TIFitis updated this revision to Diff 471674.
TIFitis marked an inline comment as done.
TIFitis added a comment.

Removed isDevice() check from function definition.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp
@@ -4692,6 +4692,58 @@
+/// Loads all the offload entries information from the host IR
+/// metadata.
+void OpenMPIRBuilder::loadOffloadInfoMetadata(
+    Module &M, OffloadEntriesInfoManager &OffloadEntriesInfoManager,
+    bool isDevice) {
+  // If we are in target mode, load the metadata from the host IR. This code has
+  // to match the metadaata creation in createOffloadEntriesAndInfoMetadata().
+  NamedMDNode *MD = M.getNamedMetadata(ompOffloadInfoName);
+  if (!MD)
+    return;
+  for (MDNode *MN : MD->operands()) {
+    auto &&GetMDInt = [MN](unsigned Idx) {
+      auto *V = cast<ConstantAsMetadata>(MN->getOperand(Idx));
+      return cast<ConstantInt>(V->getValue())->getZExtValue();
+    };
+    auto &&GetMDString = [MN](unsigned Idx) {
+      auto *V = cast<MDString>(MN->getOperand(Idx));
+      return V->getString();
+    };
+    switch (GetMDInt(0)) {
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected metadata!");
+      break;
+    case OffloadEntriesInfoManager::OffloadEntryInfo::
+        OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion:
+      assert(isDevice && "Initialization of entries is "
+                         "only required for the "
+                         "device code generation.");
+      OffloadEntriesInfoManager.initializeTargetRegionEntryInfo(
+          /*DeviceID=*/GetMDInt(1), /*FileID=*/GetMDInt(2),
+          /*ParentName=*/GetMDString(3), /*Line=*/GetMDInt(4),
+          /*Order=*/GetMDInt(5));
+      break;
+    case OffloadEntriesInfoManager::OffloadEntryInfo::
+        OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar:
+      assert(isDevice && "Initialization of entries is "
+                         "only required for the "
+                         "device code generation.");
+      OffloadEntriesInfoManager.initializeDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(
+          /*MangledName=*/GetMDString(1),
+          static_cast<OffloadEntriesInfoManager::OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind>(
+              /*Flags=*/GetMDInt(2)),
+          /*Order=*/GetMDInt(3));
+      break;
+    }
+  }
 bool OffloadEntriesInfoManager::empty() const {
   return OffloadEntriesTargetRegion.empty() &&
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h
@@ -70,6 +70,212 @@
 BasicBlock *splitBBWithSuffix(IRBuilderBase &Builder, bool CreateBranch,
                               llvm::Twine Suffix = ".split");
+/// Class that manages information about offload code regions and data
+class OffloadEntriesInfoManager {
+  /// Number of entries registered so far.
+  unsigned OffloadingEntriesNum = 0;
+  /// Base class of the entries info.
+  class OffloadEntryInfo {
+  public:
+    /// Kind of a given entry.
+    enum OffloadingEntryInfoKinds : unsigned {
+      /// Entry is a target region.
+      OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion = 0,
+      /// Entry is a declare target variable.
+      OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar = 1,
+      /// Invalid entry info.
+      OffloadingEntryInfoInvalid = ~0u
+    };
+  protected:
+    OffloadEntryInfo() = delete;
+    explicit OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoKinds Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
+    explicit OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoKinds Kind, unsigned Order,
+                              uint32_t Flags)
+        : Flags(Flags), Order(Order), Kind(Kind) {}
+    ~OffloadEntryInfo() = default;
+  public:
+    bool isValid() const { return Order != ~0u; }
+    unsigned getOrder() const { return Order; }
+    OffloadingEntryInfoKinds getKind() const { return Kind; }
+    uint32_t getFlags() const { return Flags; }
+    void setFlags(uint32_t NewFlags) { Flags = NewFlags; }
+    Constant *getAddress() const { return cast_or_null<Constant>(Addr); }
+    void setAddress(Constant *V) {
+      assert(!Addr.pointsToAliveValue() && "Address has been set before!");
+      Addr = V;
+    }
+    static bool classof(const OffloadEntryInfo *Info) { return true; }
+  private:
+    /// Address of the entity that has to be mapped for offloading.
+    WeakTrackingVH Addr;
+    /// Flags associated with the device global.
+    uint32_t Flags = 0u;
+    /// Order this entry was emitted.
+    unsigned Order = ~0u;
+    OffloadingEntryInfoKinds Kind = OffloadingEntryInfoInvalid;
+  };
+  /// Return true if a there are no entries defined.
+  bool empty() const;
+  /// Return number of entries defined so far.
+  unsigned size() const { return OffloadingEntriesNum; }
+  explicit OffloadEntriesInfoManager() {}
+  //
+  // Target region entries related.
+  //
+  /// Kind of the target registry entry.
+  enum OMPTargetRegionEntryKind : uint32_t {
+    /// Mark the entry as target region.
+    OMPTargetRegionEntryTargetRegion = 0x0,
+    /// Mark the entry as a global constructor.
+    OMPTargetRegionEntryCtor = 0x02,
+    /// Mark the entry as a global destructor.
+    OMPTargetRegionEntryDtor = 0x04,
+  };
+  /// Target region entries info.
+  class OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion final : public OffloadEntryInfo {
+    /// Address that can be used as the ID of the entry.
+    Constant *ID = nullptr;
+  public:
+    OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion()
+        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion) {}
+    explicit OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion(unsigned Order, Constant *Addr,
+                                          Constant *ID,
+                                          OMPTargetRegionEntryKind Flags)
+        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion, Order, Flags),
+          ID(ID) {
+      setAddress(Addr);
+    }
+    Constant *getID() const { return ID; }
+    void setID(Constant *V) {
+      assert(!ID && "ID has been set before!");
+      ID = V;
+    }
+    static bool classof(const OffloadEntryInfo *Info) {
+      return Info->getKind() == OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion;
+    }
+  };
+  /// Initialize target region entry.
+  /// This is ONLY needed for DEVICE compilation.
+  void initializeTargetRegionEntryInfo(unsigned DeviceID, unsigned FileID,
+                                       StringRef ParentName, unsigned LineNum,
+                                       unsigned Order);
+  /// Register target region entry.
+  void registerTargetRegionEntryInfo(unsigned DeviceID, unsigned FileID,
+                                     StringRef ParentName, unsigned LineNum,
+                                     Constant *Addr, Constant *ID,
+                                     OMPTargetRegionEntryKind Flags,
+                                     bool IsDevice);
+  /// Return true if a target region entry with the provided information
+  /// exists.
+  bool hasTargetRegionEntryInfo(unsigned DeviceID, unsigned FileID,
+                                StringRef ParentName, unsigned LineNum,
+                                bool IgnoreAddressId = false) const;
+  /// brief Applies action \a Action on all registered entries.
+  typedef function_ref<void(unsigned, unsigned, StringRef, unsigned,
+                            const OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion &)>
+      OffloadTargetRegionEntryInfoActTy;
+  void
+  actOnTargetRegionEntriesInfo(const OffloadTargetRegionEntryInfoActTy &Action);
+  //
+  // Device global variable entries related.
+  //
+  /// Kind of the global variable entry..
+  enum OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind : uint32_t {
+    /// Mark the entry as a to declare target.
+    OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryTo = 0x0,
+    /// Mark the entry as a to declare target link.
+    OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryLink = 0x1,
+  };
+  /// Device global variable entries info.
+  class OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar final : public OffloadEntryInfo {
+    /// Type of the global variable.
+    int64_t VarSize;
+    GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage;
+  public:
+    OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar()
+        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar) {}
+    explicit OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar(unsigned Order,
+                                             OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags)
+        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar, Order, Flags) {}
+    explicit OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar(unsigned Order, Constant *Addr,
+                                             int64_t VarSize,
+                                             OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags,
+                                             GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage)
+        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar, Order, Flags),
+          VarSize(VarSize), Linkage(Linkage) {
+      setAddress(Addr);
+    }
+    int64_t getVarSize() const { return VarSize; }
+    void setVarSize(int64_t Size) { VarSize = Size; }
+    GlobalValue::LinkageTypes getLinkage() const { return Linkage; }
+    void setLinkage(GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT) { Linkage = LT; }
+    static bool classof(const OffloadEntryInfo *Info) {
+      return Info->getKind() == OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar;
+    }
+  };
+  /// Initialize device global variable entry.
+  /// This is ONLY used for DEVICE compilation.
+  void initializeDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(StringRef Name,
+                                          OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags,
+                                          unsigned Order);
+  /// Register device global variable entry.
+  void registerDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(StringRef VarName, Constant *Addr,
+                                        int64_t VarSize,
+                                        OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags,
+                                        GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage,
+                                        bool IsDevice);
+  /// Checks if the variable with the given name has been registered already.
+  bool hasDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(StringRef VarName) const {
+    return OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVar.count(VarName) > 0;
+  }
+  /// Applies action \a Action on all registered entries.
+  typedef function_ref<void(StringRef, const OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar &)>
+      OffloadDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfoActTy;
+  void actOnDeviceGlobalVarEntriesInfo(
+      const OffloadDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfoActTy &Action);
+  // Storage for target region entries kind. The storage is to be indexed by
+  // file ID, device ID, parent function name and line number.
+  typedef DenseMap<unsigned, OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion>
+      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerLine;
+  typedef StringMap<OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerLine>
+      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerParentName;
+  typedef DenseMap<unsigned, OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerParentName>
+      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerFile;
+  typedef DenseMap<unsigned, OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerFile>
+      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerDevice;
+  typedef OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerDevice OffloadEntriesTargetRegionTy;
+  OffloadEntriesTargetRegionTy OffloadEntriesTargetRegion;
+  /// Storage for device global variable entries kind. The storage is to be
+  /// indexed by mangled name.
+  typedef StringMap<OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar>
+      OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVarTy;
+  OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVarTy OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVar;
 /// An interface to create LLVM-IR for OpenMP directives.
 /// Each OpenMP directive has a corresponding public generator method.
@@ -1679,212 +1885,21 @@
                                         BasicBlock *PreInsertBefore,
                                         BasicBlock *PostInsertBefore,
                                         const Twine &Name = {});
-/// Class that manages information about offload code regions and data
-class OffloadEntriesInfoManager {
-  /// Number of entries registered so far.
-  unsigned OffloadingEntriesNum = 0;
-  /// Base class of the entries info.
-  class OffloadEntryInfo {
-  public:
-    /// Kind of a given entry.
-    enum OffloadingEntryInfoKinds : unsigned {
-      /// Entry is a target region.
-      OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion = 0,
-      /// Entry is a declare target variable.
-      OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar = 1,
-      /// Invalid entry info.
-      OffloadingEntryInfoInvalid = ~0u
-    };
-  protected:
-    OffloadEntryInfo() = delete;
-    explicit OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoKinds Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
-    explicit OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoKinds Kind, unsigned Order,
-                              uint32_t Flags)
-        : Flags(Flags), Order(Order), Kind(Kind) {}
-    ~OffloadEntryInfo() = default;
-  public:
-    bool isValid() const { return Order != ~0u; }
-    unsigned getOrder() const { return Order; }
-    OffloadingEntryInfoKinds getKind() const { return Kind; }
-    uint32_t getFlags() const { return Flags; }
-    void setFlags(uint32_t NewFlags) { Flags = NewFlags; }
-    Constant *getAddress() const { return cast_or_null<Constant>(Addr); }
-    void setAddress(Constant *V) {
-      assert(!Addr.pointsToAliveValue() && "Address has been set before!");
-      Addr = V;
-    }
-    static bool classof(const OffloadEntryInfo *Info) { return true; }
-  private:
-    /// Address of the entity that has to be mapped for offloading.
-    WeakTrackingVH Addr;
+  const std::string ompOffloadInfoName = "omp_offload.info";
-    /// Flags associated with the device global.
-    uint32_t Flags = 0u;
-    /// Order this entry was emitted.
-    unsigned Order = ~0u;
-    OffloadingEntryInfoKinds Kind = OffloadingEntryInfoInvalid;
-  };
-  /// Return true if a there are no entries defined.
-  bool empty() const;
-  /// Return number of entries defined so far.
-  unsigned size() const { return OffloadingEntriesNum; }
-  explicit OffloadEntriesInfoManager() {}
-  //
-  // Target region entries related.
-  //
-  /// Kind of the target registry entry.
-  enum OMPTargetRegionEntryKind : uint32_t {
-    /// Mark the entry as target region.
-    OMPTargetRegionEntryTargetRegion = 0x0,
-    /// Mark the entry as a global constructor.
-    OMPTargetRegionEntryCtor = 0x02,
-    /// Mark the entry as a global destructor.
-    OMPTargetRegionEntryDtor = 0x04,
-  };
-  /// Target region entries info.
-  class OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion final : public OffloadEntryInfo {
-    /// Address that can be used as the ID of the entry.
-    Constant *ID = nullptr;
-  public:
-    OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion()
-        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion) {}
-    explicit OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion(unsigned Order, Constant *Addr,
-                                          Constant *ID,
-                                          OMPTargetRegionEntryKind Flags)
-        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion, Order, Flags),
-          ID(ID) {
-      setAddress(Addr);
-    }
-    Constant *getID() const { return ID; }
-    void setID(Constant *V) {
-      assert(!ID && "ID has been set before!");
-      ID = V;
-    }
-    static bool classof(const OffloadEntryInfo *Info) {
-      return Info->getKind() == OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion;
-    }
-  };
-  /// Initialize target region entry.
-  /// This is ONLY needed for DEVICE compilation.
-  void initializeTargetRegionEntryInfo(unsigned DeviceID, unsigned FileID,
-                                       StringRef ParentName, unsigned LineNum,
-                                       unsigned Order);
-  /// Register target region entry.
-  void registerTargetRegionEntryInfo(unsigned DeviceID, unsigned FileID,
-                                     StringRef ParentName, unsigned LineNum,
-                                     Constant *Addr, Constant *ID,
-                                     OMPTargetRegionEntryKind Flags,
-                                     bool IsDevice);
-  /// Return true if a target region entry with the provided information
-  /// exists.
-  bool hasTargetRegionEntryInfo(unsigned DeviceID, unsigned FileID,
-                                StringRef ParentName, unsigned LineNum,
-                                bool IgnoreAddressId = false) const;
-  /// brief Applies action \a Action on all registered entries.
-  typedef function_ref<void(unsigned, unsigned, StringRef, unsigned,
-                            const OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion &)>
-      OffloadTargetRegionEntryInfoActTy;
+  /// Loads all the offload entries information from the host IR
+  /// metadata.
+  ///
+  /// \param M         Module to load Metadata info from. Module passed maybe
+  /// loaded from bitcode file, i.e, different from OpenMPIRBuilder::M module.
+  /// \param OffloadEntriesInfoManager Initialize Offload Entry information.
+  /// \param isDevice  Flag to check if code is generated only for OpenMP
+  ///                  target device.
-  actOnTargetRegionEntriesInfo(const OffloadTargetRegionEntryInfoActTy &Action);
-  //
-  // Device global variable entries related.
-  //
-  /// Kind of the global variable entry..
-  enum OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind : uint32_t {
-    /// Mark the entry as a to declare target.
-    OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryTo = 0x0,
-    /// Mark the entry as a to declare target link.
-    OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryLink = 0x1,
-  };
-  /// Device global variable entries info.
-  class OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar final : public OffloadEntryInfo {
-    /// Type of the global variable.
-    int64_t VarSize;
-    GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage;
-  public:
-    OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar()
-        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar) {}
-    explicit OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar(unsigned Order,
-                                             OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags)
-        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar, Order, Flags) {}
-    explicit OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar(unsigned Order, Constant *Addr,
-                                             int64_t VarSize,
-                                             OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags,
-                                             GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage)
-        : OffloadEntryInfo(OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar, Order, Flags),
-          VarSize(VarSize), Linkage(Linkage) {
-      setAddress(Addr);
-    }
-    int64_t getVarSize() const { return VarSize; }
-    void setVarSize(int64_t Size) { VarSize = Size; }
-    GlobalValue::LinkageTypes getLinkage() const { return Linkage; }
-    void setLinkage(GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT) { Linkage = LT; }
-    static bool classof(const OffloadEntryInfo *Info) {
-      return Info->getKind() == OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar;
-    }
-  };
-  /// Initialize device global variable entry.
-  /// This is ONLY used for DEVICE compilation.
-  void initializeDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(StringRef Name,
-                                          OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags,
-                                          unsigned Order);
-  /// Register device global variable entry.
-  void registerDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(StringRef VarName, Constant *Addr,
-                                        int64_t VarSize,
-                                        OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind Flags,
-                                        GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage,
-                                        bool IsDevice);
-  /// Checks if the variable with the given name has been registered already.
-  bool hasDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(StringRef VarName) const {
-    return OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVar.count(VarName) > 0;
-  }
-  /// Applies action \a Action on all registered entries.
-  typedef function_ref<void(StringRef, const OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar &)>
-      OffloadDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfoActTy;
-  void actOnDeviceGlobalVarEntriesInfo(
-      const OffloadDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfoActTy &Action);
-  // Storage for target region entries kind. The storage is to be indexed by
-  // file ID, device ID, parent function name and line number.
-  typedef DenseMap<unsigned, OffloadEntryInfoTargetRegion>
-      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerLine;
-  typedef StringMap<OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerLine>
-      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerParentName;
-  typedef DenseMap<unsigned, OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerParentName>
-      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerFile;
-  typedef DenseMap<unsigned, OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerFile>
-      OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerDevice;
-  typedef OffloadEntriesTargetRegionPerDevice OffloadEntriesTargetRegionTy;
-  OffloadEntriesTargetRegionTy OffloadEntriesTargetRegion;
-  /// Storage for device global variable entries kind. The storage is to be
-  /// indexed by mangled name.
-  typedef StringMap<OffloadEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar>
-      OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVarTy;
-  OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVarTy OffloadEntriesDeviceGlobalVar;
+  loadOffloadInfoMetadata(Module &M,
+                          OffloadEntriesInfoManager &OffloadEntriesInfoManager,
+                          bool isDevice);
 /// Class to represented the control flow structure of an OpenMP canonical loop.
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
@@ -3175,49 +3175,8 @@
-  llvm::NamedMDNode *MD = ME.get()->getNamedMetadata("omp_offload.info");
-  if (!MD)
-    return;
-  for (llvm::MDNode *MN : MD->operands()) {
-    auto &&GetMDInt = [MN](unsigned Idx) {
-      auto *V = cast<llvm::ConstantAsMetadata>(MN->getOperand(Idx));
-      return cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(V->getValue())->getZExtValue();
-    };
-    auto &&GetMDString = [MN](unsigned Idx) {
-      auto *V = cast<llvm::MDString>(MN->getOperand(Idx));
-      return V->getString();
-    };
-    switch (GetMDInt(0)) {
-    default:
-      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected metadata!");
-      break;
-    case llvm::OffloadEntriesInfoManager::OffloadEntryInfo::
-        OffloadingEntryInfoTargetRegion:
-      assert(CGM.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice && "Initialization of entries is "
-                                                 "only required for the "
-                                                 "device code generation.");
-      OffloadEntriesInfoManager.initializeTargetRegionEntryInfo(
-          /*DeviceID=*/GetMDInt(1), /*FileID=*/GetMDInt(2),
-          /*ParentName=*/GetMDString(3), /*Line=*/GetMDInt(4),
-          /*Order=*/GetMDInt(5));
-      break;
-    case llvm::OffloadEntriesInfoManager::OffloadEntryInfo::
-        OffloadingEntryInfoDeviceGlobalVar:
-      assert(CGM.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice && "Initialization of entries is "
-                                                 "only required for the "
-                                                 "device code generation.");
-      OffloadEntriesInfoManager.initializeDeviceGlobalVarEntryInfo(
-          /*MangledName=*/GetMDString(1),
-          static_cast<
-              llvm::OffloadEntriesInfoManager::OMPTargetGlobalVarEntryKind>(
-              /*Flags=*/GetMDInt(2)),
-          /*Order=*/GetMDInt(3));
-      break;
-    }
-  }
+  OMPBuilder.loadOffloadInfoMetadata(*ME.get(), OffloadEntriesInfoManager,
+                                     CGM.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice);
 void CGOpenMPRuntime::emitKmpRoutineEntryT(QualType KmpInt32Ty) {
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