void added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/AST/Designator.h:88
+  /// An array designator, e.g., "[42] = 0" and "[42 ... 50] = 1".
+  template <typename Ty> struct ArrayDesignatorInfo {
+    /// Location of the first and last index expression within the designated
rsmith wrote:
> void wrote:
> > void wrote:
> > > rsmith wrote:
> > > > Can we move the templating out from here to the whole `Designator` and 
> > > > `Designation` classes? It shouldn't be possible to mix the two kinds in 
> > > > the same `Designation`.
> > > Grr...My previous comment was eaten.
> > > 
> > > I'll give it a shot.
> > > 
> > > However, I'm a bit surprised at how designators are handled by Clang. I 
> > > expected that a `Designation` would be an `Expr` with the `Designator`s 
> > > being L-values (e.g. `MemberExpr`s / `ArraySubscriptExpr`s), but instead 
> > > the `Designation` exists just long enough to be turned into an explicit 
> > > initialization list. Is there a reason to do it that way instead of using 
> > > expressions?
> > So it looks like moving the template outside of the class won't work. The 
> > ability to switch between `Expr` and `unsigned` while retaining the same 
> > overall type is hardwired into things like the `ASTImporter`.
> > 
> > This is kind of a massive mess. Maybe we shouldn't even allow them to use 
> > both `Expr` and `unsigned` but instead require them to use one or the 
> > other? Maybe we could require `unsigned` with the understanding that the 
> > `Expr` can be converted into a constant?
> I'm not understanding something. Currently the `ASTImporter` only deals with 
> `DesignatedInitExpr::Designator`s , which only ever store integer indexes.
> Basically, today, we have two different classes:
> - A class that's specific to `DesignatedInitExpr`, and tracks array index 
> expressions by storing the index of the expression within the 
> `DesignatedInitExpr`'s list of children; this is also what `ASTImporter` can 
> import, because it's the one that's used in the AST's representation.
> - A class that's specific to `Sema`'s processing that tracks array index 
> expressions as `Expr*` instead.
> You want to refactor them to share code, which makes sense, because they are 
> basically the same other than how they refer to expressions. (Not quite: 
> `DesignatedInitExpr` can apparently refer to a field either as an 
> `IdentifierInfo*` or as a `FieldDecl*`, whereas the `Sema` version always 
> uses the `IdentifierInfo*` representation.)
> Each current user of one of these two classes uses only one of the two, which 
> means they're either exclusively using integers to refer to expressions or 
> exclusively using `Expr*`. So it seems to me that you should be able to 
> update each user to use either `Designator<unsigned>` or `Designator<Expr*>`, 
> depending on which class they used before.
> What am I missing?
I'm still allowing them to use a `Designator<unsigned>` / `Designator<Expr*>` 
as they see fit, only it's hidden from them via the `Create` methods. I 
personally find the use of two different versions (one using `unsigned` and one 
using `Expr*`) completely baffling. Why can't they all use `Expr*`? Also the 
`ASTImporter` only outputs the start of an array init range, which is at the 
very least counter-intuitive. That's one of the issues I'd like to tackle with 
follow-up patches, hopefully getting rid of the need for this template all 
together. This does mean that in the interim a non-array range designator will 
have extra `End` & `EllisisLoc` fields that aren't used, but that shouldn't be 
too horrible, given that they'd be there anyway because of the union.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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