HazardyKnusperkeks added a comment.

In D148467#4277960 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D148467#4277960>, @MyDeveloperDay 

>>>   public Foo {
>>>       set;
>>>       get;
>>>   }
>> At least from my experience, the getter is specified before the setter, 
>> though I'm unsure how important this is in your eyes.
> Lets hold off the idea of swapping `set;get` around from this patch, but this 
> is something that I think we could do..  (using the FormatTokenLexer.cpp to 
> swap trivial `set;get` into `get;set` but lets leave that for another 
> feature, as it would be code altering)
> honeslty I think we need another option  maybe
>   enum AllowShortCSharpProperties {
>         Leave,
>         Never,
>         Empty,
>         Always
>   }
> **Leave **= Don't touch them
> **Never **=  always break  (braces follow AfterCSharpProperty
>   set;
>   get;
>   set { 
>     val = value; 
>   }
>   get { 
>     return = value; 
>   }
> **Empty**  = only one the same line when empty
>   set; get
>   set { 
>      val = value; 
>   }
>   get { 
>     return = value;
>   }
> **Always **=  always short form for trivial
>   set; get;
>   set {  val = value; }
>   get {  return = value; }
> I'm trying to decide if I put that option in this change or in a seperate 
> change (thoughts @HazardyKnusperkeks, @owenpan )
> FYI, I've solved the indention issue in my branch which has been broken 
> forever from what I can tell.
>   verifyFormat("class A\n"
>                "{\n"
>                "    string Bar {\n"
>                "        get;\n"
>                "        set\n"
>                "        {\n"
>                "            val = value;\n"
>                "        }\n"
>                "    }\n"
>                "}",
>                Style);

I'd say do it now. No need to introduce a new option, when we want to change it 

Or at least make it the enum right now, with just 2 values.



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