Prazek added a comment.

In, @etienneb wrote:

> In, @Prazek wrote:
> > hmm It seems that I mislead you, I suck at C api - memmove source and 
> > destination can overlap, but std::move can't. So I guess you have to remove 
> > the memmove support. Sorry.
> On windows (MSVC CRT), both function are the same : memmove.

It is possible that the call to move with some trivialy copyable object would 
end up calling memmove, even if the call is wrong.

quote from

> d_first       -       the beginning of the destination range. If d_first is 
> within [first, last), std::move_backward must be used instead of std::move.

But this is only the special ability of memmove, so we should not introduce 
stl-implementation dependent bugs

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