ChuanqiXu updated this revision to Diff 462700.
ChuanqiXu added a comment.

- Add ReleaseNotes.
- Refine the behavior about partitions.



Index: clang/test/Modules/one-phase-compilation-named-modules.cppm
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Modules/one-phase-compilation-named-modules.cppm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: mkdir %t
+// RUN: split-file %s %t
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/M.cppm -c -o - -fmodules-cache-path=%t/pcm.cache
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/Use.cpp -fsyntax-only  -fprebuilt-module-path=%t/pcm.cache -Xclang -verify
+// RUN: rm -f %t/M.pcm
+// Tests that the Sema will detect the incorrect module name.
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/MismatchedName.cppm -o - -fmodules-cache-path=%t/pcm.cache \
+// RUN:     -fmodule-name=WRONG_MODULE_NAME -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/MismatchedName.cppm -c -o - -fmodules-cache-path=%t/pcm.cache -fmodule-name=M
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/Use.cpp -fsyntax-only  -fprebuilt-module-path=%t/pcm.cache -Xclang -verify
+//--- M.cppm
+export module M;
+export int getValue();
+//--- MismatchedName.cppm
+export module M;       // expected-error {{module name 'WRONG_MODULE_NAME' specified on command line does not match name of module}}
+export int getValue(); // expected-error {{export declaration can only be used within a module interface unit after the module declaration}}
+//--- Use.cpp
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+import M;
+int Use() {
+    return getValue();
Index: clang/test/Driver/create_module_cache.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Driver/create_module_cache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: mkdir %t
+// RUN: split-file %s %t
+// RUN: not %clang -std=c++20 %t/M.cppm -fmodules-cache-path= -c -o %t/M.tmp.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %t/M.cppm --check-prefix=ERROR
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/M.cppm -fmodules-cache-path=%t/abc -c -o -
+// RUN: ls %t | FileCheck %t/M.cppm --check-prefix=CHECK-AVAILABLE
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/Use.cpp -fmodules-cache-path=abc -### 2>&1 | FileCheck %t/Use.cpp
+// Check that the compiler will generate M-Part.pcm correctly.
+// RUN: %clang -std=c++20 %t/Part.cppm -fmodules-cache-path=%t/abc -fmodule-name=M:Part -c -o -
+// RUN: ls %t/abc | FileCheck %t/Part.cppm --check-prefix=CHECK-AVAILABLE
+//--- M.cppm
+export module M;
+// ERROR: unable to create default module cache path "": No such file or directory
+//--- Use.cpp
+import M;
+// CHECK: -fprebuilt-module-path=abc
+//--- Part.cppm
+export module M:Part;
Index: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
--- clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp
@@ -3658,6 +3658,7 @@
                                  const ArgList &Args, const InputInfo &Input,
                                  const InputInfo &Output,
                                  ArgStringList &CmdArgs, bool &HaveModules) {
+  bool HasCXXModules = HaveModules;
   // -fmodules enables the use of precompiled modules (off by default).
   // Users can pass -fno-cxx-modules to turn off modules support for
   // C++/Objective-C++ programs.
@@ -3699,33 +3700,34 @@
                     options::OPT_fno_implicit_modules, HaveClangModules)) {
     if (HaveModules)
-  } else if (HaveModules) {
+  } else if (HaveModules)
     ImplicitModules = true;
-    // -fmodule-cache-path specifies where our implicitly-built module files
-    // should be written.
-    SmallString<128> Path;
-    if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_fmodules_cache_path))
-      Path = A->getValue();
-    bool HasPath = true;
-    if (C.isForDiagnostics()) {
-      // When generating crash reports, we want to emit the modules along with
-      // the reproduction sources, so we ignore any provided module path.
-      Path = Output.getFilename();
-      llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(Path, ".cache");
-      llvm::sys::path::append(Path, "modules");
-    } else if (Path.empty()) {
-      // No module path was provided: use the default.
-      HasPath = Driver::getDefaultModuleCachePath(Path);
-    }
-    // `HasPath` will only be false if getDefaultModuleCachePath() fails.
-    // That being said, that failure is unlikely and not caching is harmless.
-    if (HasPath) {
-      const char Arg[] = "-fmodules-cache-path=";
-      Path.insert(Path.begin(), Arg, Arg + strlen(Arg));
-      CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(Path));
-    }
+  // -fmodule-cache-path specifies where our implicitly-built module files
+  // should be written.
+  SmallString<128> ModulesCachePath;
+  if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_fmodules_cache_path))
+    ModulesCachePath = A->getValue();
+  bool HasModulesCachePath = true;
+  if (C.isForDiagnostics()) {
+    // When generating crash reports, we want to emit the modules along with
+    // the reproduction sources, so we ignore any provided module path.
+    ModulesCachePath = Output.getFilename();
+    llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(ModulesCachePath, ".cache");
+    llvm::sys::path::append(ModulesCachePath, "modules");
+  } else if (ModulesCachePath.empty()) {
+    // No module path was provided: use the default.
+    HasModulesCachePath = Driver::getDefaultModuleCachePath(ModulesCachePath);
+  }
+  // `HasModulesCachePath` will only be false if getDefaultModuleCachePath()
+  // fails. That being said, that failure is unlikely and not caching is
+  // harmless.
+  if (HasModulesCachePath && ImplicitModules) {
+    const char Arg[] = "-fmodules-cache-path=";
+    ModulesCachePath.insert(ModulesCachePath.begin(), Arg, Arg + strlen(Arg));
+    CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(ModulesCachePath));
   if (HaveModules) {
@@ -3735,6 +3737,11 @@
           std::string("-fprebuilt-module-path=") + A->getValue()));
+    if (HasCXXModules)
+      CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(
+          std::string("-fprebuilt-module-path=") + ModulesCachePath));
     if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_fprebuilt_implicit_modules,
                      options::OPT_fno_prebuilt_implicit_modules, false))
Index: clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
--- clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -5499,6 +5499,40 @@
     return "-";
+  if (isa<PrecompileJobAction>(JA) && JA.getType() == types::TY_ModuleFile) {
+    SmallString<128> Path;
+    if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_fmodules_cache_path))
+      Path = A->getValue();
+    else
+      Driver::getDefaultModuleCachePath(Path);
+    std::error_code EC =
+        llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(Path, /*IgnoreExisting =*/true);
+    if (EC)
+      Diag(clang::diag::err_creating_default_module_cache_path)
+          << Path << EC.message();
+    if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_fmodule_name_EQ)) {
+      StringRef Name = A->getValue();
+      // Replace Module Name "Mod:Part" to "Mod-Part" since ":" is not
+      // available in some file systems.
+      auto [PrimaryModuleName, PartitionName] =  Name.rsplit(':');
+      llvm::sys::path::append(Path, PrimaryModuleName);
+      if (!PartitionName.empty()) {
+        Path += "-";
+        Path += PartitionName;
+      }
+    } else {
+      StringRef Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
+      llvm::sys::path::append(Path, Name.rsplit('.').first);  
+    }
+    Path += ".";
+    Path += types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType(), IsCLMode());
+    return C.addResultFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Path.c_str()), &JA);
+  }
   if (IsDXCMode() && !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_o))
     return "-";
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -347,6 +347,8 @@
 // Modules
 def err_module_format_unhandled : Error<
   "no handler registered for module format '%0'">, DefaultFatal;
+def err_creating_default_module_cache_path : Error<
+  "unable to create default module cache path \"%0\": %1">;
 // TransformActions
 // TODO: Use a custom category name to distinguish rewriter errors.
Index: clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
--- clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -213,6 +213,12 @@
   temporarily reversed with ``-Xclang
   -fno-modules-validate-textual-header-includes``, but this flag will be
   removed in a future Clang release.
+- Now the clang will generate the BMI implicitly when we compile a module unit
+  directly. See
+  `How to produce a BMI
+   <>`_
+   for details.
 New Compiler Flags
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