == 31,
+              "attributes  not propagated properly in variadic template");
+// Test that the attribute is propagated with template specialization.
+template<typename T> int test_templated_f(T);
+template<> constexpr int test_templated_f<void(*)(void)>(void(*)(void)) { return 1; }
+template<> constexpr int test_templated_f<void(*)(void)__arm_streaming>(void(*)(void)__arm_streaming) { return 2; }
+template<> constexpr int test_templated_f<void(*)(void)__arm_streaming_compatible>(void(*)(void)__arm_streaming_compatible) { return 4; }
+template<> constexpr int test_templated_f<void(*)(void)__arm_shared_za>(void(*)(void)__arm_shared_za) { return 8; }
+template<> constexpr int test_templated_f<void(*)(void)__arm_preserves_za>(void(*)(void)__arm_preserves_za) { return 16; }
+static_assert(test_templated_f(&normal_func) == 1, "Instantiated to wrong function");
+static_assert(test_templated_f(&streaming_func) == 2, "Instantiated to wrong function");
+static_assert(test_templated_f(&streaming_compatible_func) == 4, "Instantiated to wrong function");
+static_assert(test_templated_f(&shared_za_func) == 8, "Instantiated to wrong function");
+static_assert(test_templated_f(&preserves_za_func) == 16, "Instantiated to wrong function");
+// expected-cpp-error@+2 {{'__arm_streaming' only applies to function types; type here is 'int'}}
+// expected-error@+1 {{'__arm_streaming' only applies to function types; type here is 'int'}}
+int invalid_type_for_attribute __arm_streaming;
+// Test overloads
+constexpr int overload(void f(void)) { return 1; }
+constexpr int overload(void f(void) __arm_streaming) { return 2; }
+constexpr int overload(void f(void) __arm_streaming_compatible) { return 4; }
+constexpr int overload(void f(void) __arm_shared_za) { return 8; }
+constexpr int overload(void f(void) __arm_preserves_za) { return 16; }
+static_assert(overload(&normal_func) == 1, "Overloaded to wrong function");
+static_assert(overload(&streaming_func) == 2, "Overloaded to wrong function");
+static_assert(overload(&streaming_compatible_func) == 4, "Overloaded to wrong function");
+static_assert(overload(&shared_za_func) == 8, "Overloaded to wrong function");
+static_assert(overload(&preserves_za_func) == 16, "Overloaded to wrong function");
+// Test implicit instantiation
+template <typename T> struct X {
+  static void foo(T) __arm_streaming { }
+constexpr int overload_int(void f(int)) { return 1; }
+constexpr int overload_int(void f(int) __arm_streaming) { return 2; }
+constexpr X<int> *ptr = 0;
+static_assert(overload_int(ptr->foo) == 2, "Overloaded to the wrong function after implicit instantiation");
+#endif // ifdef __cplusplus
Index: clang/test/Modules/aarch64-sme-keywords.cppm
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Modules/aarch64-sme-keywords.cppm
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// REQUIRES: aarch64-registered-target
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: split-file %s %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -triple aarch64 -target-feature +sme %t/A.cppm -emit-module-interface -o %t/A.pcm
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -triple aarch64 -target-feature +sme -fprebuilt-module-path=%t -I%t %t/Use.cpp -emit-llvm
+// RUN: cat %t/Use.ll | FileCheck %s
+//--- A.cppm
+export module A;
+export void f_streaming(void) __arm_streaming { }
+export void f_streaming_compatible(void) __arm_streaming_compatible { }
+export void f_shared_za(void) __arm_shared_za { }
+export void f_preserves_za(void) __arm_preserves_za { }
+//--- Use.cpp
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+import A;
+// CHECK: define dso_local void @_Z18f_shared_za_callerv() #[[SHARED_ZA_DEF:[0-9]+]] {
+// CHECK: entry:
+// CHECK:   call void @_ZW1A11f_shared_zav() #[[SHARED_ZA_USE:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:   call void @_ZW1A14f_preserves_zav() #[[PRESERVES_ZA_USE:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:   ret void
+// CHECK: }
+// CHECK:declare void @_ZW1A11f_shared_zav() #[[SHARED_ZA_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:declare void @_ZW1A14f_preserves_zav() #[[PRESERVES_ZA_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:; Function Attrs: mustprogress noinline nounwind optnone
+// CHECK:define dso_local void @_Z21f_nonstreaming_callerv() #[[NORMAL_DEF:[0-9]+]] {
+// CHECK:entry:
+// CHECK:  call void @_ZW1A11f_streamingv() #[[STREAMING_USE:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:  call void @_ZW1A22f_streaming_compatiblev() #[[STREAMING_COMPATIBLE_USE:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:  ret void
+// CHECK:}
+// CHECK:declare void @_ZW1A11f_streamingv() #[[STREAMING_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK:declare void @_ZW1A22f_streaming_compatiblev() #[[STREAMING_COMPATIBLE_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[SHARED_ZA_DEF]] = {{{.*}} "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" {{.*}}}
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[SHARED_ZA_DECL]] = {{{.*}} "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" {{.*}}}
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[PRESERVES_ZA_DECL]] = {{{.*}} "aarch64_pstate_za_preserved" {{.*}}}
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[NORMAL_DEF]] = {{{.*}}}
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[STREAMING_DECL]] = {{{.*}} "aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled" {{.*}}}
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[STREAMING_COMPATIBLE_DECL]] = {{{.*}} "aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible" {{.*}}}
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[SHARED_ZA_USE]] = { "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" }
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[PRESERVES_ZA_USE]] = { "aarch64_pstate_za_preserved" }
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[STREAMING_USE]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled" }
+// CHECK-DAG: attributes #[[STREAMING_COMPATIBLE_USE]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible" }
+void f_shared_za_caller(void) __arm_shared_za {
+  f_shared_za();
+  f_preserves_za();
+void f_nonstreaming_caller(void) {
+  f_streaming();
+  f_streaming_compatible();
Index: clang/test/CodeGen/aarch64-sme-intrinsics/aarch64-sme-attrs.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/CodeGen/aarch64-sme-intrinsics/aarch64-sme-attrs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64-none-linux-gnu -target-feature +sme \
+// RUN:   -S -disable-O0-optnone -Werror -emit-llvm -o - %s \
+// RUN: | opt -S -passes=mem2reg \
+// RUN: | opt -S -passes=inline \
+// RUN: | FileCheck %s
+extern "C" {
+extern int normal_callee();
+int streaming_decl(void) __arm_streaming;
+int streaming_compatible_decl(void) __arm_streaming_compatible;
+int shared_za_decl(void) __arm_shared_za;
+int preserves_za_decl(void) __arm_preserves_za;
+int private_za_decl(void);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @streaming_caller()
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[SM_ENABLED:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call i32 @normal_callee()
+ int streaming_caller() __arm_streaming {
+  return normal_callee();
+// CHECK: declare i32 @normal_callee() #[[NORMAL_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @streaming_callee()
+// CHECK: call i32 @streaming_decl() #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+ int streaming_callee() __arm_streaming {
+  return streaming_decl();
+// CHECK: declare i32 @streaming_decl() #[[SM_ENABLED_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @streaming_compatible_caller()
+// CHECK: call i32 @normal_callee()
+ int streaming_compatible_caller() __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  return normal_callee();
+// CHECK-LABEL: @streaming_compatible_callee()
+// CHECK: call i32 @streaming_compatible_decl() #[[SM_COMPATIBLE_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+ int streaming_compatible_callee() __arm_streaming_compatible {
+  return streaming_compatible_decl();
+// CHECK: declare i32 @streaming_compatible_decl() #[[SM_COMPATIBLE_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @locally_streaming_caller()
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[SM_BODY:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call i32 @normal_callee()
+__arm_locally_streaming int locally_streaming_caller() {
+  return normal_callee();
+// CHECK-LABEL: @locally_streaming_callee()
+// CHECK: call i32 @locally_streaming_caller() #[[SM_BODY_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+__arm_locally_streaming int locally_streaming_callee() {
+  return locally_streaming_caller();
+// CHECK-LABEL: @shared_za_caller()
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[ZA_SHARED:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call i32 @normal_callee()
+ int shared_za_caller() __arm_shared_za {
+  return normal_callee();
+// CHECK-LABEL: @shared_za_callee()
+// CHECK: call i32 @shared_za_decl() #[[ZA_SHARED_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+ int shared_za_callee() __arm_shared_za {
+  return shared_za_decl();
+// CHECK: declare i32 @shared_za_decl() #[[ZA_SHARED_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @preserves_za_caller()
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[ZA_PRESERVED:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call i32 @normal_callee()
+ int preserves_za_caller() __arm_preserves_za {
+  return normal_callee();
+// CHECK-LABEL: @preserves_za_callee()
+// CHECK: call i32 @preserves_za_decl() #[[ZA_PRESERVED_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+ int preserves_za_callee() __arm_preserves_za {
+  return preserves_za_decl();
+// CHECK: declare i32 @preserves_za_decl() #[[ZA_PRESERVED_DECL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-LABEL: @new_za_caller()
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[ZA_NEW:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call i32 @normal_callee()
+__arm_new_za int new_za_caller() {
+  return normal_callee();
+// CHECK-LABEL: @new_za_callee()
+// CHECK: call i32 @private_za_decl()
+__arm_new_za int new_za_callee() {
+  return private_za_decl();
+// CHECK: declare i32 @private_za_decl()
+// Ensure that the attributes are correctly propagated to function types
+// and also to callsites.
+typedef void (*s_ptrty) (int, int) __arm_streaming;
+typedef void (*sc_ptrty) (int, int) __arm_streaming_compatible;
+typedef void (*sz_ptrty) (int, int) __arm_shared_za;
+typedef void (*pz_ptrty) (int, int) __arm_preserves_za;
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_streaming_ptrty(
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[NORMAL_DEF:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call void [[F:%.*]](i32 noundef [[X:%.*]], i32 noundef [[Y:%.*]]) #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+void test_streaming_ptrty(s_ptrty f, int x, int y) { return f(x, y); }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_streaming_compatible_ptrty(
+// CHECK: call void [[F:%.*]](i32 noundef [[X:%.*]], i32 noundef [[Y:%.*]]) #[[SM_COMPATIBLE_CALL]]
+void test_streaming_compatible_ptrty(sc_ptrty f, int x, int y) { return f(x, y); }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_shared_za(
+// CHECK: call void [[F:%.*]](i32 noundef [[X:%.*]], i32 noundef [[Y:%.*]]) #[[ZA_SHARED_CALL]]
+void  test_shared_za(sz_ptrty f, int x, int y) __arm_shared_za { return f(x, y); }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_preserved_za(
+// CHECK: call void [[F:%.*]](i32 noundef [[X:%.*]], i32 noundef [[Y:%.*]]) #[[ZA_PRESERVED_CALL]]
+void  test_preserved_za(pz_ptrty f, int x, int y) __arm_shared_za { return f(x, y); }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_indirect_streaming_ptrty(
+// CHECK-SAME: #[[NORMAL_DEF:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: call void [[F:%.*]](i32 noundef [[X:%.*]], i32 noundef [[Y:%.*]]) #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+typedef s_ptrty **indirect_s_ptrty;
+void test_indirect_streaming_ptrty(indirect_s_ptrty fptr, int x, int y) { return (**fptr)(x, y); }
+} // extern "C"
+// Test that having the attribute in different places (on declaration and on type)
+// both results in the attribute being applied to the type.
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z24test_same_type_streamingv(
+// CHECK:   call void @_Z10streaming1v() #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+// CHECK:   call void @_Z10streaming2v() #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+// CHECK:   call void @_Z20same_type_streaming1v() #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+// CHECK:   call void @_Z20same_type_streaming2v() #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+// CHECK:   ret void
+// CHECK: }
+// CHECK: declare void @_Z10streaming1v() #[[SM_ENABLED_DECL]]
+// CHECK: declare void @_Z10streaming2v() #[[SM_ENABLED_DECL]]
+// CHECK: declare void @_Z20same_type_streaming1v() #[[SM_ENABLED_DECL]]
+// CHECK: declare void @_Z20same_type_streaming2v() #[[SM_ENABLED_DECL]]
+void streaming1(void) __arm_streaming;
+void streaming2() __arm_streaming;
+decltype(streaming1) same_type_streaming1;
+decltype(streaming2) same_type_streaming2;
+void test_same_type_streaming() {
+  streaming1();
+  streaming2();
+  same_type_streaming1();
+  same_type_streaming2();
+// Test overloading; the attribute is not required for overloaded types and
+// does not apply if not specified.
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z12overloadedfni(
+int  overloadedfn(int x) __arm_streaming { return x; }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z12overloadedfnf(
+float overloadedfn(float x) { return x; }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z13test_overloadi(
+int test_overload(int x) { return overloadedfn(x); }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z13test_overloadf(
+float test_overload(float x) { return overloadedfn(x); }
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z11test_lambdai(
+// CHECK: call noundef i32 @"_ZZ11test_lambdaiENK3$_0clEi"({{.*}}) #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+// CHECK: @"_ZZ11test_lambdaiENK3$_0clEi"(
+int test_lambda(int x) {
+  auto F = [](int x)  __arm_streaming { return x; };
+  return F(x);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z27test_template_instantiationv(
+// CHECK: call noundef i32 @_Z15template_functyIiET_S0_(i32 noundef 12) #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]]
+// CHECK: @_Z15template_functyIiET_S0_(
+template <typename Ty>
+Ty template_functy(Ty x)  __arm_streaming { return x; }
+int test_template_instantiation() { return template_functy(12); }
+// Test that arm_locally_streaming is inherited by future redeclarations,
+// even when they don't specify the attribute.
+// CHECK: define {{.*}} @_Z25locally_streaming_inheritv(
+__arm_locally_streaming void locally_streaming_inherit();
+void locally_streaming_inherit() {
+  streaming_decl();
+// Test that the attributes are propagated properly to calls
+// when using a variadic template as indirection.
+int call() { return 0; }
+template <typename T, typename... Other>
+int call(T f, Other... other) {
+    return f() + call(other...);
+// CHECK: {{.*}} @_Z22test_variadic_templatev(
+// CHECK:      call {{.*}} i32 @normal_callee() #[[NOUNWIND_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: call {{.*}} i32 @streaming_decl() #[[NOUNWIND_SM_ENABLED_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: call {{.*}} i32 @streaming_compatible_decl() #[[NOUNWIND_SM_COMPATIBLE_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: call {{.*}} i32 @shared_za_decl() #[[NOUNWIND_ZA_SHARED_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: call {{.*}} i32 @preserves_za_decl() #[[NOUNWIND_ZA_PRESERVED_CALL:[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: add nsw
+// CHECK-NEXT: add nsw
+// CHECK-NEXT: add nsw
+// CHECK-NEXT: add nsw
+// CHECK-NEXT: ret
+int test_variadic_template() {
+  return call(normal_callee,
+              streaming_decl,
+              streaming_compatible_decl,
+              shared_za_decl,
+              preserves_za_decl);
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_ENABLED]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NORMAL_DECL]] = { "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_ENABLED_DECL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_COMPATIBLE]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_COMPATIBLE_DECL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_BODY]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "aarch64_pstate_sm_body" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_SHARED]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_SHARED_DECL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_PRESERVED]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "aarch64_pstate_za_preserved" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_PRESERVED_DECL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_za_preserved" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_NEW]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "aarch64_pstate_za_new" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NORMAL_DEF]] = { mustprogress noinline nounwind "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-features"="+bf16,+sme" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_ENABLED_CALL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_COMPATIBLE_CALL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[SM_BODY_CALL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_sm_body" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_SHARED_CALL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[ZA_PRESERVED_CALL]] = { "aarch64_pstate_za_preserved" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NOUNWIND_CALL]] = { nounwind }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NOUNWIND_SM_ENABLED_CALL]] = { nounwind "aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NOUNWIND_SM_COMPATIBLE_CALL]] = { nounwind "aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NOUNWIND_ZA_SHARED_CALL]] = { nounwind "aarch64_pstate_za_shared" }
+// CHECK: attributes #[[NOUNWIND_ZA_PRESERVED_CALL]] = { nounwind "aarch64_pstate_za_preserved" }
Index: clang/test/AST/ast-dump-sme-attributes.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/AST/ast-dump-sme-attributes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Test without serialization:
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64 -target-feature +sme -std=c++2a -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Foo %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
+// Test with serialization:
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -triple aarch64 -target-feature +sme -emit-pch -o %t %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++ -std=c++20 -triple aarch64 -target-feature +sme -include-pch %t -ast-dump-all -ast-dump-filter Foo /dev/null \
+// RUN: | sed -e "s/ <undeserialized declarations>//" -e "s/ imported//" \
+// RUN: | FileCheck --strict-whitespace %s
+struct Foo {
+// CHECK:      |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} implicit struct Foo
+// CHECK-NEXT: |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} f_streaming 'void () __arm_streaming'
+// CHECK-NEXT: |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} f_streaming_compatible 'void () __arm_streaming_compatible'
+// CHECK-NEXT: |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} f_locally_streaming 'void ()'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | `-ArmLocallyStreamingAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} f_shared_za 'void () __arm_shared_za'
+// CHECK-NEXT: |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} f_new_za 'void ()'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | `-ArmNewZAAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} f_preserves_za 'void () __arm_preserves_za'
+  void f_streaming() __arm_streaming;
+  void f_streaming_compatible() __arm_streaming_compatible;
+  __arm_locally_streaming void f_locally_streaming();
+  void f_shared_za() __arm_shared_za;
+  __arm_new_za void f_new_za();
+  void f_preserves_za() __arm_preserves_za;
+// CHECK:      |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} test_lambda 'int (int)' implicit-inline
+// CHECK:         `-CompoundStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT:     |-DeclStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT:     | `-VarDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT:     |   `-LambdaExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT:     |     |-CXXRecordDecl
+// CHECK:          |     | |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} used constexpr operator() 'int (int) __arm_streaming const' inline
+// CHECK:          |     | |-CXXConversionDecl {{.*}} implicit constexpr operator int (*)(int) __arm_streaming 'int (*() const noexcept)(int) __arm_streaming' inline
+// CHECK:          |     | |-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} implicit __invoke 'int (int) __arm_streaming' static inline
+// CHECK:          `-ReturnStmt
+// CHECK:            `-CXXOperatorCallExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT:         |-ImplicitCastExpr {{.*}} 'int (*)(int) __arm_streaming const' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         | `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} 'int (int) __arm_streaming const' lvalue CXXMethod {{.*}} 'operator()' 'int (int) __arm_streaming const'
+  int test_lambda(int x) {
+    auto F = [](int x) __arm_streaming { return x; };
+    return F(x);
+  }
+// CHECK: |-TypedefDecl {{.*}} referenced s_ptrty 'void (*)(int, int) __arm_streaming'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | `-PointerType {{.*}} 'void (*)(int, int) __arm_streaming'
+// CHECK-NEXT: |   `-ParenType {{.*}} 'void (int, int) __arm_streaming' sugar
+// CHECK-NEXT: |     `-FunctionProtoType {{.*}} 'void (int, int) __arm_streaming' cdecl
+  typedef void (*s_ptrty) (int, int) __arm_streaming;
+// CHECK:      `-CXXMethodDecl {{.*}} test_streaming_ptrty 'void (s_ptrty, int, int)' implicit-inline
+// CHECK-NEXT:   |-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} used f 's_ptrty':'void (*)(int, int) __arm_streaming'
+// CHECK-NEXT:   |-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} used x 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT:   |-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} used y 'int'
+// CHECK:        `-CompoundStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT:     `-ReturnStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT:       `-CallExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT:         |-ImplicitCastExpr {{.*}} 's_ptrty':'void (*)(int, int) __arm_streaming' <LValueToRValue>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         | `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} 's_ptrty':'void (*)(int, int) __arm_streaming' lvalue ParmVar {{.*}} 'f' 's_ptrty':'void (*)(int, int) __arm_streaming'
+// CHECK-NEXT:         |-ImplicitCastExpr {{.*}} 'int' <LValueToRValue>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         | `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} 'int' lvalue ParmVar {{.*}} 'x' 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT:         `-ImplicitCastExpr {{.*}} 'int' <LValueToRValue>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} 'int' lvalue ParmVar {{.*}} 'y' 'int'
+  void test_streaming_ptrty(s_ptrty f, int x, int y) { return f(x, y); };
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@
   case ParsedAttr::AT_VectorCall:                                              \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AArch64VectorPcs:                                        \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AArch64SVEPcs:                                           \
-  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreaming:                                            \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AMDGPUKernelCall:                                        \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_MSABI:                                                   \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_SysVABI:                                                 \
@@ -143,6 +142,10 @@
   case ParsedAttr::AT_NoReturn:                                                \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_Regparm:                                                 \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_CmseNSCall:                                              \
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreaming:                                            \
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreamingCompatible:                                  \
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmSharedZA:                                             \
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmPreservesZA:                                          \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AnyX86NoCallerSavedRegisters:                            \
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AnyX86NoCfCheck:                                         \
@@ -7772,6 +7775,26 @@
   llvm_unreachable("unexpected attribute kind!");
+static bool checkMutualExclusion(TypeProcessingState &state,
+                                 const FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo &EPI,
+                                 ParsedAttr &Attr,
+                                 AttributeCommonInfo::Kind OtherKind) {
+  auto OtherAttr = std::find_if(
+      state.getCurrentAttributes().begin(), state.getCurrentAttributes().end(),
+      [OtherKind](const ParsedAttr &A) { return A.getKind() == OtherKind; });
+  if (OtherAttr == state.getCurrentAttributes().end() || OtherAttr->isInvalid())
+    return false;
+  Sema &S = state.getSema();
+  S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::err_attributes_are_not_compatible)
+      << *OtherAttr << Attr
+      << (OtherAttr->isRegularKeywordAttribute() ||
+          Attr.isRegularKeywordAttribute());
+  S.Diag(OtherAttr->getLoc(), diag::note_conflicting_attribute);
+  Attr.setInvalid();
+  return true;
 /// Process an individual function attribute.  Returns true to
 /// indicate that the attribute was handled, false if it wasn't.
 static bool handleFunctionTypeAttr(TypeProcessingState &state, ParsedAttr &attr,
@@ -7901,6 +7924,55 @@
     return true;
+  if (attr.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreaming ||
+      attr.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreamingCompatible ||
+      attr.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_ArmSharedZA ||
+      attr.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_ArmPreservesZA){
+    if (S.CheckAttrTarget(attr) || S.CheckAttrNoArgs(attr))
+      return true;
+    if (!unwrapped.isFunctionType())
+      return false;
+    const FunctionProtoType *FnTy = unwrapped.get()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
+    if (!FnTy) {
+      // SME ACLE attributes are not supported on K&R-style unprototyped C
+      // functions.
+      S.Diag(attr.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_wrong_decl_type) <<
+        attr << attr.isRegularKeywordAttribute() << ExpectedFunctionWithProtoType;
+      attr.setInvalid();
+      return false;
+    }
+    FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo EPI = FnTy->getExtProtoInfo();
+    switch (attr.getKind()) {
+    case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreaming:
+      if (checkMutualExclusion(state, EPI, attr,
+                               ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreamingCompatible))
+        return true;
+      EPI.setArmSMEAttribute(FunctionType::SME_PStateSMEnabledMask);
+      break;
+    case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreamingCompatible:
+      if (checkMutualExclusion(state, EPI, attr, ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreaming))
+        return true;
+      EPI.setArmSMEAttribute(FunctionType::SME_PStateSMCompatibleMask);
+      break;
+    case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmSharedZA:
+      EPI.setArmSMEAttribute(FunctionType::SME_PStateZASharedMask);
+      break;
+    case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmPreservesZA:
+      EPI.setArmSMEAttribute(FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask);
+      break;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Unsupported attribute");
+    }
+    QualType newtype = S.Context.getFunctionType(FnTy->getReturnType(),
+                                                 FnTy->getParamTypes(), EPI);
+    type = unwrapped.wrap(S, newtype->getAs<FunctionType>());
+    return true;
+  }
   if (attr.getKind() == ParsedAttr::AT_NoThrow) {
     // Delay if this is not a function type.
     if (!unwrapped.isFunctionType())
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -1686,6 +1686,26 @@
     Changed = true;
+  // Drop the 'arm_preserves_za' if not present in the target type (we can do
+  // that because it is merely a hint).
+  if (const auto *FromFPT = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(FromFn)) {
+    FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo ExtInfo = FromFPT->getExtProtoInfo();
+    if (ExtInfo.AArch64SMEAttributes &
+        FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask) {
+      unsigned ToFlags = 0;
+      if (const auto *ToFPT = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(ToFn))
+        ToFlags = ToFPT->getExtProtoInfo().AArch64SMEAttributes;
+      if (!(ToFlags & FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask)) {
+        ExtInfo.setArmSMEAttribute(FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask,
+                                   false);
+        QualType QT = Context.getFunctionType(
+            FromFPT->getReturnType(), FromFPT->getParamTypes(), ExtInfo);
+        FromFn = QT->getAs<FunctionType>();
+        Changed = true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // Drop 'noexcept' if not present in target type.
   if (const auto *FromFPT = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(FromFn)) {
     const auto *ToFPT = cast<FunctionProtoType>(ToFn);
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -9665,6 +9665,30 @@
       ColonLoc, result, VK, OK);
+// Check that the SME attributes for PSTATE.ZA and PSTATE.SM are compatible.
+bool Sema::IsInvalidSMECallConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType) {
+  unsigned FromAttributes = 0, ToAttributes = 0;
+  if (const auto *FromFn =
+          dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(Context.getCanonicalType(FromType)))
+    FromAttributes =
+        FromFn->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_AttributeMask;
+  if (const auto *ToFn =
+          dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(Context.getCanonicalType(ToType)))
+    ToAttributes =
+        ToFn->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_AttributeMask;
+  if (FromAttributes == ToAttributes)
+    return false;
+  // Make an exception for preserves_za, which can be dropped because it's
+  // only a hint.
+  unsigned Changed = FromAttributes ^ ToAttributes;
+  bool DropsPreservesZA =
+      Changed == FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask &&
+      (ToAttributes & FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask);
+  return !DropsPreservesZA;
 // Check if we have a conversion between incompatible cmse function pointer
 // types, that is, a conversion between a function pointer with the
 // cmse_nonsecure_call attribute and one without.
@@ -9831,6 +9855,8 @@
     return Sema::IncompatibleFunctionPointer;
   if (IsInvalidCmseNSCallConversion(S, ltrans, rtrans))
     return Sema::IncompatibleFunctionPointer;
+  if (S.IsInvalidSMECallConversion(ltrans, rtrans))
+    return Sema::IncompatibleFunctionPointer;
   return ConvTy;
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
@@ -17800,6 +17800,14 @@
+  // SME attributes must match when overriding a function declaration.
+  if (IsInvalidSMECallConversion(Old->getType(), New->getType())) {
+    Diag(New->getLocation(), diag::err_conflicting_overriding_attributes)
+        << New << New->getType() << Old->getType();
+    Diag(Old->getLocation(), diag::note_overridden_virtual_function);
+    return true;
+  }
   // Virtual overrides must have the same code_seg.
   const auto *OldCSA = Old->getAttr<CodeSegAttr>();
   const auto *NewCSA = New->getAttr<CodeSegAttr>();
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
@@ -5349,9 +5349,6 @@
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AArch64SVEPcs:
     CC = CC_AArch64SVEPCS;
-  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmStreaming:
-    CC = CC_C; // FIXME: placeholder until real SME support is added.
-    break;
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AMDGPUKernelCall:
     CC = CC_AMDGPUKernelCall;
@@ -8707,6 +8704,28 @@
   return false;
+static void handleArmNewZaAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
+  if (auto *FPT = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(D->getFunctionType())) {
+    if (FPT->getAArch64SMEAttributes() &
+        FunctionType::SME_PStateZASharedMask) {
+      S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_attributes_are_not_compatible)
+          << AL << "'__arm_shared_za'" << true;
+      AL.setInvalid();
+    }
+    if (FPT->getAArch64SMEAttributes() &
+        FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask) {
+      S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_attributes_are_not_compatible)
+          << AL << "'__arm_preserves_za'" << true;
+      AL.setInvalid();
+    }
+    if (AL.isInvalid())
+      return;
+  }
+  handleSimpleAttribute<ArmNewZAAttr>(S, D, AL);
 /// ProcessDeclAttribute - Apply the specific attribute to the specified decl if
 /// the attribute applies to decls.  If the attribute is a type attribute, just
 /// silently ignore it if a GNU attribute.
@@ -9462,6 +9481,14 @@
     handleArmBuiltinAliasAttr(S, D, AL);
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmLocallyStreaming:
+    handleSimpleAttribute<ArmLocallyStreamingAttr>(S, D, AL);
+    break;
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ArmNewZA:
+    handleArmNewZaAttr(S, D, AL);
+    break;
   case ParsedAttr::AT_AcquireHandle:
     handleAcquireHandleAttr(S, D, AL);
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
@@ -3758,6 +3758,15 @@
+  // It is not permitted to redeclare an SME function with different SME
+  // attributes.
+  if (IsInvalidSMECallConversion(Old->getType(), New->getType())) {
+    Diag(New->getLocation(), diag::err_sme_attr_mismatch)
+        << New->getType() << Old->getType();
+    Diag(OldLocation, diag::note_previous_declaration);
+    return true;
+  }
   // If a function is first declared with a calling convention, but is later
   // declared or defined without one, all following decls assume the calling
   // convention of the first.
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp
@@ -2288,6 +2288,16 @@
+  // We only need to handle the 'arm_locally_streaming' attribute as a
+  // special case here (as opposed to e.g. 'arm_streaming'), because it
+  // is not set from the prototype, but rather from the definition.
+  // The same holds for 'arm_new_za'.
+  if (D->hasAttr<ArmLocallyStreamingAttr>())
+    B.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_sm_body");
+  if (D->hasAttr<ArmNewZAAttr>())
+    B.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_za_new");
   // Track whether we need to add the optnone LLVM attribute,
   // starting with the default for this optimization level.
   bool ShouldAddOptNone =
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -1762,6 +1762,15 @@
   if (!isUnresolvedExceptionSpec(FPT->getExceptionSpecType()) &&
+  if (FPT->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_PStateSMEnabledMask)
+    FuncAttrs.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_sm_enabled");
+  if (FPT->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_PStateSMCompatibleMask)
+    FuncAttrs.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_sm_compatible");
+  if (FPT->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_PStateZASharedMask)
+    FuncAttrs.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_za_shared");
+  if (FPT->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask)
+    FuncAttrs.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_za_preserved");
 static void AddAttributesFromAssumes(llvm::AttrBuilder &FuncAttrs,
@@ -2402,6 +2411,12 @@
+    if (TargetDecl->hasAttr<ArmLocallyStreamingAttr>())
+      FuncAttrs.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_sm_body");
+    if (TargetDecl->hasAttr<ArmNewZAAttr>())
+      FuncAttrs.addAttribute("aarch64_pstate_za_new");
   // Attach "no-builtins" attributes to:
Index: clang/lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/TypePrinter.cpp
@@ -938,6 +938,21 @@
   FunctionType::ExtInfo Info = T->getExtInfo();
+  if ((T->getAArch64SMEAttributes() &
+       FunctionType::SME_PStateSMCompatibleMask) &&
+      !InsideCCAttribute)
+    OS << " __arm_streaming_compatible";
+  if ((T->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_PStateSMEnabledMask) &&
+      !InsideCCAttribute)
+    OS << " __arm_streaming";
+  if ((T->getAArch64SMEAttributes() & FunctionType::SME_PStateZASharedMask) &&
+      !InsideCCAttribute)
+    OS << " __arm_shared_za";
+  if ((T->getAArch64SMEAttributes() &
+       FunctionType::SME_PStateZAPreservedMask) &&
+      !InsideCCAttribute)
+    OS << " __arm_preserves_za";
   printFunctionAfter(Info, OS);
   if (!T->getMethodQuals().empty())
@@ -1772,6 +1787,18 @@
     OS << "__arm_streaming";
+  if (T->getAttrKind() == attr::ArmStreamingCompatible) {
+    OS << "__arm_streaming_compatible";
+    return;
+  }
+  if (T->getAttrKind() == attr::ArmSharedZA) {
+    OS << "__arm_shared_za";
+    return;
+  }
+  if (T->getAttrKind() == attr::ArmPreservesZA) {
+    OS << "__arm_preserves_za";
+    return;
+  }
   OS << " __attribute__((";
   switch (T->getAttrKind()) {
@@ -1814,6 +1841,9 @@
   case attr::AnnotateType:
   case attr::WebAssemblyFuncref:
   case attr::ArmStreaming:
+  case attr::ArmStreamingCompatible:
+  case attr::ArmSharedZA:
+  case attr::ArmPreservesZA:
     llvm_unreachable("This attribute should have been handled already");
   case attr::NSReturnsRetained:
Index: clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
--- clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
+++ clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
@@ -3386,6 +3386,14 @@
     argSlot[i] = params[i];
+  // Propagate the SME ACLE attributes.
+  if (epi.AArch64SMEAttributes != SME_NormalFunction) {
+    auto &ExtraBits = *getTrailingObjects<FunctionTypeExtraBitfields>();
+    assert(epi.AArch64SMEAttributes <= SME_AttributeMask &&
+           "Not enough bits to encode SME attributes");
+    ExtraBits.AArch64SMEAttributes = epi.AArch64SMEAttributes;
+  }
   // Fill in the exception type array if present.
   if (getExceptionSpecType() == EST_Dynamic) {
     auto &ExtraBits = *getTrailingObjects<FunctionTypeExtraBitfields>();
@@ -3582,6 +3590,8 @@
     for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumParams; ++i)
+  ID.AddInteger(epi.AArch64SMEAttributes);
Index: clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -7039,6 +7039,8 @@
                                  NestedNameSpecInfo &IdInfo,
                                  bool EnteringContext);
+  bool IsInvalidSMECallConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType);
   /// The parser has parsed a nested-name-specifier
   /// 'template[opt] template-name < template-args >::'.
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -2015,6 +2015,10 @@
   "than the function it overrides}1,2">;
 def note_overridden_virtual_function : Note<
   "overridden virtual function is here">;
+def err_conflicting_overriding_attributes : Error<
+  "virtual function %0 has different attributes "
+  "%diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has $)|"
+  "than the function it overrides}1,2">;
 def err_conflicting_overriding_cc_attributes : Error<
   "virtual function %0 has different calling convention attributes "
   "%diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has calling convention $)|"
@@ -3600,6 +3604,9 @@
   "the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a class or structure with one member, which must be a vector">;
 def err_attribute_vecreturn_only_pod_record : Error<
   "the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a POD (plain old data) class or structure (i.e. no virtual functions)">;
+def err_sme_attr_mismatch : Error<
+  "function declared '%0' was previously declared '%1'"
+  " with different SME function attributes">;
 def err_cconv_change : Error<
   "function declared '%0' here was previously declared "
   "%select{'%2'|without calling convention}1">;
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -6581,14 +6581,12 @@
 def ArmSmeStreamingDocs : Documentation {
   let Category = DocCatType;
   let Content = [{
-.. Note:: This attribute has not been implemented yet, but once it is
-   implemented, it will behave as described below.
 The ``__arm_streaming`` keyword is only available on AArch64 targets.
 It applies to function types and specifies that the function has a
 "streaming interface".  This means that:
-* the function requires the Scalable Matrix Extension (SME)
+* the function requires that the target processor implements the Scalable Matrix
+  Extension (SME).
 * the function must be entered in streaming mode (that is, with PSTATE.SM
   set to 1)
@@ -6615,6 +6613,147 @@
+def ArmSmeStreamingCompatibleDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatType;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``__arm_streaming_compatible`` keyword is only available on AArch64 targets.
+It applies to function types and specifies that the function has a
+“streaming compatible interface”.  This means that:
+* the function may be entered in either normal mode (PSTATE.SM=0) or
+  in streaming mode (PSTATE.SM=1).
+* the function must return in the same mode in which it entered the function.
+* the code executed in the function is compatible with either mode.
+* the function does not have a K&R-style unprototyped function type.
+See `Procedure Call Standard for the Arm® 64-bit Architecture (AArch64)
+<>`_ for more details about
+streaming-compatible functions.
+Clang manages PSTATE.SM automatically; it is not the source code's
+responsibility to do this.  Clang will ensure that the generated code in
+streaming-compatible functions is valid in either mode (PSTATE.SM=0 or
+PSTATE.SM=1). For example, if an ``__arm_streaming_compatible`` function calls a
+normal function, Clang generates code to temporarily switch out of streaming
+mode before calling the function and switch back to streaming-mode on return if
+``PSTATE.SM`` is ``1`` on entry of the caller. If ``PSTATE.SM`` is ``0`` on
+entry to the ``__arm_streaming_compatible`` function, the call will be executed
+without changing modes.
+``__arm_streaming_compatible`` can appear anywhere that a standard ``[[…]]``
+type attribute can appear.
+See `Arm C Language Extensions <>`_
+for more details about this extension, and for other related SME features.
+  }];
+def ArmSmeSharedZADocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatType;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``__arm_shared_za`` keyword is only available on AArch64 targets.
+It applies to function types and specifies that the function shares
+SME's matrix storage (ZA) with its caller.  This means that:
+* the function requires that the target processor implements the Scalable Matrix
+  Extension (SME).
+* the function enters with ZA in an active state.
+* the function returns with ZA in an active state for normal returns.
+* the function does not have a K&R-style unprototyped function type.
+See `Procedure Call Standard for the Arm® 64-bit Architecture (AArch64)
+<>`_ for more details about shared-ZA
+``__arm_shared_za`` can appear anywhere that a standard ``[[…]]``
+type attribute can appear.
+See `Arm C Language Extensions <>`_
+for more details about this extension, and for other related SME features.
+  }];
+def ArmSmePreservesZADocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatType;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``__arm_preserves_za`` keyword is only available on AArch64 targets.
+It applies to function types and specifies that the function does not
+modify ZA state.
+``__arm_preserves_za`` can appear anywhere that a standard ``[[…]]``
+type attribute can appear, however the keyword does not apply to functions
+having a K&R-style unprototyped function type.
+See `Arm C Language Extensions <>`_
+for more details about this extension, and for other related SME features.
+  }];
+def ArmSmeLocallyStreamingDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatFunction;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``__arm_locally_streaming`` keyword is only available on AArch64 targets.
+It applies to function declarations and specifies that all the statements in the
+function are executed in streaming mode. This means that:
+* the function requires that the target processor implements the Scalable Matrix
+  Extension (SME).
+* the program automatically puts the machine into streaming mode before
+  executing the statements and automatically restores the previous mode
+  afterwards.
+Clang manages PSTATE.SM automatically; it is not the source code's
+responsibility to do this.  For example, Clang will emit code to enable
+streaming mode at the start of the function, and disable streaming mode
+at the end of the function.
+``__arm_locally_streaming`` can appear anywhere that a standard ``[[…]]``
+declaration attribute can appear.
+See `Arm C Language Extensions <>`_
+for more details about this extension, and for other related SME features.
+  }];
+def ArmSmeNewZADocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatFunction;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``__arm_new_za`` keyword is only available on AArch64 targets.
+It applies to function declarations and specifies that the function will be set
+up with a fresh ZA context.
+This means that:
+* the function requires that the target processor implements the Scalable Matrix
+  Extension (SME).
+* the function will commit any lazy-saves if available.
+* the function will create a new ZA context and enable PSTATE.ZA.
+* the function will disable PSTATE.ZA (by setting it to 0) before returning.
+For ``__arm_new_za`` functions Clang will set up the ZA context automatically
+on entry to the function, and disable it before returning. For example, if ZA is
+in a dormant state Clang will generate the code to commit a lazy-save and set up
+a new ZA state before executing user code.
+``__arm_new_za`` can appear anywhere that a standard ``[[…]]`` declaration
+attribute can appear.
+See `Arm C Language Extensions <>`_
+for more details about this extension, and for other related SME features.
+  }];
 def AlwaysInlineDocs : Documentation {
   let Category = DocCatFunction;
   let Content = [{
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -2442,6 +2442,39 @@
   let Documentation = [ArmSmeStreamingDocs];
+def ArmStreamingCompatible : TypeAttr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetAArch64SME> {
+  let Spellings = [RegularKeyword<"__arm_streaming_compatible">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[HasFunctionProto], ErrorDiag>;
+  let Documentation = [ArmSmeStreamingCompatibleDocs];
+def ArmSharedZA : TypeAttr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetAArch64SME> {
+  let Spellings = [RegularKeyword<"__arm_shared_za">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[HasFunctionProto], ErrorDiag>;
+  let Documentation = [ArmSmeSharedZADocs];
+def ArmPreservesZA : TypeAttr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetAArch64SME> {
+  let Spellings = [RegularKeyword<"__arm_preserves_za">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[HasFunctionProto], ErrorDiag>;
+  let Documentation = [ArmSmePreservesZADocs];
+def ArmLocallyStreaming : InheritableAttr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetAArch64SME> {
+  let Spellings = [RegularKeyword<"__arm_locally_streaming">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[Function], ErrorDiag>;
+  let Documentation = [ArmSmeLocallyStreamingDocs];
+def ArmNewZA : InheritableAttr, TargetSpecificAttr<TargetAArch64SME> {
+  let Spellings = [RegularKeyword<"__arm_new_za">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[Function], ErrorDiag>;
+  let Documentation = [ArmSmeNewZADocs];
+def : MutualExclusions<[ArmNewZA, ArmSharedZA]>;
+def : MutualExclusions<[ArmNewZA, ArmPreservesZA]>;
 def Pure : InheritableAttr {
   let Spellings = [GCC<"pure">];
   let Documentation = [Undocumented];
Index: clang/include/clang/AST/
--- clang/include/clang/AST/
+++ clang/include/clang/AST/
@@ -323,6 +323,9 @@
                     ? node->getExtParameterInfos()
                     : llvm::ArrayRef<FunctionProtoType::ExtParameterInfo>() }];
+  def : Property<"AArch64SMEAttributes", UInt32> {
+    let Read = [{ node->getAArch64SMEAttributes() }];
+  }
   def : Creator<[{
     auto extInfo = FunctionType::ExtInfo(noReturn, hasRegParm, regParm,
@@ -338,6 +341,7 @@
     epi.ExceptionSpec = exceptionSpecifier;
     epi.ExtParameterInfos =
       extParameterInfo.empty() ? nullptr :;
+    epi.AArch64SMEAttributes = AArch64SMEAttributes;
     return ctx.getFunctionType(returnType, parameters, epi);
Index: clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h
--- clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h
+++ clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h
@@ -3964,6 +3964,19 @@
   /// because TrailingObjects cannot handle repeated types.
   struct ExceptionType { QualType Type; };
+  /// The AArch64 SME ACLE (Arm C/C++ Language Extensions) define a number
+  /// of function type attributes that can be set on function types, including
+  /// function pointers.
+  enum AArch64SMETypeAttributes : unsigned {
+    SME_NormalFunction = 0,
+    SME_PStateSMEnabledMask = 1 << 0,
+    SME_PStateSMCompatibleMask = 1 << 1,
+    SME_PStateZASharedMask = 1 << 2,
+    SME_PStateZAPreservedMask = 1 << 3,
+    SME_AttributeMask = 0b111'111 // We only support maximum 6 bits because of the
+                                  // bitmask in FunctionTypeExtraBitfields.
+  };
   /// A simple holder for various uncommon bits which do not fit in
   /// FunctionTypeBitfields. Aligned to alignof(void *) to maintain the
   /// alignment of subsequent objects in TrailingObjects.
@@ -3971,7 +3984,13 @@
     /// The number of types in the exception specification.
     /// A whole unsigned is not needed here and according to
     /// [implimits] 8 bits would be enough here.
-    uint16_t NumExceptionType = 0;
+    uint16_t NumExceptionType;
+    /// Any AArch64 SME ACLE type attributes that need to be propagated
+    /// on declarations and function pointers.
+    unsigned AArch64SMEAttributes : 6;
+    FunctionTypeExtraBitfields()
+        : NumExceptionType(0), AArch64SMEAttributes(SME_NormalFunction) {}
@@ -4152,16 +4171,20 @@
     FunctionType::ExtInfo ExtInfo;
     bool Variadic : 1;
     bool HasTrailingReturn : 1;
+    unsigned AArch64SMEAttributes : 6;
     Qualifiers TypeQuals;
     RefQualifierKind RefQualifier = RQ_None;
     ExceptionSpecInfo ExceptionSpec;
     const ExtParameterInfo *ExtParameterInfos = nullptr;
     SourceLocation EllipsisLoc;
-    ExtProtoInfo() : Variadic(false), HasTrailingReturn(false) {}
+    ExtProtoInfo()
+        : Variadic(false), HasTrailingReturn(false),
+          AArch64SMEAttributes(SME_NormalFunction) {}
     ExtProtoInfo(CallingConv CC)
-        : ExtInfo(CC), Variadic(false), HasTrailingReturn(false) {}
+        : ExtInfo(CC), Variadic(false), HasTrailingReturn(false),
+          AArch64SMEAttributes(SME_NormalFunction) {}
     ExtProtoInfo withExceptionSpec(const ExceptionSpecInfo &ESI) {
       ExtProtoInfo Result(*this);
@@ -4170,7 +4193,16 @@
     bool requiresFunctionProtoTypeExtraBitfields() const {
-      return ExceptionSpec.Type == EST_Dynamic;
+      return ExceptionSpec.Type == EST_Dynamic ||
+             AArch64SMEAttributes != SME_NormalFunction;
+    }
+    void setArmSMEAttribute(AArch64SMETypeAttributes Kind, bool Enable = true) {
+      if (Enable)
+        AArch64SMEAttributes |= Kind;
+      else
+        AArch64SMEAttributes =
+            (AArch64SMEAttributes ^ Kind) & AArch64SMEAttributes;
@@ -4297,6 +4329,7 @@
     EPI.TypeQuals = getMethodQuals();
     EPI.RefQualifier = getRefQualifier();
     EPI.ExtParameterInfos = getExtParameterInfosOrNull();
+    EPI.AArch64SMEAttributes = getAArch64SMEAttributes();
     return EPI;
@@ -4478,6 +4511,15 @@
     return getTrailingObjects<ExtParameterInfo>();
+  /// Return a bitmask describing the SME attributes on the function type, see
+  /// AArch64SMETypeAttributes for their values.
+  unsigned getAArch64SMEAttributes() const {
+    if (!hasExtraBitfields())
+      return SME_NormalFunction;
+    return getTrailingObjects<FunctionTypeExtraBitfields>()
+        ->AArch64SMEAttributes;
+  }
   ExtParameterInfo getExtParameterInfo(unsigned I) const {
     assert(I < getNumParams() && "parameter index out of range");
     if (hasExtParameterInfos())
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