rengolin updated this revision to Diff 64469.


Index: docs/Proposals/GitHub.rst
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+++ docs/Proposals/GitHub.rst
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+Moving LLVM Projects to GitHub
+This is a proposal to move our current revision control system from our own
+hosted Subversion to GitHub. Below are the financial and technical arguments as
+to why we need such a move and how will people (and validation infrastructure)
+continue to work with a Git-based LLVM.
+There will be a survey pointing at this document when we'll know the community's
+reaction and, if we collectively decide to move, the time-frames. Be sure to make
+your views count.
+Essentially, the proposal is divided in the following parts:
+* Outline of the reasons to move to Git and GitHub
+* Description on what the work flow will look like (compared to SVN)
+* Remaining issues and potential problems
+* The proposed migration plan
+Why Git, and Why GitHub?
+Why move at all?
+The strongest reason for the move, and why this discussion started in the first
+place, is that we currently host our own Subversion server and Git mirror in a
+voluntary basis. The LLVM Foundation sponsors the server and provides limited
+support, but there is only so much it can do.
+The volunteers are not Sysadmins themselves, but compiler engineers that happen
+to know a thing or two about hosting servers. We also don't have 24/7 support,
+and we sometimes wake up to see that continuous integration is broken because
+the SVN server is either down or unresponsive.
+With time and money, the foundation and volunteers could improve our services,
+implement more functionality and provide around the clock support, so that we
+can have a first class infrastructure with which to work. But the cost is not
+small, both in money and time invested.
+On the other hand, there are multiple services out there (GitHub, GitLab,
+BitBucket among others) that offer that same service (24/7 stability, disk space,
+Git server, code browsing, forking facilities, etc) for the very affordable price
+of *free*.
+Why Git?
+Most new coders nowadays start with Git. A lot of them have never used SVN, CVS
+or anything else. Websites like GitHub have changed the landscape of open source
+contributions, reducing the cost of first contribution and fostering
+Git is also the version control most LLVM developers use. Despite the sources
+being stored in an SVN server, most people develop using the Git-SVN integration,
+and that shows that Git is not only more powerful than SVN, but people have
+resorted to using a bridge because its features are now indispensable to their
+internal and external workflows.
+In essence, Git allows you to:
+* Commit, squash, merge, fork locally without any penalty to the server
+* Add as many branches as necessary to allow for multiple threads of development
+* Collaborate with peers directly, even without access to the Internet
+* Have multiple trees without multiplying disk space.
+In addition, because Git seems to be replacing every project's version control
+system, there are many more tools that can use Git's enhanced feature set, so
+new tooling is much more likely to support Git first (if not only), than any
+other version control system.
+Why GitHub?
+GitHub, like GitLab and BitBucket, provide free code hosting for open source
+projects. Essentially, they will completely replace *all* the infrastructure that
+we have today that serves code repository, mirroring, user control, etc.
+They also have a dedicated team to monitor, migrate, improve and distribute the
+contents of the repositories depending on region and load. A level of quality
+that we'd never have without spending money that would be better spent elsewhere,
+for example development meetings, sponsoring disadvantaged people to work on
+compilers and foster diversity and equality in our community.
+GitHub has the added benefit that we already have a presence there. Many
+developers use it already, and the mirror from our current repository is already
+set up.
+Furthermore, GitHub has an *SVN view* (
+where people that still have/want to use SVN infrastructure and tooling can
+slowly migrate or even stay working as if it was an SVN repository (including
+read-write access).
+So, any of the three solutions solve the cost and maintenance problem, but GitHub
+has two additional features that would be beneficial to the migration plan as
+well as the community already settled there.
+What will the new workflow look like
+In order to move version control, we need to make sure that we get all the
+benefits with the least amount of problems. That's why the migration plan will
+be slow, one step at a time, and we'll try to make it look as close as possible
+to the current style without impacting the new features we want.
+Each LLVM project will continue to be hosted as separate GitHub repositories
+under a single GitHub organisation. Users can continue to choose to use either
+SVN or Git to access the repositories to suit their current workflow.
+In addition, we'll create a repository that will mimic our current *linear
+history* repository. The most accepted proposal, then, was to have an umbrella
+project that will contain *sub-modules* (
+of all the LLVM projects and nothing else.
+This repository can be checked out on its own, in order to have *all* LLVM
+projects in a single check-out, as many people have suggested, but it can also
+only hold the references to the other projects, and be used for the sole purpose
+of understanding the *sequence* in which commits were added by using the
+``git rev-list --count hash`` or ``git describe hash`` commands.
+One example of such a repository is Takumi's llvm-project-submodule
+(, which when checked out,
+will have the references to all sub-modules but not check them out, so one will
+need to *init* the module manually. This will allow the *exact* same behaviour
+as checking out individual SVN repositories, as it will keep the correct linear
+There is no need to additional tags, flags and properties, or external
+services controlling the history, since both SVN and *git rev-list* can already
+do that on their own.
+We will need additional server hooks to avoid non-fast-forwards commits (ex.
+merges, forced pushes, etc) in order to keep the linearity of the history.
+Access will be transfered one-to-one to GitHub accounts for everyone that already
+has commit access to our current repository. Those who don't have accounts will
+have to create one in order to continue contributing to the project. In the
+future, people only need to provide their GitHub accounts to be granted access.
+In a nutshell:
+* The projects' repositories will remain identical, with a new address (GitHub).
+* They'll continue to have SVN access (Read-Write), but will also gain Git RW access.
+* The linear history can still be accessed in the (RO) submodule meta project.
+* Individual projects' history will be local (ie. not interlaced with the other
+  projects, as the current SVN repos are), and we need the umbrella project
+  (using submodules) to have the same view as we had in SVN.
+Additionally, each repository will have the following server hooks:
+* Pre-commit hooks to stop people from applying non-fast-forward merges
+* Webhook to update the umbrella project (via buildbot or web services)
+* Email hook to each commits list (llvm-commit, cfe-commit, etc)
+Essentially, we're adding Git RW access in addition to the already existing
+structure, with all the additional benefits of it being in GitHub.
+What will *not* be changed
+This is a change of version control system, not the whole infrastructure. There
+are plans to replace our current tools (review, bugs, documents), but they're
+all orthogonal to this proposal.
+We'll also be keeping the buildbots (and migrating them to use Git) as well as
+LNT, and any other system that currently provides value upstream.
+Any discussion regarding those tools are out of scope in this proposal.
+Remaining questions and problems
+1. How much the SVN view emulates and how much it'll break tools/CI?
+For this one, we'll need people that will have problems in that area to tell
+us what's wrong and how to help them fix it.
+We also recommend people and companies to migrate to Git, for its many other
+additional benefits.
+2. Which tools will need changing?
+LNT may break, since it relies on SVN's history. We can continue to
+use LNT with the SVN-View, but it would be best to move it to Git once and for
+The LLVMLab bisect tool will also be affected and will need adjusting. As with
+LNT, it should be fine to use GitHub's SVN view, but changing it to work on Git
+will be required in the long term.
+Phabricator will also need to change its configuration to point at the GitHub
+repositories, but since it already works with Git, this will be a trivial change.
+Migration Plan
+If we decide to move, we'll have to set a date for the process to begin.
+As usual, we should be announcing big changes in one release to happen in the
+next one. But since this won't impact external users (if they rely on our source
+release tarballs), we don't necessarily have to.
+We will have to make sure all the *problems* reported are solved before the
+final push. But we can start all non-binding processes (like mirroring to GitHub
+and testing the SVN interface in it) before any hard decision.
+Here's a proposed plan:
+STEP #1 : Pre Move
+0. Update docs to mention the move, so people are aware the it's going on.
+1. Register an official GitHub project with the LLVM foundation.
+2. Setup another (read-only) mirror of at this GitHub project,
+   adding all necessary hooks to avoid broken history (merge, dates, pushes), as
+   well as a webhook to update the umbrella project (see below).
+3. Make sure we have an llvm-project (with submodules) setup in the official
+   account, with all necessary hooks (history, update, merges).
+4. Make sure bisecting with llvm-project works.
+5. Make sure no one has any other blocker.
+STEP #2 : Git Move
+6. Update the buildbots to pick up updates and commits from the official git
+   repository.
+7. Update Phabricator to pick up commits from the official git repository.
+8. Tell people living downstream to pick up commits from the official git
+   repository.
+9. Give things time to settle. We could play some games like disabling the SVN
+   repository for a few hours on purpose so that people can test that their
+   infrastructure has really become independent of the SVN repository.
+Until this point nothing has changed for developers, it will just
+boil down to a lot of work for buildbot and other infrastructure
+Once all dependencies are cleared, and all problems have been solved:
+STEP #3: Write Access Move
+10. Collect peoples GitHub account information, adding them to the project.
+11. Switch SVN repository to read-only and allow pushes to the GitHub repository.
+12. Mirror Git to SVN.
+STEP #4 : Post Move
+13. Archive the SVN repository, if GitHub's SVN is good enough.
+14. Review and update *all* LLVM documentation.
+15. Review website links pointing to viewvc/klaus/phab etc. to point to GitHub
+    instead.
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