rovka added a comment.

IMO this is a reasonable approach, I only have a few nits.

Comment at: flang/runtime/environment.cpp:42
+    if (setenv(name, value, 0) == -1) {

Comment at: flang/runtime/environment.cpp:77
+  envp = environ;
peixin wrote:
> jpenix-quic wrote:
> > peixin wrote:
> > > What is `environ` used for? Should we try to keep as less extern variable 
> > > as possible in runtime for security.
> > I think `setenv` is only required to make sure that the `environ` pointer 
> > points to the correct copy of the environment variables. So, as long as we 
> > are storing a copy of the environment pointer in `ExecutionEnvironment` and 
> > potentially making changes to the environment via `setenv`, I think we need 
> > to base it off the `environ` pointer after `setenv` has been called rather 
> > than the `envp` from `main`.
> > 
> > That said, I don't think the `envp` variable we are storing is being used 
> > for anything at the moment (reading environment variables was changed to 
> > use `getenv` rather than `envp` in the commit [[ 
> >
> >  | here]]). If removing the usage of `environ` is preferable, we could 
> > maybe remove the usage of `envp` altogether (in a separate patch)--does 
> > this sound like a good idea or would it be better to just leave in the 
> > `environ` usage for now?
> Thanks for the explanations. The current fix makes sense to me.
I agree that we should remove envp altogether in a follow-up patch. As it 
stands it's just causing confusion.

Comment at: flang/test/Driver/convert.f90:1
+! Ensure argument -fconvert=<value> works as expected.
Nit: Shouldn't you also check that valid values (e.g. unknown, swap etc) are 

Comment at: flang/test/Driver/driver-help.f90:27
 ! HELP-NEXT: -fcolor-diagnostics    Enable colors in diagnostics
+! HELP-NEXT: -fconvert=<value>       Set endian conversion of data for 
unformatted files
 ! HELP-NEXT: -fdefault-double-8     Set the default double precision kind to 
an 8 byte wide type
Nit: Why is there an extra blank for these?


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