alexshap added a comment.

thanks, yeah, i understand ur concerns that now we have zero tests that can run 
on windows.
To be honest i would prefer not to depend on sed, cat etc at all and have most 
of the tests (i would prefer all of them) running on windows - but by this 
moment i have not figured out yet how to make it happen.

P.S. (yeah, just fun fact, nothing else, as i said above - we do need normal 
tests which can run on windows - i agree with you)

> Correct, but those tools have other tests that ensure they work on Windows 
> (though those features are unfortunately >untested)

alexshap-mbp:clang-rename alexshap$ ls -a | grep cpp | while read F; do echo 
"$F `grep 'sed ' $F | grep RUN | wc -l`"; done
ClassAsTemplateArgument.cpp 2
ClassFindByName.cpp 1
ClassReplacements.cpp 1
ClassSimpleRenaming.cpp 2
ClassTestMulti.cpp 1
ClassTestMultiByName.cpp 1
ClassTestMultiByNameYAML.cpp 2
ComplexFunctionOverride.cpp 5
ComplicatedClassType.cpp 7
Ctor.cpp 2
CtorInitializer.cpp 2
DeclRefExpr.cpp 3
Field.cpp 2
FunctionMacro.cpp 1
FunctionOverride.cpp 3
FunctionWithClassFindByName.cpp 1
InvalidNewName.cpp 0
MemberExprMacro.cpp 2
Namespace.cpp 1
NoNewName.cpp 0
TemplateClassInstantiation.cpp 3
TemplateTypename.cpp 3
UserDefinedConversion.cpp 2
Variable.cpp 4
VariableMacro.cpp 3
alexshap-mbp:clang-rename alexshap$ pwd


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