ymandel marked 3 inline comments as done and 2 inline comments as done.
ymandel added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowAnalysis.h:68
+/// `LatticeT` can optionally provide the following members:
+///  * `bool widen(const LatticeT &Previous)` - chooses a lattice element that
+///     approximates the join of this element with the argument. Widen is 
xazax.hun wrote:
> We should document what is the return value for. Also I see 
> `LatticeJoinEffect` instead of bool in the code, but I might be confused.
No, you're right. :) I've completely rewritten the comments -- they were 
outdated and wrong. They now match what we have in TypeErasedDatafllowAnalysis. 
Most importantly, we've dropped any mention of defaulting to `join` which is 
wrong both in fact and conceptually.   Our targeted use of widen means it 
should not default to `join` -- that would be pointless, since it's 
prerequisites would guarantee that `join(prev, cur) = cur`, making the join 
pointless. It instead defaults to an equivalence check.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowAnalysis.h:108
+  LatticeJoinEffect widenTypeErased(TypeErasedLattice &Current,
+                                    const TypeErasedLattice &Previous) final {
xazax.hun wrote:
> I wonder if `LatticeJoinEffect` is the right name if we also use this for 
> widening. (Also, are we in the process of removing these?)
I had the same thought. How about just `LatticeEffect`? Open to other 
suggestions as well. Either way, though, I should update in a separate patch in 
case that breaks something unexpected.

As for removing -- yes, we should remove from join, because we never use it. 
But, it actually makes sense here.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowEnvironment.h:227
+  /// Widens the environment point-wise, using `PrevEnv` as needed to inform 
+  /// approximation. by taking the intersection of storage locations and values
+  /// that are stored in them. Distinct values that are assigned to the same
li.zhe.hua wrote:
I actually just deleted most of the comment -- I don't think the details were 

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowEnvironment.cpp:374-378
+  Environment WidenedEnv(*DACtx);
+  WidenedEnv.CallStack = CallStack;
+  WidenedEnv.ReturnLoc = ReturnLoc;
+  WidenedEnv.ThisPointeeLoc = ThisPointeeLoc;
xazax.hun wrote:
> Shouldn't we have a simple copy ctor from PrefEnv that could populate all 
> these fields?
> Also, this makes me wonder if we actually want to move some of these out from 
> environment, since these presumably would not change between basic blocks.
> Shouldn't we have a simple copy ctor from PrefEnv that could populate all 
> these fields?
We *do* have such a copy constructor. The problem is that it's overkill because 
we want to build LocToVal ourselves by point-wise widening of the elements. For 
that matter, I wish we could share, rather than copy, `DeclToLoc` and 
`ExprToLoc` but I don't know of any way to do that. Alternatively: is it 
possible that we can update in place and don't need a separate `WidenedEnv`?

> Also, this makes me wonder if we actually want to move some of these out from 
> environment, since these presumably would not change between basic blocks.
Agreed. Added a fixme with an associated issue to track.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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